
loswedsededI thought sudo made me root00:05
loswedsededapparently not, how do I become root?00:05
noobie519sudo -i00:06
noobie519is what i usually do.. i am just a novice though, maybe wait for an expert00:06
oerheksfor a root session, yes00:06
loswedsededso, sudo -i thunar?00:07
noobie519sudo -i opens a root shell00:07
noobie519elevated shell00:07
oerhekssudo -i # enter00:07
oerheksthen thunar ..00:07
cnnxwhats type of program would benefit from a 60GB ram disk? I have s spare 2700x amd computer with 64gb dr4 doing nothing under my desk00:08
oerheksor use a thunar plugin https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/custom-actions00:08
jeremy31Maybe pkexec thunar00:08
oerhekscnnx, ubuntu takes ~ 20 gb, have fun00:08
cnnxoerheks: how can I load the whole OS on it00:09
oerheksor play with ubuntu server?00:09
oerhekscnnx, just boot the iso and install?00:09
cnnxI thought about hosting differnt services but its my home line and i work from home for a company00:10
cnnxso im not sure about offering server services00:10
cnnxoerheks: I would have to create the ram disk at the shelel first00:10
oerheksput the iso on usb?00:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:10
cnnxthen all i NEED is a fairly large UPS00:11
cnnxso if power goes out i dont lose data00:11
cnnxcan we tell the difference in speed from ssd and RAM these days?00:11
loswedsededwhy can't i delete a snap directory with thunar as root?00:12
loswedsededI should be able...00:12
cnnxtried apt-get remove?00:12
loswedsededapt get is for apt00:12
cnnxok snap is snaap00:12
cnnxyou're right00:12
oerheksubuntu uses some snaps as core..00:13
oerheksso, good luck00:13
cnnxsnap is just another package manager?00:13
loswedsededyt-dlp as core... not probable00:13
oerhekssnap list # gives all snaps00:13
loswedsededinstalled or available?00:13
cnnxso like an overlay, kind of like installing bluestacks on windows00:13
oerhekstry it00:14
cnnxim on mac00:14
noobie519hey jkc , thanks for name calling and then turning on +g mode so you can't hear me ask why?  You aren't cool, you're a coward and a bully towards novice users.00:17
noobie519He's sending unsolicited DM's, btw00:17
oerheksnoobie519, join #ubuntu-ops for that00:18
oerheksor use /ignore00:18
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
jhutchinsYeah, /ignore is the right response.  There's no winning an online pissing contest.01:42
oerhekssorted out in #libera, he ranted in multiple channels, it did not happen here01:43
SquareHow dependent is steam on Gnome?02:36
SquareI was wondering if I should install I3. Maybe side by side?02:37
SquareOh, i3 is x11. That's not too appealing02:40
SquareReally I would like to try out "Sway". Above blabber would be to prepare for that.02:41
lotuspsychjeSquare: think you maybe like more #ubuntu-discuss to chitchat about de's ?02:42
webchat40Hey, how do I use the pinch to zoom feature on ubuntu, and I would like it to be as seamless as the Windows pinch to zoom.05:50
webchat40I tried using fusuma and Ctrl + two finger silde, but it is not that great.05:50
=== benfrancis1 is now known as benfrancis
oerhekswebchat40, this page might be your help too https://wiringbits.net/accessibility/2022/12/05/macos-like-pinch-to-zoom-on-ubuntu-22-04.html06:07
oerheksand for browsers https://devicetests.com/enable-pinch-zoom-browsers-ubuntu-wayland06:09
webchat40Thank you oerheks, it will really help.06:29
webchat40I also had a doubt regarding application installation.06:29
webchat40I tried installing PyCharm06:29
webchat40I downloaded the file from the official website06:30
webchat40and executed the pycharm.sh file in the bin folder06:30
webchat40but, it looks like everytime I want to use pycharm, I need to go to the folder to which I have extracted the files and then to the bin folder and then execute the same file06:31
oerheksoh, there are 3 pycharm versions in softwarecenter06:33
oerhekscommunity, professional and edu06:33
oerheksalso for 22.04 and up06:34
webchat40Oh okay, but say I need to download an application through the web by extracting it and so on, is there anything that specifically has to be done to create such a shortcut?06:35
webchat40By the way, really appreciate your help oerheks. Thank you.06:40
oerheksif you know the location, there is a simple app for that https://snapcraft.io/install/make-launcher/ubuntu06:40
oerheksor manually; https://askubuntu.com/questions/1428517/how-do-i-create-a-new-application-launcher-in-ubuntu-22-0406:41
webchat40Thanks, I also tried to create a "link" to the .sh file and then put it on the desktop06:42
=== ENOTULTRAS is now known as PFRF
