[07:27] Ppas: ['ahasenack/plusoneweek'] [07:27] Requester: costamagnagianfranco [07:27] wow, I can request test for ppa of other people :) [07:46] tjaalton: is there as reason we have egl-wayland 1.1.10 instead of latest 1.1.12? [07:47] (someone asked on the kubuntu reddit [07:49] RikMills: not really [07:49] wonder why 1.1.11 didn't get synced [07:50] tjaalton: I don't see 1.1.11? https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/egl-wayland [07:51] probably didn't bother uploading it [07:51] oh well, will bump to 1.1.12 [07:54] great. anyway I replied to the redditor that bugs to debian/ubuntu with the request would be a better place [07:55] https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/comments/15m99w8/if_libnvidiaeglwayland1_is_an_essential_package/ [07:56] thanks! [08:00] uploaded [08:01] :) === sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie [08:35] @bluca I have added a supposed hotfix to the error you were reporting earlier (500 internal server error for systemd autopkgtest requests requested by github). Please let me know if you continue to see any errors or if it is fixed [08:37] andersson123: thank you, seems to be all working again now! [13:23] LocutusOfBorg: hm, rspamd 3.6-1 is failing miserably in the mantic-proposed ppa, some dep issue, not related to the tests [13:23] 456s rspamd : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.38) but 2.37-0ubuntu2 is to be installed [13:23] okthxbye :) [13:23] dep8 needs to be with all-proposed [13:23] * ahasenack retriggers [13:41] ahasenack: re; dogtag-pki, it's still tomcat9 only I'm afraid === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [13:58] LocutusOfBorg: rspamd 3.6-1 armhf failed, core dump on startup, we need our delta there [13:58] 348s Aug 10 13:30:01 autopkgtest-lxd-hurrvf systemd[1]: rspamd.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'. [14:35] ahasenack, I did already schedule the test on your ppa :) [14:36] well, that log above was from the ppa [14:37] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-mantic-ahasenack-plusoneweek/?format=plain [14:38] I did schedule it on your ppa, check the logs :) [14:49] btw ahasenack the riscv64 latomic patch is even not needed anymore, because gcc-13 is automatically injecting atomic also on riscv64 without needing of an external library [14:50] https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla//show_bug.cgi?id=104338 [14:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- gcc.gnu.org bug 104338 in gcc "RISC-V: Subword atomics result in library calls" [Enhancement, Resolved: Fixed] [15:09] cool, but it's upstream in rspamd now [15:22] jbicha: I see you ran a successful autopkgtest on arm64/ppc64el for livecd-rootfs. If it's good to go could you also re-trigger multipath-tools 0.9.4-5ubuntu2 which is currently stuck? [18:12] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: sergiodj [18:15] /20/19 [18:40] bluca: do you happen to know how the test of bug 2025400 could be changed to actually use https? [18:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2025400 in libzypp (Ubuntu Lunar) "zypper often fails to download packages when using HTTPS" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2025400 [18:40] ahasenack: found it to not use that - and since https is what is meant to be broken and thereby tested ... ? [18:40] I mean, yes it is a race anyway - and needs to be run at scale to really be tested [18:46] yeah we had to disable it because of the bug [18:46] it can be monkey patched, will do that and report there [18:59] bluca: so even after the sru, it still won't use https? [18:59] or does the patch(es) a) fix the problem; b) re-enable https? [19:06] yes, that is the plan [19:06] can't re-enable it before otherwise the CI starts failing again [19:06] I'll do the test tomorrow morning or so and report on the ticket [19:07] ok, thanks [19:17] mitchdz: done, passed now [19:18] jbicha: Thanks :) [19:55] paride: now jammy is reopened? [19:56] ahasenack, yes [19:56] ahasenack, green light on SRUs [20:03] thx [21:24] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A