[00:44] !touch [00:44] Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Quincy is now known as QuinTeknoLife [03:29] I got this (fake) ps3 controller [03:29] and after a fkton of time I finally get it to connect over BT [03:30] but for some reason ubuntu thinks its a keyboard instead of a controller/gamepad [03:30] I'm trying to run bind9 docker image latest from ubuntu image using docker compose, I can't resolve 13 root domains - see http://0x0.st/H_wa.txt [03:30] Now I ssh into the container and I see I don't have working nslookup, trying to install dnsutils returns [03:30] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/kJbIsPGh/ [03:33] RickAstley: try 'sudo apt update' before your 'sudo apt install ..' command [03:34] Used it [04:35] Please tell me if I should submit a bug report or not [04:35] I have found 2 bugs in Ubuntu 22.04 [04:35] 1: When using the Russian keyboard layout on the login screen, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+A" (to select all) doesn't work as expected. This can lead to inconvenience when trying to select text in input fields during login; [04:35] 2: Upon locking and unlocking the computer, certain windows, particularly observed in apps like gedit and the terminal, are getting placed under the Launcher panel on the left side of the screen. This results in obscured content and requires repositioning of the affected windows to regain visibility. [04:39] well if you dont report htem they won't get fixed... [04:39] it's your time, submit a bug report [04:40] Must I make it extensive and thorough as a guide suggests? [04:40] nope, but [04:40] if you don't do what the guide suggests, the people who will be reading your bug might ignore it, resent you, etc [04:41] A'ight, thanks for the tip [08:55] hello. Is there a command line to check if my distro is EOL ? [08:58] there is lsb_release vcxza, this will tell you the OS version [09:04] ubuntu-support-status? [09:06] thats not available in 22.04 anymore for example [09:07] zaggynl: I need the EOL info too [09:08] use grep on 22.04,20.04,23.04 [09:08] thats all that is supported atm [09:09] someone could remove 22.10 from the topic :) [09:09] vcxza: Are you looking for the distro-info package? [09:12] I need a command which says if the version used is EOL or not [09:16] lsbr=$(lsb_release -d | grep -oE "(22.04|20.04|23.04)"); if [ $lsbr ]; then echo "Ubuntu $lsbr is supported"; else echo "Your Ubuntu release is EOL"; fi [09:18] ravage: thanks for your help! I would like to avoid to specify the versions in the command [09:19] (if possible) [09:20] vcxza, there must be something more elegant, but: distro-info --supported | grep "$(lsb_release -sc)" [09:23] not an official source but youc an parse https://endoflife.date/api/ubuntu.json for example [09:23] thanks! [09:23] nteodosio: ^ [09:24] distro-info looks fine. also outputs mantic but that should be ok :) [09:25] I wonder if distro-info was available with ubuntu 14.10 [09:26] You're welcome. Yes it was: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/distro-info. [09:27] that's great, so I can use it for many versions [09:29] I don't know how much of it is backported though. Since the last release was in 2019-03-18 it may not have --supported-esm for example. [09:30] help [09:31] anyone here can listen ? [10:18] Having problems connecting to VPN using the built in GUI, when I connect using the terminal I connect just fine. Anyone able to assist me with this? [10:19] using Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 [10:26] Buongiorno [10:38] For the peace of all networks I'm in , I've was able to sit on my desk for and disable that nasty auto away message.. [10:46] Apologies for the noise, I couldn't sit in my desk for the last week or two and this client is setup to automatically join this channel (as you provably realized already) [11:18] lo heaps === five61840 is now known as five6184 [13:22] Does anyone know how to fix snaps so that they can actually access files, or do I need to switch distributions? Example: I installed rustup. If I run run `rustup doc` the Firfefox snap opens a tab that says basically "I can't access that file, check it's permissions, etc." [13:25] If I navigate to that file using the Firefox open dialog, it opens. Great! Except that any links to other local files that I click on fail to open with the same "I can't access that file" message. I've searched the web, read several Ask Ubuntu and other web pages, and none of that works. Firefox has permission to access my home files. [13:37] hi [13:42] Dyrcona: https://ubuntu.com/blog/a-guide-to-snap-permissions-and-interfaces # first result on google for "ubuntu snap permissions" === sotaover2ide is now known as sotaoverride === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [13:48] leftyfb: Yeahp. and it's the first thing that I read. I think I know what my problem is. The files that I'm trying to access are "hidden" by virtue of being in a subdirectory whose name begins with a '.'