=== A_Dragon is now known as Guest8048 === Roy_Mustang is now known as A_Dragon [15:21] lotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (zeroadrenaline repeated auto away messages) [18:58] I warned zeroadrenaline a few days ago, next instance of it feels like it's fair to ban [21:40] leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (untre) [21:42] what the actual... [21:43] hur dur Chinese bad? [21:45] at least they didn't invite them to the _other_ place. [21:46] I'm trying the "presume he's really lost, then ban him" approach, as per my usual. :3 [21:50] yeah [21:51] but by taking the fun out of it for the troll you're taking the fun out of it for the reporter too! [21:52] Well I suspect he'll wait until he thinks I'm gone, then keep trying with his "jokes". [21:58] yeah [23:27] Let's not forget about lefty being the topic cop once again. [23:27] aka less-than-helpful-lefty. [23:32] Doesn't mean he's always wrong, though. :P [23:33] No, but before dismissing outright, he could've investigated the heart of the matter as you did. [23:33] Oh he *never* does that. :) [23:33] Exactly.