[03:18] how can i get rid of the spam during apt upgrade? [03:18] "Get more security updates through Ubuntu Pro with 'esm-apps' enabled:" [03:27] upgrading nodejs >= 18 makes the error with nodejs build go away but matplotlib still is broken [03:28] oops wrong channel [03:31] de-facto: sudo rm /etc/update-motd.d/88-esm-announce and sudo systemctl disable ubuntu-advantage [03:34] that file does not exist on my system [03:35] advertisement spam still is there on "apt upgrade" === nncanepa1 is now known as nncanepa [04:02] does anyone know how to check if 'mail' will use 'ssmtpd' instead of 'postfix'?? [04:02] ls -lh /usr/sbin/sendmail [04:04] thanks thanks! === shlom is now known as Vla [06:32] Hello, I'm having troubles with Ubuntu 22.04 and fractional scaling on my second monitor. The fonts are too small and I want to enlarge to 125%. It instead gets to 200% all windows exceeding the monitor dimension. Does anyone else face this? [06:39] I think I have found 2 bugs in Ubuntu that I wanted to submit, but it was suggested to ask help in this chat first [06:39] Here's the first bug's description: When using the Russian keyboard layout on the login screen, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+A" (to select all) doesn't work as expected. This can lead to inconvenience when trying to select text in input fields during login. [06:39] Here's the second bug's description: Upon locking and unlocking the computer, certain windows, particularly observed in apps like gedit and the terminal, seem to be placed under the Launcher panel on the left side of the screen. This results in obscured content and requires repositioning of the affected windows to regain visibility. [06:40] I'm off to lunch, will read it when I get back [06:51] Hello, I'm having troubles with Ubuntu 22.04 and fractional scaling on my second monitor. The fonts are too small and I want to enlarge to 125%. It instead gets to 200% all windows exceeding the monitor dimension. Does anyone else face this? [07:02] ApostleInTriumph, Yeah, fractional scaling has never worked for me in Gnome. I use Xubuntu (Xfce) and it's much better. [07:03] rfm how do I change to that? [07:05] ApostleInTriumph, apt install xubuntu-desktop and choose from the login screen might work, though kicking out gdm and replacing with lightdm might help. I would just wipe and reinstall, but I have all important data off on a server so desktops are fru'.s,,, [07:14] rfm ah yes, i'll change to lightdm [07:14] and will get back! thanks === realivanjx7 is now known as realivanjx [07:41] I still have my question about two bugs I've found. I'll repeat it [07:41] I think I have found 2 bugs in Ubuntu that I wanted to submit, but it was suggested to ask help in this chat first [07:42] Here's the first bug's description: When using the Russian keyboard layout on the login screen, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+A" (to select all) doesn't work as expected. This can lead to inconvenience when trying to select text in input fields during login. [07:42] Here's the second bug's description: Upon locking and unlocking the computer, certain windows, particularly observed in apps like gedit and the terminal, seem to be placed under the Launcher panel on the left side of the screen. This results in obscured content and requires repositioning of the affected windows to regain visibility. === realivanjx6 is now known as realivanjx [08:50] Hello! Did someone tried to install Ubuntu on iMac 2011? === BedMan_ is now known as BedMan [09:05] greetings, is there repository that can give me nftables 1.0.8 on 23.04? [09:10] !info nftables lunar [09:10] nftables (1.0.6-2, lunar): Program to control packet filtering rules by Netfilter project. In component main, is standard. Built by nftables. Size 67 kB / 176 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [09:11] iomari892: ^ 23.04 version [09:11] yes? [09:11] 1.0.6-2 [09:12] That's want I have now. So the only way is to compile from source? [09:12] i suppose so [09:12] ok. No problem. Thanks [09:12] no problem [09:46] hey all [09:53] welcome Duality === marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1 [10:51] test [10:54] I think I have found 2 bugs in Ubuntu that I wanted to submit, but it was suggested to ask help in this chat first [10:54] 1: When using the Russian keyboard layout on the login screen, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+A" (to select all) doesn't work as expected. This can lead to inconvenience when trying to select text in input fields during login; [10:54] 2: Upon locking and unlocking the