webchat40It runs fine, until I power off06:42
oerheksthat should work too.06:43
oerhekshave fun!06:43
webchat40Once I turn off the laptop and then turn it on, then it does not work06:43
webchat40It says something like link is broken06:43
webchat40I don't know if it is a conflict between my two OS's.06:45
oerheksi think you should extract such manual programs to /opt/, the place for undefined programms06:45
webchat40oh, I'll try06:45
webchat40And then again create a link?06:46
oerheksyes :-)06:47
webchat40okay, thank you06:47
kerxphiloxAny suggestions on how to configure and start vino-server (the ubuntu vnc server) from the CLI?07:53
=== shokohsc5104 is now known as shokohsc510
tarel2I used Ubuntu to set up my system and it make grub menu that has Ubuntu as the first and then it has Gentoo ,but the grub config file looks pretty bare ,  Where is the real menu file ? The one that says  Ubuntu as first and then Gentoo08:58
Snuupyhmm, strange - I think I have both nmcli and netplan active and they keep overwriting each other.08:59
SnuupyI thought the default networking behavior of ubuntu was to prioritize ethernet over wifi09:00
Snuupyfor some reason, after some time it will revert back to the wifi connection and I have to manually "netplan apply" every time09:00
Snuupywhat's going on?09:00
Snuupyshould I be using networkmanager or netplan for ubuntu server?09:01
Snuupymaybe I can just apt remove network-manager09:08
lotuspsychjeSnuupy: you can visit #ubuntu-server if you like for deeper netplan questions09:24
Snuupythanks lotuspsychje09:24
lotuspsychjeSnuupy: as its sunday today, things might be a bit slower09:24
Mechanismusugh ufw is driving me batty09:24
SnuupyI don't think I have deeper netplan questions, my netplan config works and is simple - just use dhcp on the ethernet interface and a wlan connection on the wireless interface09:25
SnuupyI think networkmanager for some reason was also installed and I just had to remove it09:25
SnuupyI'll see in a few hours or a day if it's still messed up09:25
mko_anyone used this tool https://github.com/a13xp0p0v/kconfig-hardened-check/, should I trust it?11:11
=== ripple is now known as footprints
=== VlA is now known as V1A
drzacekHello there.11:54
drzaceknoob *buntu user here, hello. I have a question: I just installed my system and when setting it up, I encountered stuff like "snap", "flatpak" and "appimage".11:55
drzacekSo I understand those are different ways of distributing software independently from apt or other distro package managers11:55
drzacekanyways, so my question is - how can I put those appimages (and other programs/scripts, like the one I wrote myself) to the runners (alt+f2 menu)?11:56
drzacekin console it's easy, I either modify the PATH or put the programs to directory that already is in PATH, but with those GUI runners? Not sure where they look for things11:56
terminaldwellerxbox: hello12:35
terminaldwellerhow can we help you xbox? :)12:37
xboxmy system is broken please help me12:39
terminaldwellerthis is a support channel. that's what this is for. but we're going to need more info than your system being broken. ;)12:40
terminaldwellerexplain exactly how it is broken. if you have logs, put in them in a pastebin and link that here. someone will get back to you.12:41
xboxi accidentally deleted my flash12:43
terminaldwelleryour flash? you mean the MB flash?12:45
xboxwith main system now get error e7912:46
xboxand sometimes green light but no screeb12:47
lotuspsychjexbox: can you still enter your ubuntu's grub at boot?12:49
xboxthrought xell reloaded12:51
vcxzahello, which is the easier way to share a directory on my ubuntu os with a windows machine on line?12:53
vcxza(the easiest)12:53
vcxzahello, which is the easiest (few or 0 configuration stuff) way to share a directory on my ubuntu os with a windows machine on LAN?12:54
terminaldwellerpython -m http.server?12:54
vcxzaterminaldweller: I need that the windows machine can upload files to the linux dir12:56
terminaldwelleri've only done that with windows with samba. its not zero config but if you've done it before its fairly straightforward. i dont have a better option. sorry.13:01
vcxzaterminaldweller: yeah, I was thinking on samba, but it's config is pretty awkward13:02
=== spit1 is now known as footsteps1
jhutchinsterminaldweller: It can be done with NFS, but at least the older versions have user ID and file owner issues.13:45
vcxza hello, which is the easier way to share a directory on my ubuntu os with a windows machine on line? Samba installation is ugly and buggy, is there an alternative?14:21
=== paradigm_ is now known as paradigm
