[10:11] @RikMills [10:17] could be [10:20] so the build machine has it ? [10:21] new glibc is in proposed. staging PPAs build with proposed enabled [10:24] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QzKMBBfMfF/ [10:27] yes, glibc in propose with be tangled with a few things, meaning you can't simply install just that [10:27] yes, glibc in propose will be tangled with a few things, meaning you can't simply install just that [10:29] yeah .. thats y i didn't installed it .. (re @RikMills: yes, glibc in propose will be tangled with a few things, meaning you can't simply install just that) [10:29] hopefully they will sort the conflict [10:29] btw, r u going to the next coming summit on november? [10:30] btw, r u going to the next coming summit in november? [10:30] i think @Eickmeyer will attend the summit right? [10:53] looks unlikely at the moment [12:25] santa_: working on the RC upload to ppa now [12:25] pushing some git also [12:31] * RikMills uploads to ppa [13:26] santa_: no issues I could see on your ka branch [15:51] @myfenris I'll be at summit. [17:21] see ya ! (re @IrcsomeBot: @myfenris I'll be at summit.) [19:03] Eickmeyer: any response to your email yet? [19:04] to u-devel [19:04] valorie: Kindof. The issue on github finally got resolved (after months!), but no direct response. [19:05] :-| [19:05] issue resolved is good [19:05] no comms -- not so much [19:05] Exactly. That's what I'm most upset about. Skunkworks is not OK in Ubuntu per the CoC. [19:06] 'zactly [19:07] when I was admin for KDE GSoC, trained the mentors to make the point to all students that their "grade" depended half on comms, half on code [19:07] it took years, but now that's the GSoC policy as a whole [19:07] the "lone programmer" myth has gotta go [19:08] it takes All Of Us [19:08] Yes. It's not a lone programmer issue, though, it's an entire team not communicating publicly/with the flavor leads. [19:08] that is literally the point of calling the project Ubuntu [19:08] Exactly. [19:09] I miss the naked people in an entwined circle [19:10] XD [19:10] at the one Ubuntu devel meeting I attended, everyone was there [19:11] and my habit of trying to eat most meals with people I don't know started there [19:11] breakfast with core Ubuntu devels was interesting [19:12] but we found a bit to talk about... [19:13] now the devels no longer meet with all of us -- they have their own meetings [19:13] I think that's a mistake on Canonical's part [19:13] The release team, archive admins, and SRU teams (all the core teams) no longer have public meetings. [22:00] hi everyone [22:04] RikMills: that's great news! thanks a lot for testing [22:04] another thing related to apps: [22:05] I realized kalendar was rebranded as merkuro if I'm not mistaken [22:05] I have a WIP package here, which I'm going to push to git and upload to the PPA [22:06] it's untested on my side, but it builds