=== doubledev1 is now known as doubledev [11:49] * ColonelPanic001 can't decide if he's more concerned about Scary_Guy or \middayswimmers because of the \ in his name [11:50] Scary_Guy at least is up front about his scariness. But a \ in a name? Unsettling. [12:22] People say to me "You know you're really not all that scary." and I reply "Neither was Ted Bundy." [12:23] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/10/pak-n-save-savey-meal-bot-ai-app-malfunction-recipes The AI uprising has started [14:33] <\middayswimmers> People with double \\ in their nicks really scares me [14:38] https://btpl.org/events/#/events/nPaRP2xkyK/instances/EWdLf4W2h3/ [15:24] cmaloney: imma take your mastodon here and aks you... you do know that monorail was a .NET thing 10-15 yrs ago, right? [15:25] It was a rare example of open source .net community created project at the time. [15:25] AFAICT it is abandonware: http://www.castleproject.org/projects/monorail/ [16:24] jrwren: Hah. That's awesome.