[07:13] Has anyone reported this? https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/4335 [07:13] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4335 in canonical/cloud-init "'reset password' cannot switch to the other authentication mode because of 50-cloud-init.conf" [Open] [19:30] hi, I am trying to autoinstall on an existing laptop and cloudinit is failing here: https://github.com/canonical/curtin/blob/master/curtin/block/__init__.py#L1241 [19:30] if not (is_block or os.path.isfile(path)): [19:30] raise ValueError("%s: not an existing file or block device", path) [19:30] :) any hint? [19:33] a7x: that trace back isn't cloud-init it's curtin given your link. let's post that over in #ubuntu-server channel. sorry for redirect there it's just that better eyes are available there for this discussion [19:38] thanks blackboxsw [19:44] I think you'd need to understand what path variable is in that log message, it's trying to test whether something is a block device when running. a remote pastebin more logs would probably be required to better understand in the ubuntu-server channel your context there [19:45] FreeBSD did away with the distinction between character and block devices some twenty years ago [19:49] :) [19:49] a7x it will help the autoinstall folks if you could provide them with the autoinstall configuration that is producing this error condition, I expect the partitioning declarations you have may be pointing at some path that isn't quite what is expected [19:55] the best time to get rid of useless code is twenty years ago. the second best time to do is now. [19:56] the "zero" best time it not to write it in the first place ;-) [20:00] 👍 [20:06] I'm a great coder as I don't write useless code (regardless of if I don't actually write any code at all) ;-) [20:07] only features, no bugs === a7x_ is now known as a7x