computer, certain windows, particularly observed in apps like gedit and the terminal, are getting placed under the Launcher panel on the left side of the screen. This results in obscured content and requires repositioning of the affected windows to regain visibility. [10:59] test [11:11] I am running a rpi4 with ubuntu server 22.04 and want to make use of sctp now I tried running lsmod to see if the modules were loaded and they are not, how do I get those modules into the kernel? I have another pi4 with ubuntu 21.04 (probably server not sure at all really) and its lsmod shows sctp modules [11:12] but I can't find anything on the 21.04 command history that indicates that that user installed those modules somehow [11:14] Duality, that may be one of the modules that was split into linux-modules-extra-raspi -- I'll just check [11:15] Duality, yup looks like it was -- if you "sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi" you should be able to use it [11:16] *job [11:16] sry [11:19] waveform: wow thanks, I would have never figured that one out! [11:19] how did you check that by the way, for future reference for myself :) [11:22] Duality, with: "apt-file search /sctp.ko | grep -- -raspi" [11:22] (knowing it's a kernel module, so it'll have a .ko suffix, and limiting the output to kernel packages with the -raspi suffix as it'll probably appear in a ton of different kernel packages but we only care about the raspi specific ones) [11:26] but it was also an educated guess on my part as the split of modules into modules-extra has led to quite a few questions like this -- it's why I started including an entry about it in the release notes (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668 -- but I realize the lack of an index on these makes them almost unusable, so I don't blame people for not reading them!) [11:40] Hi all === RDMengineer0 is now known as RDMengineer [11:59] Hello, I tried to install ubuntu on a laptop which I believe has eMMC storage on which ubuntu is now installed. It completed without any errors but on booting the laptop didn´t detect any operating system. [11:59] ¨I believe has eMMC storage¨ because it shows up in disks as ¨SD Card Reader¨ [12:06] Maarten-Laptop: is it possible to boot off the SD card reader? [12:06] Maarten-Laptop: you'd need to check that it's set to do that in the BIOS [12:07] gordonjcp: it´s the only storage in the laptop which came with Windows installed, thus yet it has proven possible to boot from it [12:07] yes* [12:09] gordonjcp: ok I tried running boot-repair and I got an error [12:09] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khVwNNBV35 [12:10] Error: NVram is locked (Ubuntu not found in efibootmgr). [12:10] Is there supposed to be no efi folder in /boot if there is only a single install? [12:27] gordonjcp: Apparently there´s two entries in the boot menu and the first one doesn´t work (probably from an earlier failed attempt?) but the second does [12:31] Maarten-Laptop: this sounds like a legacy vs uefi boot thing [12:32] gordonjcp: it seems to be only an old efi entry no? [12:34] gordonjcp: I removed two entries called ¨Linux¨ using efibootmgr but one came back [12:36] gordonjcp: in /boot/efi/EFI there´s only BOOT and ubuntu, no linux folder there. [12:48] In the bios there´s two entries.. ¨1. Linux¨ and ¨2. EMMC: CJNB4R64G¨, could that mean that the BOOT folder contains the ¨linux¨ entry and it defaults to that? [13:00] It actually appears to be so, running efibootmgr -v shows that the Linux entry refers to \EFI\Boot\grubx64.efi [13:15] Maarten-Laptop, I've got jammy installed on my little acer laptop which has 64GB of eMMC inside it as the only storage, but I did have to disable secure boot to get it on there and I *think* it's still using legacy boot instead of EFI; I'll grab it and have a look in a mo [13:16] waveform: thanks, it is installed and working b.t.w. so that´s not the issue [13:21] oh, I'm mistaken -- it is booting off EFI [13:21] and yes, it shows up as "SD Card Reader" in disks for me too [13:46] waveform: I had not seen your reply until now, the problem is that there is an entry called ¨linux¨ as well as an entry ¨ubuntu¨ in the f12 boot menu, but the linux one is broken and is before the ubuntu one. I removed it from efibootmgr but it came back, the location (using efibootmgr -v) of the linux entry is \EFI\Boot\grubx64.efi. [13:47] According to the internet \EFI\Boot is the fallback folder. Not sure if it may be removed or not, not sure if only removing grux64.efi from \EFI\Boot is safe either. === tristan123 is now known as tristan_ === Vercas0 is now