[05:20] When will kubuntu 22.04.3 be released? [05:45] It already is: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-August/000294.html (re @Omar: When will kubuntu 22.04.3 be released?) [06:07] Nice thank u [08:48] Is updating pip3 packages a good idea? [11:37] dragonslicer are you here? === CaffeinatedTech1 is now known as CaffeinatedTech === floown_ is now known as floown [14:09] Omar: to versions not provided by your ubuntu release? yes. === walt is now known as walt_ === walt_ is now known as walt__ [14:36] actualizar kde [15:18] how i can install jagex launcher to my kubuntu 22.04? [17:07] hey [17:08] i need help with jagex launcher [17:08] how i install it to kubuntu 22.04? [17:09] Guest13, any url? it is not in our repos [17:10] https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/launcher [17:10] oh i find https://github.com/TormStorm/jagex-launcher-linux [17:11] can you help me with commands to konsole [17:11] flatpak, brrr ... lutris, and the script. [17:12] so what commands i should use? [17:12] start with the 3 lines under requirements? [17:13] can you write the commands to me? [17:13] pretty simple step-by-step howto [17:13] no [17:13] it is all there https://github.com/TormStorm/jagex-launcher-linux [17:17] for lutris support join #lutris [17:28] Do Kubuntu also have wallpaper contest 23.10? [17:30] i think so, https://ubunlog.com/en/ubuntu-23-10-mantic-minotaur-opens-its-wallpaper-contest/ [17:32] that is for Ubuntu @oerheks is there for Kubuntu? [17:33] thats why i am asking since there is only for Ubuntu [17:38] i thought it was the same contest, not KDe [17:39] Ubuntu is different flavor, so different color palete @oerheks [17:47] i find them on github, contact packagers? https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-wallpapers [17:48] hard to find this contest. [19:39] Guys anyone knows how to use an android tablet as a secondary monitor in KDE? I know that gnome has a way to do it, but KDE? [19:41] hi [19:42] i cant set proxy === Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy [19:50] Hi all [19:51] Can i expand the UEFI partition? [19:51] Kde partition manager wont let me [20:24] hello. Suppose that I build some_lib with ./configure + make (no make install) inside somedir. Then I copy somedir to somedir_copy. Unfortunately, in this way I can't use the lib inside somedir_copy without rebuilding it. Is there a way to bypass this? [20:24] and to reuse the library copied in somedir_copy ? [20:28] (sorry: I meant: ./configure + make + make install )