jhutchinsvcxza: It can be done with NFS, but at least the older versions have user ID and file owner issues.14:22
jhutchinsvcxza: Samba is the way to do it.  I've never had troubles with bugs.14:22
leftyfbvcxza: cifs is the easiest and fastest way14:22
wkmangoSamba for sure. Gnome has the webdav stuff by default if you want to try that too14:23
vcxzaleftyfb: I'm using lubunt14:23
leftyfbvcxza: irrelevant14:23
vcxzaleftyfb: which GUI app can I use to set a shared dir?14:23
leftyfbvcxza: I don't know. I don't use the GUI for such things14:25
vcxzaleftyfb: does cifs use samba?14:25
leftyfbCIFS is the successor protocol to SMB14:26
vcxzaleftyfb: so, I have basically to do "mount cifs somedir" ?14:26
leftyfbvcxza: I thought you were trying to share a directory on ubuntu with Windows14:27
vcxzaleftyfb: yes14:28
vcxzaso, which command do I have to execute for sharing it?14:28
leftyfbvcxza: https://mirrormirage0.medium.com/make-a-folder-on-lubuntu-18-04-accessible-on-windows-machine-local-network-bc180ea9a2d514:28
leftyfbvcxza: https://www.fosslinux.com/111128/how-to-create-shared-folders-on-ubuntu-for-windows-users.htm  this is the first result on google for "ubuntu share directory with windows"14:29
vcxzaleftyfb: they are buggy and outdated guides. I tried the samba method and it throws "permission denied" errors14:31
leftyfbvcxza: they are not buggy or outdated guides. The 2nd link I gave you is from 4 months ago14:32
leftyfbvcxza: if you are getting permission denied errors, then something is wrong and you need to troubleshoot14:32
vcxzaleftyfb: let's try again samba14:32
leftyfbvcxza: also, what version of Windows?14:33
vcxzaleftyfb: I think 1014:33
leftyfbyou might want to verify that, it matters14:33
vcxzaleftyfb: the problem is: which samba client can I use on ubuntu, in order to test it?14:37
leftyfbvcxza: mount -t cifs14:37
vcxzaleftyfb: mount -t cifs mysharedfolder ?14:38
leftyfbvcxza: try following the tutorials I gave you14:38
vcxzaleftyfb: I followed the second tutorial. It simply says to restart samba14:39
vcxzanothing more (after editing smb.conf)14:39
leftyfband did you do that?14:39
leftyfbvcxza: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-mount-cifs-windows-share-on-linux/14:41
vcxzayes. then I tried to launch konqueror (which has samba support) with this address  smb://myuser@
vcxzaI see the shared dir, but I get stucked on "enter password"14:41
leftyfbenter your password14:42
vcxzasamba password or user password?14:42
leftyfbdid you set a "samba password"?14:42
vcxzano. and I tried with the user password. no luck14:43
leftyfbwhat do your logs say?14:43
vcxzasamba log?14:44
leftyfbof course14:44
wkmangoyou can't skip the samba password14:45
wkmangoUnless you've done some extra work, the default is you have to set a separate samba password for the user14:45
leftyfbwkmango: that is not true14:45
vcxzacat /var/log/samba/log.  <--- empty file14:45
vcxzaas I said before, this  is a NIGHTMARE. It doesn't work as quickly as it's intended14:46
vcxzaand I remember I have similar issues in the past14:46
leftyfbvcxza: can you post your smb.conf file?14:46
wkmangook, but the guide that you shared specifies it14:46
wkmangowhy go the complicated route? just set a password14:47
leftyfbwkmango: the first guide does, the 2nd doesn't. It's easier to just use the already existing credentials of the linux user14:47
vcxzaleftyfb: https://bpa.st/DNLQ14:48
vcxzaleftyfb: I really thank you for your help. but I'm pretty sure that samba on linux is awkward14:48
vcxzait's totally random14:48
leftyfbit is awkward, but it's not "totally random"14:49
wkmangovcxza, there are plugins for it on most file managers, not sure about lxqt14:49
wkmangoAnd the config file is pretty easy if you have a sample shared drive config14:49
vcxzaI dunno how to go out this hell14:50
leftyfbvcxza: give me a moment14:50
vcxzathanks leftyfb14:50
wkmangosometimes, I use 'smb4k' gui to check and mount drives14:51
vcxzawkmango: let's try it14:51
wkmangoyou don't need to use that, but since you said Koqueror, do you have Dolphin plugins on that?14:51
wkmangoI'm not sure the difference between Konqueror and Dolphin on Lubuntu14:52
leftyfbwkmango: vcxza: it doesn't matter what client you're attempting to use if the server isn't setup properly14:52
wkmangobut Dolphin has a plugin to share samba.. "right click, properties, shares"14:52
vcxzaleftyfb: in any case, I just tried smb4k and it's stuck on the password as well14:52
vcxzashould I set a samba password for my user?14:53
leftyfbvcxza: right, that's not an issue with the client14:53
leftyfbjust hold on14:53
vcxzaI also disabled uwf14:53
