
lubot[telegram] <teward001> wxl: vacation.  unit193 can help with plumbing.  op will be after i get back02:16
lubot[telegram] <teward001> same with sandbox02:16
tsimonq2I'm about to throw a few packages at Mantic, for the LXQt 1.3 transition.14:47
tsimonq2lximage-qt, lxqt-about, lxqt-admin, lxqt-archiver, lxqt-config, lxqt-globalkeys, lxqt-notificationd, lxqt-openssh-askpass, lxqt-policykit, lxqt-session, lxqt-sudo (please note a new binary, lxqtdoas @lynorian @guiverc)14:51
tsimonq2Those have been uploaded so far14:52
tsimonq2Same with pcmanfm-qt, qterminal, xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt14:52
tsimonq2Can anyone report if xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt is installed and working with e.g. Firefox?14:53
tsimonq2libfm-qt, liblxqt, qtxdg-tools are now in Backports Staging.15:06
tsimonq2lxqt-session needed a patch removed, done. libfm-qt in Backports Staging needs a symbols update, also checking the archive for symbols diffs.15:13
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Thanks @tsimonq215:17
tsimonq2No worries :)15:17
tsimonq2libfm-qt's symbols diff is pretty small for the archive, but I'll take care of that first nonetheless. Then, I'll switch to the Backports branch and update symbols again15:17
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so i assume you saw the ftbfs that spammed my email :P15:23
tsimonq2yes :P15:23
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq215:23
lubot[telegram] <teward001> good15:23
tsimonq2Fixed now, hopefully15:23
tsimonq2msttcorefonts is for you15:23
* tsimonq2 throws @teward001 and wxl into the void15:24
tsimonq2I just manually migrated lxqt-build-tools and qtxdg-tools into Backports[-release]. Shouldn't affect end-user systems.15:36
tsimonq2I'll wait for the next Britney run to do the last stage in the archive. Probably waiting for the next publisher run for Backports Staging.15:37
tsimonq2I would expect some FTBFS emails - I uploaded some packages to Backports Staging that could be waiting on the publisher run.15:49
tsimonq2It's likely that I'll migrate lxqt-themes as well once it's built.15:50
tsimonq2Anyway, lxqt-qtplugin, lxqt-themes, pavucontrol-qt, qps, qtermwidget have all been uploaded to BPS15:51
tsimonq2hahaha archive is waiting on riscv64 builds16:06
tsimonq2A local Britney run tells me to migrate lxqt-themes, doing.16:25
tsimonq2Alright, all of LXQt 1.3 has been uploaded. Be careful updating your installs over the next few hours.17:56
tsimonq2lxqt-session FTBFS fixed @teward00118:20
lubot[telegram] <teward001> now fix all the other failures19:29
lubot[telegram] <teward001> :P19:29
tsimonq2These two are migrating to Backports now:19:43
tsimonq2pavucontrol-qt 1.3.0-0ubuntu1~ppa119:43
tsimonq2libqtxdg 3.11.0-0ubuntu1~ppa119:43
tsimonq2Quite a few more candidates for Backports this round.19:54
tsimonq2Only 9 packages left to migrate.19:59
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll wait for this publishing round, rerun Britney, then migrate the rest hopefully20:06
tsimonq2Everything is publishing in both the archive and Backports right now.21:04
tsimonq2LXQt 1.3 has landed.21:04
tsimonq2The remaining blocker for the archive is libfm-qt, which is waiting on glibc, which we have no control over so :)21:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d8bdb9db/file_9842.jpg23:21
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Thanks @tsimonq2 (re @tsimonq2: )23:23
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> :D23:23
wxlupdate on matrix bridging: i was about to make it happen only to learn that the bridge has been completely shut down meaning that neither portalled nor plumbed rooms are allowed. whether or not either returns and if so, when, is all unknown. third party bridges are apparently fine? so maybe we should run our own?23:34
tsimonq2wxl: I certainly think we should run our own bridge.23:38
wxltsimonq2: so i guess i'll leave it to you and teward on that front. maybe we should make our own darn homeserver XD23:39
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> uh we DO have our own homeserver XD23:41
wxloh well gee no one told me that XD23:41
wxlsend a registration token?23:46
wxl@tsimonq2 @tsimonq2 @tsimonq2 @tsimonq2 @tsimonq2 @tsimonq223:49
lubot[telegram] <teward001> its actually plumbed last i checked ircc.  i'll poke after vacation.  i can extend the current bridge to join Matrix rooms and relay thatvway (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl> update on matrix bridging: i was about to make it happen only to learn that the bridge has been completely shut down meaning that neither portalled nor plumbed rooms are allowed. whether or not either returns and if so, when, is all unknown. third party bridge23:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> like we have irc<-> telegram23:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> simon didnt set it up i did23:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i'm on vacation with limited inter et23:55
wxlif "current bridge" means the matrix/libera bridge it is 100% completely down, for both portalled and plumbed rooms23:55
wxlso if it had been previously plumbed, it's all for naught23:56

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