known as Vercas [14:00] Maarten-Laptop, ah -- okay, I'll take a look in a mo, just got a meeting to attend but it should be a short one [14:17] Maarten-Laptop, okay -- apparently I've forgotten everything about how I installed this one as it appears it *is* using secure boot; efi is pointing at shimx64: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mQjn8PN9Nw/ [14:18] and here's what's on the ESP: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MvQRVwWWCD/ (so apparently having just BOOT and ubuntu is "normal" there) [14:20] waveform: I tried running boot-repair as well and it claimed successful repair, but didn´t change anything. [14:20] waveform: if you go to the f12 boot menu do you also have both the entries linux and ubuntu or only one? [14:21] I'm not sure if it's F12 on here but let me see ... [14:31] Maarten-Laptop, ah, it was F12 but it was disabled in the bios which I'd also nearly forgotten the password for ... doh! Anyway, only "ubuntu" is in the F12 menu [14:33] waveform: could you upload the pastes you shared to any other site that doesn´t require me to sign up or is that not allowed here? [14:34] Maarten-Laptop, oh sorry -- sure, it's just my default setting on pastebinit. Just a mo ... [14:35] Maarten-Laptop, https://bpa.st/2YYA [14:36] waveform: thanks, the /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT folder has different contents for me [14:38] waveform: BOOTX64.EFI is in lowercase bootx64.efi, fbx64.efi and mmx64.efi I have too, other than that I also have bkpbootx64.efi and grubx64.efi (which efibootmgr -v lists as the path for ¨Boot0001* Linux¨) [14:40] I would hazard a guess (I'm not so familiar with the PC boot sequence these days) that grubx64.efi is used when secure boot is not enable, and shimx64.efi when it is. I'm not sure the case would matter given the ESP is FAT formatted (case retentive but not sensitive in modern variants), but again I may be wrong about that [14:41] I vaguely recall mmx64.efi is something to do with secure boot, but I've no idea what exactly [14:43] waveform: what command did you run to print the file sizes? [14:43] Maarten-Laptop, "ls -lR /boot/efi" to recursively list the whole ESP [14:45] waveform: the entries in /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT that are both there on your machine and on my machine are of exactly the same file size in bytes, thus I´d say that´s pretty likely that they are exactly the same files [14:46] certainly sounds likely -- I don't imagine there's that much churn in the shim or GRUB's EFI bits [14:51] waveform: I ran boot-repair which deleted everything inside /boot/efi, should I be concerned? [14:57] waveform: on restart it repaired itself but also the deleted grux64.efi reappeared [14:57] Could it be that it is not actually removing it and the bios can still see it? [14:58] given /boot/efi is the ESP (the EFI system partition which holds the EFI binaries) ... yeah, I'd say deleting everything on there doesn't sound good. Slightly surprised stuff just reappeared [15:00] afraid I have to disappear for another meeting but I'll check back after if there's anything else you need me to have a look at on the laptop [15:00] waveform: I deleted both bkpbootx64.efi and grubx64.efi and now it´s gone from the f12 menu [15:01] waveform: thanks for the help [15:02] hello [15:03] i am using 22.04 i see a very strange behavior on shell, baiscally the scrollbar goes to bottom everytime [15:03] i do not know how to go up..... [15:08] test === alip is now known as parrhesisastes === parrhesisastes is now known as alip [16:13] pyre: Shift-Page Up [16:13] pyre: Oops. [17:04] Hi. I'm unable to browse files using SFTP since upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. What could be going wrong? [17:20] ApostleInTriumph, can you connect to the server with ssh? [17:20] rfm yes [17:31] probably ssh-rsa issue, obsolete protocol [17:31] https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/issues/26921 [17:31] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 26921 in videolan/vlc "Can't connect to sftp after host update to Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)" [Closed] [17:32] fix; adding HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa to /etc/ssh/sshd_config [17:33] or use ed25519 https://askubuntu.com/a/1409528 [17:33] oh. is rsa depricated ? [17:34] well, OP is gone, but wouldn't a protocol problem show up in ssh connects too? (Kind of what I was going after asking aobut ssh) [17:35] understood. I just didn't know. will have to update all my keys if so [17:35] looks like it is deprecated since