. [13:52] leftyfb: I'm not at that machine right now, but personal-files was enabled, however it has some adding thing after that looks like it restricts hidden file access to the .mozilla subdirectory. I'll try removing that and see what happens. [13:52] Sorry for the typos. [13:53] Dyrcona: why does rustup need access to your mozilla directory? [13:54] leftfb: That's backwards. Firefox needs access to $HOME/.rustup. [13:54] why? [13:54] Firefox appears to be somewhat limited to $HOME/.mozilla (or whatever). [13:54] So I can browse the local rust documentation. [13:56] Also, it's MY computer. I think I should decide what application can open which files. I hate that Ubuntu is starting to treat their users like cretins. If I wanted that, I'd buy a Mac. [14:02] Dyrcona, just skip the snap nighmare and install the normal package firefox, or even download a more recent release from Mozilla directly [14:03] wkmango: lets not [14:03] A browser that can't access a local file is useless [14:03] leftyfb, yeah, ok not going there [14:12] hello [14:23] hello. I'm trying to install software-properties-common inside a ubuntu 18.04 container and I obtain this error: https://bpa.st/V6LA [14:23] it's driving me crazy. any tip for fixing it? [14:29] trying to figure out how to boot ubuntu-22.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso as a live OS, it keeps asking to install no live option [14:29] Guest9: if you just need a shell you can vt-switch or there is a shell option in the help menu [14:29] vcxza: the container I launched already had software-properties-common in it, what are you using? [14:30] I need a live Os where I can perform a rescue from [14:31] dbungert: docker create ubuntu:18.0.4 [14:31] what should I pull? [14:32] vcxza: I had done a lxd test, I'll try the docker image [14:33] dbungert: where can I pull your image? [14:35] vcxza: if lxd is ok instead of docker, the test I ran was `lxc launch images:ubuntu/bionic/cloud` [14:36] Guest9: I think it should do that? If you get to a terminal it should let you install packages in the live os and mount partitions and similar [14:44] In the boot menu for the DVD I see "Try or install Ubuntu" but what are the steps to ensure I am "trying" Ubuntu, it loads me into a menu that says install ? [14:46] guest The server installer isn't going to install unless you go through the UI and confirm that the install should proceed. If you just switch to a terminal that isn't going to happen. [14:52] wkmango: I think the apt package installs the snap on Ubuntu 22.04. I have 20.04 on this laptop that I'm using now, and Firefox is not a snap. I may just install it from Mozilla if I can't resolve this issue. [14:54] Dyrcona: you already said the issue is due to the location not showing up in your browsing window because the location is "hidden" (named with a .). This will still be the same issue no matter how you install Firefox [14:56] leftyfb: I can navigate to the location with Firefox open dialog just fine. It will open a file. Any links to other local files in that hidden area do not open with the "can't access this file" message. If rustup tries to use the default browser to open a file it also fails. [14:58] leftyfb: The path to the file in the location bar also changes when the file opens. This is some snap permissions thing, and I'm likely going to have to get rid of the snap and go with an actual application. [14:59] Issues like these have soured me on snaps, and by extension, Ubuntu. [14:59] check you have access to the file with a text editor or terminal [14:59] If you do, then get a normal browser installed. If not, then maybe the issue is with the rustup install [14:59] Dyrcona: you realize the snap is the "actual application". It's jsut another package format that is built and maintained by Mozilla, not Ubuntu [15:00] wkmango: I did that first thing, and I do. My user owns every file and they're all 0644 or 0755. [15:00] nick youngeagle8827 [15:01] leftyfb: No, a snap is more than just a different package. A snap runs in a container that has restrictions placed on it. [15:01] and btw, I generally keep Firefox and Chromium at a min to check issues like this [15:01] Even good old Konqueror comes in handy sometimes [15:02] wackyduck88@wa-flipper88.net [15:02] wackyduck88@wa-flipper88.net [15:02] Dyrcona: right, just like flatpack or appimage [15:03] nick youngeagle8827 === porter is now known as youngeagle8827 [15:03] porter: please stop [15:03] wackyduck88@wa-flipper88.net [15:03] youngeagle8827: go to #libera if you need help with IRC [15:12] anyone know why kdiskmark is not in the apt repository? Why would it have been removed? [15:13] I see there is a snap version but the snap is complately broken (no access to the drives to actually run tests and says snap provides inaccurate results) [15:14] leftyfb: It's not like flatpak. Flatpak does not run the application in a container. snap does. I don't know enough about appimage. [15:14] xamindar: Welcome to my world! :) [15:15] xamindar: https://ubuntu.com/blog/a-guide-to-snap-permissions-and-interfaces [15:16] leftyfb: why am i having to read a whole doc on granting the correct permissions to a snap. permissions to function should be granted by the installer (or in the very least, asked of the user) [15:16] Dyrcona: flatpak supports running in a containerized state [15:17] and the snap for mysql workbench just flat out crashes when you try connecting to a new host that hasn't been added to known_hosts.....and yes I granted it AL permissions I could. [15:17] But it isn't a default to do so. [15:17] xamindar: did you file a bug? [15:18] leftyfb: nope, because i am positive a non-snap version of these apps would have none of these "bugs" [15:18] Hi there, does anybody know the ufw equivalent of these iptables commands? https://paste.debian.net/1288635/ [15:19] I'm just going to say it: I've been using Ubuntu on the desktop for 12+ years, and snaps have ruined the experience. I'm seriously considering switching to a different distro. [15:20] Dyrcona: ok so it's not only me lol.....I'm usualy an Arch guy but my job wants to use Ubuntu for the employees so here I am. [15:21] xaminder: I'm specifically thinking of switching to Arch on my personal laptop. (I'm using a work laptop right now with Ubuntu 20.04.) [15:21] I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but i"ve got a "backup" laptop that I use sometimes. It's a Pinebook Pro with Manjaro installed. [15:22] It seems like the snap experience gets worse with each LTS. [15:24] lets keep personal opinions out of the support channel please Dyrcona [15:24] !discuss [15:24] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [15:28] lotuspsychj3: Fine. That's all I've got to say on that anyway. [15:29] I'll see if removing the personal-files permission and then adding it back will resolve things. If not, I'll explore other options. [15:30] I think I need to get rid of the extra bit about the mozilla-dir that gets tacked on. [15:32] Is there a central configuration location for snaps? There doesn't appear to be one. [15:32] Dyrcona: That's the whole point of snaps, they're stand-alone. [15:34] Yeah. That makes sense. So, I guess the real question is where/how do the permissions get stored? I guess that will be my nest side quest. === monitoreo is now known as linux === linux is now known as monitoreo [15:38] "snap connections firefox" shows all available connections. you can connect them with "sudo snap connect firefox:home :home" for example [15:39] you can do the same in the Ubuntu settings at "Applications" [15:40] Dyrcona: yeah i have manjaro installed on some old laptops for my kids. the installer for that makes it pretty painless [15:41] !ot | xamindar [15:41] xamindar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:41] get outta here with that garbage, this aint discord === monitoreo is now known as nombre_de_usuari === nombre_de_usuari is now known as monitoreo [15:42] i wish there was an ubuntu apt repo i could add that was specifically for snaps-back-to-apt packages. now THAT would be awesome. [15:46] If I want to try to update/rebuilt initramfs when I chroot /root from the problem system, I see that /boot is empty as its on another slice, do I symlink chrooted boot folder now to a new mounted /boot ? [15:46] you can just mount it before you chroot [15:47] what do you mean? [15:47] lets say I am putting all thisĀ  in /mnt [15:48] ravage: if you are already chrooted, you can also just mount /boot [15:49] that is correct [15:50] ravage: Thank you, but I know all that. I'm curious about where in the filesystem those settings end up, because I suspect I will have to edit it by hand to get what I want. [15:50] Dyrcona: that all ends up in apparmor [15:51] manually changing things there will probaly mess things up [15:52] mount /boot when chrooted says no such special device exists [15:52] ravage: That's the best thing I've heard all