
lotuspsychjegood morning02:27
lotuspsychjemorning Square 02:42
SquareHey. I'm curious about trying a tiling window manager. "Sway" seems to be a good one. Sadly ubuntu (wayland) support seems patchy at best. 02:44
lotuspsychjeSquare: they all seem to love hyperland on unixporn these days02:44
lotuspsychjego get some ideas, then pick the right one for you02:45
Squareoh ok02:45
lotuspsychjea lot of users like an ubuntu-server base with i3 too02:46
lotuspsychjedepends a bit wich road you want to take and what needs you have Square 02:46
SquareSeems tiling window manager world hates NVidia.02:59
lotuspsychjewell nvidia doesnt like wayland too much, not sure if thats the case for tiling03:00
SquareWhat, NOT-terminal based, irc client do you prefer?15:59
SquareWanting to ditch hexchat/xchat that seems to have gone EOL16:00
Square..or development stopped16:00
jeremy31I thought hexchat was still maintained 16:04
oerheksindeed https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat16:10
oerhekschoose one supporting sasl16:10
SquareI thought the last developer update sounded really tired. And it feels like its been standing still forever.16:11
JanCit's mostly in maintenance mode, but occasionally new features are added too when people submit them19:41

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