late 2021 [17:37] Just when I thought I had a decent workload. That's going to be a lot of work [17:39] almostdvs, just reading around, seems rsa keys are still ok, just one signature algorithm is gone, better ones like rsa-sha2-256 are still ok- [17:39] almostdvs, I suspect as long as both sides are reasonably up-to-date everything is ok [17:40] signature algorithm.. [17:40] I will have to grok that [17:40] better to check everything anyway I suppose [17:42] have fun! [17:52] hello friends, AFAIK undervolting is not possible under linux for nvidia... is it possible with AMD gpus? [17:53] paracusia, that would be a #hardware question; depends on the motherboard. [17:58] good evening everyone. I am installing xubuntu 23.04 on an old iMac and am having problems with the wifi drivers. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks [18:00] alex96, what wifi device exactly? lspci should give a list with devices, find the line and paste that one here? [18:01] are you sure oerheks [18:01] are you sure oerheks, I thought it depends on the driver [18:01] oerherk it's a Broadcom BCM4360 [18:02] alex96, look in "dmesg" for any clue and post it here [18:02] paracusia, yes, some motherboards can do something. not really an ubuntu issue, with software [18:02] alex96: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [18:02] oerheks, any proof on this? sounds like bs... sorry. The API is not exposed in nvidia driver under linux, has nothing to do with the mobo [18:03] oerheks, think you misunderstood it, CPU undervolting is possible via BIOS/mobo [18:04] what do u need from dmesg ? [18:04] paracusia, then you answered your own question, i would check #hardware for this [18:06] oerheks, you better read before answering - no offense. I asked about AMD and not nvidia... just wanted to enlight you [18:06] alex96, try "dmesg | grep -i "wifi" [18:07] thanks anyway for your hint oerheks :) Will try #hardware [18:08] paracusia empty, if I grep using  4360 I have "Broadcom 4360 WLAN found" [18:08] alex96, check "ip l", is there some "wlan" or "wifi" device listed? [18:09] paracusia, nope [18:11] alex96, try to find out the drivername for your card (which your already found out: Broadcom BCM4360), then check if the module is already loaded with "lsmod | grep " [18:11] alex96, what driver is in use? lspci -nnk | grep -A2 0280 [18:11] or sudo lshw -C network [18:11] paracusia, ok, give me a minute [18:14] paracusia, empty [18:15] try to load it manually with "modprobe " [18:15] oerherks, kernel driver in use: bcma-pci-bridge [18:16] paracusia, ok, give me a minute. I now move to the iMac using tethering. [18:17] take your time buddy [18:17] info bcmwl-kernel-source [18:17] !info bcmwl-kernel-source [18:17] bcmwl-kernel-source (, lunar): transitional package for Broadcom STA Wireless driver. In component restricted, is optional. Built by broadcom-sta. Size 8 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64.) [18:17] install dkms bcmwl-kernel-source and reboot? [18:17] dkms builds the package [18:19] give me a moment. I'm moving to the iMAc, sorry [18:20] Does some piece of software that can be run on Ubuntu support 7zip files with password? [18:21] elias_a, p7zip-full [18:21] !info p7zip-full [18:21] p7zip-full (16.02+dfsg-8, lunar): 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Built by p7zip. Size 1,158 kB / 4,720 kB [18:21] thumbs up [18:23] oerheks: Kiitos paljon! Grazie mille! Thanks a million! :P [18:23] have fun! [18:26] paracusia, I'm writing from the iMac now. What do u wanna try? Thanks [18:28] alex where R U [18:29] wb alex [18:29] whats up [18:29] I'm writing from the iMac now. What do u wanna try? Thanks [18:29] hello, yes, alex962 [18:29] you are connected via ethernet cable now, right? [18:29] and want to make wifi going [18:30] oerheks: Oh well... I can't make it work. :/ [18:30] Have to read some documentation... [18:31] paracusia, I'm using usb tethering now. And I want to make wifi going [18:33] alex962, did you try to load the module manually [18:33] paracusia, no, can u tell how can I do it [18:33] thanks [18:35] I told you buddy [18:35] wait I will copy/paste [18:36] did you found the modulename? [18:36] modprobe [18:36] oerheks: nvm - I did not know the syntax. Here's the correct one I believe: https://www.2daygeek.com/zip-7zip-encrypt-decrypt-password-protect-files-folders-linux/ [18:37] paracusia, modprobe reposns is empty [18:38] paracusia, [18:38] sudo modprobe 4360 [18:38] modprobe: FATAL: Module 4360 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.2.0-26-generic [18:39] paracusia, [18:39] sudo