day. I'll just disable apparmor for Firefox and see what happens. [15:53] Guest9: what device hosts your /boot? check /etc/fstab [15:53] but seeing as it failed, you probably don't have /boot in fstab === zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz [15:56] mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev seemed to have resolved it [15:56] then chroot [15:58] system experiencing "ZSTD-compressed data is corrupt" after adding a kernel module apprently, hopefully rebuilding initramfs worked [16:00] lsblk shows me that /dev/sda2 was the slice I wanted to connect to but mount /dev/sda2 /mnt would fail, only when I used mount /dev/dm-0 /mnt it worked why is that? [16:06] Guest9: It comes from device mapper. `sudo dmsetup info /dev/dm-0` will tell you about the device. [16:08] Guest9: Do you see /dev/sda2 when you do `df -h`? [16:08] yes I get that part but why would the system not recognize /dev/sda2 as something I can mount as it is mapped to /dev/dm-0? [16:09] ahh no df -h does not show /dev/sda2 [16:09] Device mapper is hiding it. [16:09] oh so because it is a live system is was not "loaded" [16:09] maybe bad way to describe it [16:10] I don't know all of the intricacies of device mapper, and I've been admonished for sharing opinions once already today. :) [16:11] lol understood [16:11] so my "ZSTD-compressed data is corrupt" problem persists after initramfs rebuild [16:12] still not entirely sure what this means exactly, could it come from one of the partitions having corruption? [16:14] nm, fsck runs clean on /boot and / [16:14] Guest9: Is this a module you built from source? If so, I'd try building it again. [16:16] Cannot get on the system anymore, any way to undo what was done, it seems initramfs rebuild was not enough [16:17] do I have everything I need from the Help->shell option? [16:19] Guest9: Are you in busybox? [16:20] I loaded up ubuntu-22.04-live-server.iso [16:20] trying to still understand how to access the LIVE portion of it but was told just switch terminal or Help->shell, which worked [16:20] You should have all you need if you booted off alternate media. [16:22] was told before this happened brd module was added, was used to add some stuff, then rmmod was tried to free up some memory, reboot and now ZSTD corrupt error [16:29] Guest9: Sounds like a corrupted kernel module. I'd try reinstalling the linux-modules package for the kernel if you can chroot to the original /. [16:30] I am chrooted right now [16:30] but that brd module is not loaded in [17:48] hi [17:49] * unkn0wn how to set background animated wallpaper? [17:50] TheRedQueen: u know? [17:51] animated wallpaper on what ubuntu ? [17:52] yes [17:53] oerheks: which prog need? [17:53] yes? [17:53] ??? [17:53] on what ubuntu? i see nothing for ubunt/kubuntu itself in our repos [17:53] this is a dead project https://code.launchpad.net/livewallpaper [17:54] Ubuntu 23.04 x86_64 [17:54] unkn0wn: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/komorebi-wallpaper-app-new-features but it's not supported here. Good luck [17:55] komorebi is also a dead project, also be carefull if it works under wayland [17:55] i need a new [17:55] this one works only under Xorg,, https://github.com/ghostlexly/gpu-video-wallpaper [17:55] good luck! [17:56] unkn0wn: there is no officially supported way to have animated wallpaper [17:56] thanks [17:57] leftyfb: how to change themes? [17:57] leftyfb: ubuntu? [17:57] unkn0wn: https://itsfoss.com/install-themes-ubuntu/ [17:58] systemsettings > style and systemsettings > wallpaper [17:59] * unkn0wn anyone have conky.conf? [18:00] tons of them, see ubuntuforums [18:00] 2348 pages, longest tread on the forum https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=2348 [18:02] ok === deepSleep is now known as Guest5127 [18:58] i can print normally from gedit and google chrome, but not from evince, any advice on debugging? [19:06] cups sees a job being transmitted to the printer, and the printer's ready light blinks, but in the end nothing prints [19:06] this is probably going to be impossible to debug :-) [19:11] slingamn: It would probably help for you to post what release you're on and what hardware you're trying to print to. [19:11] slingamn: Can you print the test page from cups or the gnome printer settings? [19:11] yeah, i can print the cups test page, and i can print normally from applications that aren't evince [19:12] Hey all! [19:12] Can someone please point me to how the installer ISOs are generated? -- with what script? I'm trying to replicate but am failing to trigger subiquity to start upon boot. [19:12] E.g.: https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.04/ubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso [19:12] this is ubuntu 22.04, evince 42.3-0ubuntu3, cups 2.4.1op1-1ubuntu4.4, a Brother HL-L2320D with the brlaser driver [19:13] it sounds like the proximate cause is cups emitting bad PCL [19:15] also, this worked last summer, but i don't remember the last time i successfully printed from evince in cups [19:16] slingamn: Is that driver part of the standard CUPS packages? [19:16] the ubuntu package is printer-driver-brlaser, version 6-3 [19:17] https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/printer-driver-brlaser so if i understand correctly, this is core, not universe? [19:34] slingamn: Thx, I have a Brother too, and I can't get it to print from a networked station. It prints locally, the laptop and macbook print. [19:35] interesting [19:35] i feel like my issue has to be evince specific somehow [19:56] slingamn: Evince is part of gnome, isn't it? Maybe #gnome? [19:57] yeah maybe === shokohsc5106 is now known as shokohsc510 === gyest is now known as urho [21:49] \exit [22:15] hi gyus i need a help [22:15] i use xubuntu 18.04 32bit [22:16] hi lukas [22:16] lukas: that's out of support, i'm afraid [22:16] that one is EOL for years now [22:16] !eolupgrade [22:16] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [22:16] Five years and ten releases. [22:16] do the old-releases trick, last url [22:17] 32-bit, won't help [22:17] oh noes .... missed that part [22:26] ...was going to ask if their CPU was actually 32bit but now they're gone === A_Dragon is now known as A_Noodle [23:05] Hello I am having an issue with gphoto2 and I am looking for help, I use this command gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 which works great, expect if I stop and take a break, I have to reboot my computer to use it again other wise it fails to work, and no I really dont have an error code to go off of. Any idea why I have to reboot my system everytime I [23:05] want to run gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 ? [23:08] pasjrwoctx: i'm trying to understand what this does? take a video stream from a digital camera which ffmpeg can't access directly (thus you use gphoto2?) and output it to /dev/video0 ? [23:09] Yes tomreyn [23:09] when it doesnt work, does gphoto fail or does ffmpeg fail [23:10] i'm wondering whether maybe some device is not 'closed' properly. are you saying nothing is logged about this to the systemd journal at all? [23:10] rbox, I have no Idea what fails, it just fails to connect and all I get is Conversion failed! [23:11] what is "it" [23:11] run gphoto... does it work? pipe somethign saved off into ffmpeg, does it work? [23:12] rbox both work, but after I run gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 for a while and I stop, and then try to go back a few hours later, it wont connect unless I reboot the computer, [23:13] does this give an error after you cancelled the above command? gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie > /tmp/teststream [23:13] yes [23:14] gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie > /tmp/teststreamCapturing preview frames as movie to 'stdout'. Press Ctrl-C to abort. [23:14] ^CCtrl-C pressed ... Exiting. [23:14] Movie capture finished (232 frames) [23:15] you seem to be answering "no" [23:15] tomreyn it connected to the camera correctly that way, [23:15] but with the gphoto2 --stdout --capture-movie | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 no coneect [23:15] does this give an error? ffmpeg -i /tmp/teststream -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 [23:16] [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x564cfad2ab40] ioctl(VIDIOC_G_FMT): Invalid argument [23:16] Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument [23:16] Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- [23:16] Conversion failed! [23:17] so i'm guessing it's ffmpeg which fails then. or v4l2 as a subprocess [23:17] what would cause them to work after fresh boot., but fail after being run? [23:18] maybe try also this since ffmpeg may handle it differently: cat /tmp/teststream | ffmpeg -i - -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video0 [23:18] and please use a pastebin for pasting multiple lines of output [23:19] same error [23:19] i'm not sure what would cause it to work in one but not the other case. [23:20] I have been chasing this for weeks, and its a real pain to reboot when I need to stream, save work reboot reopen ect, im about to strip my system and start from 0 [23:20] what type of device is /dev/video0 [23:20] ragequit [23:20] oh lol [23:21] or just a reboot