
cgmbIs there something blocking rocm-hipamd 5.2.3-12 from migrating from mantic proposed to release?20:02
cgmbThe 5.2.3-11 version greatly improved the supported hardware list and I'm hoping those changes will make it into mantic.20:04
ginggscgmb: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#rocm-hipamd20:38
ginggsmissing build on s390x: hipcc, libamdhip64-5, libamdhip64-dev, libhiprtc-builtins5 (from 5.2.3-8)20:38
ginggslooks like s390x was dropped as an architecture, you could file a bug requesting the removal of rocm-hipamd's binaries from mantic, and subscribe ubuntu-archive20:41
slavikginggs: thanks! that's what had to be done for Debian, so I suppose that makes sense. The s390x binaries were created by accident when some tests were disabled and they never worked.20:52
ginggscgmb, slavik: here's one I prepared earlier LP: #203076920:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-motu- Launchpad bug 2030769 in abyss (Ubuntu) "abyss: Please RM s390x binaries" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203076920:55
ginggsbonus points if you link to the Debian removal bug20:56

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