modprobe 4360 [18:39] modprobe: FATAL: Module 4360 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.2.0-26-generic [18:40] I don't think thats the right module name buddy [18:40] alex962, [18:41] paracusia, how ca I find it? Please [18:41] alex962, try "modprobe bcm43xx" [18:41] and check "dmesg" afterwards, and "ip l" also, there should be a new interface or an error in dmesg [18:41] paracusia, [18:41] modprobe bcm43xx [18:41] modprobe: FATAL: Module bcm43xx not found in directory /lib/modules/6.2.0-26-generic [18:42] ip l [18:42] 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [18:43]     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 [18:43] 2: enp3s0f0: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [18:43]     link/ether 68:5b:35:8d:56:4e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [18:43] 3: enx661d7e917310: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 [18:44] hold on alex962 [18:45] paracusia, https://dpaste.com/5N6TZL6ME [18:45] alex962, try "modprobe b43" [18:45] ok, no worries [18:45] and check dmesg/ip -l again [18:45] paracusia, empty [18:45] thats good, so it was loaded [18:45] check dmesg / 'ip -l' [18:49] oerheks, please take care of alex, need to go... take care buddy [19:02] thoughts on snap? [19:05] does anyone know a ubuntu touch port that works with my device ( Samsung Tab S8+ ) i dont want to accidentally break my device, so i was wondering if anyone already made a port. [19:06] !touch [19:06] Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [19:06] oh [19:06] it's a different project [19:07] sry i thought they were bacically the same thing [19:07] no worries ;) [19:18] nabend an alle [19:20] ich hab nach dem letzten update bzw softwar aktualisierung einige probleme. kann mir da mal jemand helfen. 1 der schreibtisch ist leer. liegt zwar noch im ordner alles wird aber nicht mehr angezeigt [19:21] !de | herbert51 [19:21] herbert51: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [19:21] 2. der verschlüsselte ordner läst sich nicht mehr öfnen, fusermount: mounting over filesystem type 0x7366746e is forbidden kommt als fehlermeldung [19:31] Ever since I updated to Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, my ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 9 isn't recognizing my external monitor. The connection is USB-C to USB-C. The computer recognized the monitor before the OS update. My Macbooks recognize the monitor. Help? [19:36] webchat13: delete (or move out of the way) the file ~/.config/monitors.xml and use Settings -> Display to reconfigure your screens. [19:37] i missed one step: after deleting it, reboot, then reconfigure. [19:48] tomreyn, thanks. But no monitors.xml file in my .config folder. [19:50] hey folks I'm trying to install an update to plexmediaserver as root user but I keep getting permission denied. N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/root/plexmediaserver_1.32.6.7371-b6a09ad81_amd64.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied) [19:51] just ignore it [19:51] the update is done [19:51] ah ok [19:51] I did an upgrade to the latest ubuntu lts earlier and now I'm having issues with plex so hopefully this solves it [19:52] "N:" means 'notice', the lowest criticality of messages apt would issue. [19:53] oh perfect thanks [19:54] webchat13: monitors.xml is wayland related, apparently you don't run wayland then (but Xorg). i think its xorg.conf configuration file goes to ~/.local/share/X11 or something nowadays [19:58] tomreyn, i'm in my ~/.local/share file. no sign of X11 or xorg. [19:59] or X [19:59] hmm, "env" should tell what you're running [20:00] echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE [20:00] from which directory do i run the command? [20:00] well it would seem the latest LTS ubuntu breaks plex :( [20:00] echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE) [20:00] webchat13: any [20:01] NetEcho: you could also phrase this as "plex is not compatible to the latest Ubuntu LTS" [20:01] Isn't the latest LTS 22.04? [20:01] yes it is [20:02] I have plex and it is running fine [20:02] 22.04.3 [20:02] any way to roll back to the previous version? [20:02] the command I used to upgrade was do-release-upgrade [20:02] release downgrades are unsupported [20:02] so my server is now useless [20:02] tomreyn, echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE) returned bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' , and echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE returned ubuntu [20:03] NetEcho, why not the plex snap? https://snapcraft.io/plexmediaserver [20:03] webchat13: