[00:18] wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: wxl: [00:18] hai [00:18] XD [00:19] ok so [00:19] i have info [00:19] matrix one is dead [00:20] we can irc service and set up our own bridge service integration or use the relay bot we already use and just add it to matrix [00:21] the second is easier [00:29] [telegram] but cant change it here in noman's land [01:20] [matrix] Que? [01:23] [matrix] You probably can join this from any home server I would imagine. https://matrix.to/#/#lubuntu-devel:lubuntu.me [02:13] $ dput ssh-ppa:lubuntu-dev/qt6-mantic ../libqt6xdg_3.11.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes [02:13] Builds successfully locally. Submitted a patch upstream. [02:31] And it all built: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/qt6-mantic/+packages [02:32] https://github.com/KDE/kwindowsystem/ [02:33] It's likely we'll need that packaged, might be the next step. Then some real porting work can be done. [02:33] Otherwise please @guiverc @LeoK etc. if you come across any issues with LXQt 1.3, please let me know. [02:35] current mantic daily has 1.2... will it progress there tsimonq2 or you want us to check via ppa? [02:37] Published in Jammy Backports main, should be half-migrated in Mantic, might need to manually migrate the packages from my image above [02:37] 23:21 < lubot> [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d8bdb9db/file_9842.jpg [02:40] [telegram] In Jammy you should also notice a font difference [02:41] [telegram] @Roberalz do you run Backports? [02:41] ack & thanks tsimonq2 ... it's saturday my local so I'll have UWN hat on shortly.. i may not be able to look for a few days [02:41] [telegram] No worriesn [02:42] [telegram] I just want someone else to say "it works" XD [02:42] :) [02:42] [telegram] @teward001 did I break it yet [02:42] [telegram] Yes, but I'm on vacation and I don't have a PC in front of me (re @tsimonq2: @Roberalz do you run Backports?) [02:43] [telegram] Sorry [02:43] [telegram] No worries [03:20] * guiverc notes some lxqt package upgrades (1.3) on my mantic system... [03:24] * guiverc now has neofetch reporting LXQt 1.3 as my desktop (primary box) [03:34] [telegram] always (re @tsimonq2: @teward001 did I break it yet) [05:20] [telegram] wxl: btw since I know you missed him, Fritz is still around: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/the-end-is-near/4429/10 [06:29] [telegram] can confirm LXQt 1.3 after applying updates to latest ISO https://imgur.com/aQOHxLm - well done (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) now has neofetch reporting LXQt 1.3 as my desktop (primary box)) [06:31] :) pcmanfm-qt still reported 1.2; I didn't explore that (still in queue) etc.. as UWN/News my focus today.. [06:31] i'm using my primary system using mantic/1.3 (though xfwm4 and not openbox) [06:33] [telegram] can confirm https://imgur.com/a/5HHEC8n LXQt 1.3 after applying updates to latest ISO Mantic .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) now has neofetch reporting LXQt 1.3 as my desktop (primary box)) [06:38] thanks @Leokolb [12:25] [telegram] Thanks :) - libfm-qt and friends are stuck waiting on glibc [12:25] :) [12:30] fyi: I didn't notice any difference in lxqt. however that was me using it normally, and not exploring & looking for issues etc. [17:58] [telegram] Tested backports latest Jammy daily ISO and all good with LXQt 1.3 @tsimonq2 also PCManFM-Qt now 1.3 .so looks good!😉 [18:07] [telegram] Also tested latest Manic daily and PCManFM-Qt still 1.2.1 although other apps 1.3 ..@tsimonq2 but assume you know that ..cheers [18:08] [telegram] Ta / yes :) [19:23] [telegram] @tsimonq2 wheres my money [19:24] [telegram] i assume we have not gotten any s390x tests :P i may have access to an s390x VM to attempt install of Lubuntu and stuff but we will see. [19:24] [telegram] i do have an s390x dev vm [23:33] $ dput ssh-ppa:lubuntu-dev/qt6-mantic ../pkg-kde-tools-neon_0.0~ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes [23:39] Trying to get kf6-extra-cmake-modules taken care of as well. [23:43] Love it, the build requires Qt 5 but the tests require Qt 6. Amazing. [23:44] Could, potentially, just say "screw the tests." :P [23:46] [telegram] ye i wouldnt. if it needs qt5 and qt6 and are mismatched then we have a package problen [23:46] [telegram] it should not require both and if it does then the package is broke [23:47] build deps aren't runtime deps [23:47] *shrug* [23:50] dput ssh-ppa:lubuntu-dev/qt6-mantic ../kf6-extra-cmake-modules_0.0-0~ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes [23:50] Does not actually compile anything. Just installs pre-made CMake files. [23:50] And it seems to install detection for KF6, so meh. [23:50] Next step will be kwindowsystem. [23:51] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-tools/raw/branch/main/lxqt-builddep-graph/dependency-map-withfw.png [23:51] That will unblock some stuff. qtermwidget might be feasible right now. [23:52] I have a feeling all arches will FTBFS on depwait. [23:53] Yeah, all of the C files are in tests/, lol [23:53] Mostly Python. [23:54] And yep, depwait. Nice.