
sahilHello there!06:55
irgendwer4711Is there any know problem with xfwm4 (4.18.0-1)? I am getting a lot of traps a week. maybe this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=284285 ?07:00
Unit193Ah right I saw you say that earlier, but my only addition was "I don't get a crashy xfwm4", which is *really* not a helpful statement...07:01
Unit193irgendwer4711: Any PPAs used?  Interesting that you're affected by xfwm4 whereas the bug report upstream is on -session.07:04
irgendwer4711Unit193: no, pure ubuntu07:08
irgendwer4711Unit193: I do not really know, which causes the root problem, seconds after that traps, a Vbox error and a fscrypt: problem happend also07:37
KangaroooDo Xubuntu also have wallpaper contest 23.10?17:28

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