oops, i should have foreseen that. [20:03] Plex works fine with 22.04. You may want to search the logs and see what is wrong. === victor9098 is now known as kd353 [20:04] webchat13: quoting would help: echo "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)" [20:04] WaV since upgrading an hour ago now the audio constantly freezes. it was working fine pre-upgrade [20:04] tomreyn, nice. it's wayland [20:06] webchat13: so i assume you have the default gnome-shell graphical desktop on wayland. and you probably have nvidia graphics with a proprietary driver? [20:06] oerheks: problem with moving to a container is I'd have to spend the weekend manually going through each user profile marking every item watched. it'd be faster and less work to nuke the server and start from scratch which is also a long task [20:06] tomreyn actually i have Mesa Intel Xe (TGL GT2) [20:08] webchat13: is that a dedicated intel gpu, or integrated into the cpu? [20:10] NetEcho: what version did you upgrade from? [20:10] Focal [20:11] tomreyn, wow no idea. all i can say is the graphics card came built into the computer from lenovo, and i installed the standard ubuntu distro [20:12] WaV could this be some sort of codec issue? [20:12] webchat13: is it a laptop? [20:12] yes [20:12] ah, "ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 9" sounds like a laptop. so it will be integrated most likely [20:13] (y) [20:13] NetEcho: Go in the Plex Web app under logs while playing something [20:13] see if there is anything that stands out. [20:13] It could be a number of things. [20:13] kk 1 moment [20:13] Mesa Intel Xe (TGL GT2) under wayland? [20:13] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/problems-with-intel-iris-xe-gpu-hardware-video-acceleration-in-22-04/34849 [20:14] webchat13: hmm, i'm not sure where to look then, you can try reading your system logs (journalctl) and the gnome inintialization there. [20:14] what am i looking for? something related to monitors? [20:14] yes, or graphics / video [20:15] will do. thanks === kd353_ is now known as kd353 [20:15] oerheks has a point there, though i don't think this would stop an external monitor from working at all [20:15] WaV: do you know where the logs are? [20:15] use the oem kernel or ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers >>> https://devicetests.com/using-iris-driver-intel-iris-xe-graphics-ubuntu [20:15] i would go for oem first [20:16] tomreyn, worth a try.. [20:17] or on 22.04 at least the HWE option [20:17] thanks, folks. so i'm just installing oem and seeing if that resolves the monitor detection issue? [20:17] NetEcho: Click the wrench, and under "Manage" there should be a menu that says console. [20:17] hwe > oem > oibaf [20:18] oerheks, thanks. what does this mean? [20:18] WaV thanks I'll update you once it does it again [20:18] first try HWE [20:18] !hwe [20:18] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [20:18] if that does not fix external, the OEM [20:18] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/OEMKernel [20:19] else newer mesa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/OEMKernelppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers [20:19] WaV nothing shows up in console when it does it [20:19] but the last one is a last resort. not really supported here [20:19] got it. thank you! [20:20] trying it in the web player [20:20] hello [20:21] hi, I need to make permenent changes [20:22] hi, I need to make permanent modprobe's changes [20:22] someone can help me? Thanks [20:23] alex96, for B43 [20:23] ? [20:24] oerheks, yeah, it's for the iMac. I resolved but now I need to run modprobe every time I reboot the computer [20:24] sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl brcmfmac brcmsmac bcma [20:24] sudo modprobe wl [20:26] make a file sudo touch /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom.conf [20:26] done [20:26] after this? [20:26] echo " b43 ssb wl brcmfmac brcmsmac bcma " | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom.conf [20:27] but why all drivers [20:27] ? [20:27] if wkl is enough, just that [20:27] "-r" probably means blacklist [20:27] err if wl is enough just that [20:27] *remove... so add a blacklist command perhaps [20:27] oh right wkmango [20:27] echo " b43  wl " | sudo tee -a  /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom.conf [20:28] like this? [20:28] i think only b43 .. test that? [20:29] WaV: yeah nothing showing up in the console, it's doing it for both direct play and transcoded videos in both the plex client and web clients [20:29] oerheks, ok, now I test it [20:30] rebooting [20:31] OAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOBOB [20:31] OAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [20:31] OAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [20:31] @oerheks, blacklist is 1 line in a modprobe.d file, but to load, it's a modules-load.d file, 1-line-per-module [20:31] I have the NSF feed. No info in the narration. [20:32] I have the NSF feed. No info in the narration.OAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA [20:32] OB [20:35] it doesn't work [20:37] oerheks ^^^^ [20:39] alex96: I think a line like 'blacklist XYZ' in some /etc/modprobe.d/blaclist-xyz.conf file would correspond to not loading the module, similar to modprobe -r XYZ unloading it [20:39] NetEcho: Not sure. I just know it works well on my system. Other than a complete re-install, you can try what another user in here suggested and use the snap? [20:41] cbreak, so something like this: [20:41] blacklist b43 ssb brcmfmac brcmsmac bcma [20:41] in a .conf file in /etc/modprobe.d [20:41] am I right? [20:42] I think so, yes [20:42] WaV but then I lose all my user watched statuses and that's 10+ years of data gone [20:42] alex96, if you're interested - `man modprobe.d` for blacklist, and `man modules-load.d` for loading a module [20:42] it's 1-per-line for both [20:42] and I know nothing about snap [20:43] I think your 2 modprobe commands need 1 file to blacklist and 1 file to load [20:43] alex96: yeah, I think wkmango is right, you'd have to have one line per blacklist xyz [20:44] there are probably other files you can imitate already there [20:44] NetEcho: Do you not back up your data regularly? [20:44] ok, so I need to create a file for the black list and one for the load [20:45] jhutchins: it's the database for plex itself , it doesn't migrate when paths change [20:45] last time I switched systems for plex I had to spend 2 weeks manually marking every item watched on the server for each user [20:46] That's a remarkable oversight, not being able to back that up. [20:46] yeah it's not ideal [20:46] I'll try the snap route though if I can figure it out because the alternatives also require as much work [20:47] is snap basically another package manager? [20:47] ls [20:47] snap is more a way of packaging applications along with the whole OS userland [20:47] along with some isolation, a proprietary hosting service, and some other annoyances [20:48] it's primary competitor is flatpak [20:48] yeah going the snap route gets rid of my library watched status :( [20:49] if I can find where snap stores the database I may be able to migrate it if the paths are identical for everything [20:50] it will store them somewhere inside ~/snap [20:50] oh perfect [20:51] snaps are annoying to deal with [20:51] I can for example not drag & drop images into snap slack if they're not inside ~/Downloads (or maybe inside ~/ ? not sure) [20:51] well if it gets rid of this bloody issue I'll take it [20:51] because snap blocks access to the general filesystem for applications inside it [20:52] just waiting for the library to do it's mojo then I'll test [20:57] WaV: same issue with the Snap install === shokohsc5105 is now known as shokohsc510 [21:28] does ubuntu support iframes? [21:29] untre: You're talking about inline html frames? [21:29] yea but i want them in the terminal [21:29] i wanna be like iframe.src = 'blah.com' and display it in links [21:30] untre: So you want links to support iframes, or you think the shell should somehow support them? [21:30] both [21:31] untre: You might be able to do something using xdg. [21:31] I don't think the idea is compabible with how teletype emulators work. [21:32] seems like a major design flaw [21:32] That's why you have browsers within the shell. [21:33] untre: Have you ever dealt with an actual teletype as a computer interface? [21:36] WaV: Thanks for your assistance, it would appear the issue is actually my new router my buddy suggested hooking back up to the modem and the problem seems to have gone away [21:38] NetEcho_, have you checked if there is a bios update for that router? [21:38] oerheks: did one when I deployed it [21:38] wonder if it's some strange QOS [21:51] In ubuntu "df" shows many devices for docker. Is this normal? Why is it not the same on armbian? [23:11] It's also extremely cool when you wipe your ass with a transgender pride flag after you've had a shit [23:12] !ot | Guest17 [23:12] Guest17: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [23:12] not even go to ubuntu-offtopic for that, kiddo [23:13] https://photos.app.goo.gl/1bJ9c3XmAFooZXpDA [23:13] oops