
=== NickJohnson is now known as TexasRed
TexasRedEvening to everyone, I've just set up everything to move to Kubuntu because the Steam Deck inspired me to do so, especially with how great KDE was. I've made a bootable image of Kubuntu LTS 22, and have cloned a barebones windows install for emulation on a different SSD. I've gotten a new SSD to run Kubuntu off of. My question is, do I need to00:36
TexasRedformat it in Windows before installing Kubuntu at all, and if yes, to what? In addition, would I just be able to keep using my drives as is after moving to Kubuntu (no programs installed on the other drives, just data, like steam library folders, music, documents). Thanks in advance.00:36
oerheksTexasRed, in short; no00:37
oerhekslet the kubuntu installer handle format and partitioning.00:37
oerheksjust boot in UEFI mode, if available, just turn off fastboot.00:38
TexasRedOk, will do that. hat about the drives? You mean that I'd need to format them?00:38
oerheksnope, just make sure you select the right disk, it is pretty simple.00:38
TexasRedSorry, I meant the other storage drives, not the one for installing Ubuntu.00:39
oerheksif you are scared, disconnect the 'other' disk, so you cannot fail.00:39
oerheksbut i am certain you get it, enough info about size to give a clue00:39
oerheks* during install00:40
TexasRedYeah, they should be labeled with the name even, that's true.00:40
oerheksjups, name brand, size00:40
TexasRedWell that makes it much easier, since I know exactly which drive is which and they are 3 different brands. It's gonna be no issue. Thanks for that.00:42
TexasRedAs for the 2 other drives containing a steam library folder and other media, Kubuntu would see them after booting, but I would not be able to write to them, is that the issue, or is that no longer the case?00:42
oerheksmaybe this page is a help https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2022/07/how-to-install-kubuntu-2204-with-dualboot-uefi-external-disk-method.html00:42
TexasRedYeah, pretty helpful, it all looks very familiar other than a few things unique to Linux like ext2. Thanks for the link.00:45
oerhekshave fun!00:46
TexasRedI'm sure I will! LTS is always better for stable everyday use, right?00:46
TexasRedMight be a stupid question, but I'm just starting, ha.00:46
oerheksyes, no worries about upgrading for a few years. and stable versions.00:46
TexasRedGreat. Thank you very much. All the best, man.00:46
oerhekssome want the newest of the newest, but the wait is for QT600:47
=== fgheorghe is now known as safsadf
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== root is now known as Guest9185
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> It may not let you if you are doing so from within the system. Boot into a live disc, be that a Kubuntu iso or perhaps even better something like Redo Rescue. As Diogenes suggests, gparted may be the better tool for that job rather than KDE Partition Manager. (re @Omar: Can enyone tell me why kde partition manager wont let me extend the UEFI partition?)10:25
=== VlA is now known as V1A
TexasRedHello to everyone. I installed Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS this morning and everything has been great so far, only issue I ran into is I tried to install the nvidia drivers, but got the message that nvidia-drm appears to be loaded into your kernel, etc. I booted into multi-user with SU, tried to install from there, and it seemed to start unarchiving the12:43
TexasRedfile, but nothing happened and I waited very long and just ended up rebooting and nothing had changed after I switched back to graphics-target. What am I missing?12:43
TexasRedThe install came with something called Nvidia X-server which shows I have SOME driver, though it's a few versions old.12:43
TexasRedAlso, after the process started in the DOS-like interface, the video output disappeared entirely. Waited about 15 mins, and upon reboot everything was fine, but driver was the same ver.12:44
TexasRedAh crap, sorry, closed the window by accident if anyone replied, so I'm gonna have to double post, I apologize.12:59
TexasRedI installed Kubuntu lts 22 and everything is ok so far, but I can't install the nvidia drivers, even with no gui and with sudo. The process starts, but then just the video output is gone and nothing happens even if I wait. Nvidia X Server claims I have some 525 drivers, which are a few vers. older than the current one, How do I actually update?13:00
vcxza hello, which is the easier way to share a directory on my ubuntu os with a windows machine on line? Samba installation is ugly and buggy, is there an alternative?14:21
tomreync/p'd to #ubuntu14:34
TexasRedHello there, is it possible to use stuff like GPUTweak or Gigabyte's CPU OC app via some compatibility layer on Kubuntu? Games and installs can all work when added as non-steam game to Steam, but these are different.15:24
cbreakvcxza: maybe something that uses WebDAV, like own cloud? Not sure if that works :/16:42
cbreakI use Syncthing to share between my linux, android and macos devices, which works fine, but that's syncing, not remote access16:42
cbreakTexasRed: maybe... what do those do? Direct hardware access might not work.16:43
cbreakOverclocking and the like might be exposed in your EFI16:43
JFox762Need help with installing kubuntu onto T470s17:04
JFox762Been having trouble with booting into Kubuntu17:04
diogenes_Vx15JFox762, lenovo?17:09
TexasRedcbreak Well, GPUTweak is for GPU overclocking, while the Gigabyte utility has fan control and CPU overclocking, plus RGB control17:30
lubo76kubuntuHello guys. Why hwinfo is not in Discover?18:11
=== felix0 is now known as HolmesOnToast
=== william is now known as Willy--

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