leftyfbnot if we're just testing locally and it's asking you for a password14:54
wkmangolook at all the wikis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide14:54
leftyfbbut if you can't even see the shares from Windows and it doesn't ask for a password, then yes14:54
vcxzaleftyfb: I see the shares14:54
wkmangoUbuntu/Debian/Arch, all say to setup a password14:55
leftyfbwkmango: your first link: last edited 2014-11-19 00:01:16 by foka)14:55
wkmangouser is stuck on password14:55
leftyfbthis isn't arch14:55
wkmangoHmm... what could it be?14:55
leftyfbyou don't need a smbpassword14:55
leftyfbjsut stop14:55
vcxzaI well remember these issues in the past. That's why I asked for something different than samba14:57
vcxzaI suspect they are related to lubuntu14:57
leftyfbvcxza: do you care about it being password protected?14:58
vcxzaleftyfb: yes14:58
leftyfbok, please wait14:58
vcxzathanks again leftyfb14:59
leftyfbvcxza: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SZKXC67zDM/14:59
leftyfbbtw, you can remove/comment out the [printers] and [print$] section if you're not going to be running your own print server from it14:59
leftyfbvcxza: you'll need to restart smbd15:01
vcxzaleftyfb: done. the issue remain15:01
leftyfbvcxza: there should definitely be a log in /var/log/samba15:02
leftyfbvcxza: it might be log.localhost15:03
vcxzaleftyfb: https://bpa.st/FMFA15:03
Guest93Hi! I have 2 issues with SSD:15:04
Guest93Sometimes OS crashes with text like this:15:04
Guest93[16792.130797] EXT4-fs error (device nvmeon1p10): __ext4_find_entry:1663: inode #1438998: comm systemd: reading directory lblock 015:04
Guest93[16792.131601] systemd-journald [305]: Failed to rotate /var/log/journal/0e809b9a94e049f6a9f2b648e8b538c6/system.journal: Read-only file system15:04
Guest93[16792.131739] systemd-journald [305]: Failed to rotate /var/log/journal/0e809b9a94e049f6a9f2b648e8b538c6/user-1000.journal: Read-only file system [16792.131968] systemd-journald [305]: Failed to write entry (29 items, 766 bytes), ignoring: Input/output error15:04
leftyfb!paste | Guest9315:04
ubottuGuest93: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:04
leftyfbGuest93: you have a corrupt filesystem. run fsck on it to repair. Maybe run "dmesg" to see if you have errors on your drive, it could also be a corrupt drive15:05
vcxzaleftyfb: I give up. I'm searching for an alternative, as said at beginning15:05
vcxzasamba support on ubuntu is simply broken15:06
leftyfbit's not15:06
leftyfbvcxza: do you want my help or not?15:06
vcxzaleftyfb: yeah, of course15:06
leftyfbvcxza: under the [sharedfolder] section, add:  force user = paolo15:07
vcxzaleftyfb: the error remains15:09
leftyfbvcxza: grep password /var/log/samba/*15:09
vcxzagrep: /var/log/samba/cores: Is a directory15:10
leftyfbthat's the only line you get?15:11
leftyfbhow have you been restarting smbd?15:11
vcxzasudo service smbd restart15:11
leftyfbwhat version of ubuntu is this?15:12
vcxza22.04 (lubuntu)15:12
leftyfbvcxza: sudo systemctl restart smbd15:12
leftyfbvcxza: fine, just set a smbpassword for your user:   sudo smbpasswd -a psolo15:13
leftyfbthis does work without having to do this, but I have to get going15:13
vcxzaleftyfb: I just solved. I entered the samba password (not the user password)15:14
vcxzamany thanks for your precious support15:14
leftyfb[10:42:48] <leftyfb> did you set a "samba password"?15:15
leftyfb[10:43:09] * nurtle (~nurtle@user/nurtle) has joined #ubuntu15:15
leftyfb[10:43:12] <vcxza> no. and I tried with the user password. no luck15:15
vcxzaleftyfb: I tried also without samba password, before15:16
vcxzaI mean:15:16
vcxzawithout a samba password set15:16
leftyfbthat's probably the reason this wasn't working. If you set a smbpassword, you have to use it. If you didn't set smbpassword, then it should have worked using the linux user password15:16
vcxzaleftyfb: I meant:15:18
vcxzaI tried with a user WITHOUT a samba password and it did not work15:18
vcxzathen I set a samba password and it did not work either15:18
vcxzathere should be something in your conf file that made it work15:18
vcxzathanks again. bbl15:19
ioriavcxza, did you share the directory on windows ?15:21
untreis ubuntu illegal in north korea?16:52
rboxsounds like a question for the north korean governmnet16:54
untreor rascul16:55
JFox762I need help with installing Ubuntu and being able to boot to it on my Lenovo T470s16:56
JFox762Im stuck in a bootloop with my previous installation... and am OK with starting over with reinstallation16:56
untreJFox762: are you in north korea?16:57
JFox762... No16:57
rboxuntre: go troll somewhere else16:57
untreok then the nerds here should be ble to help16:57
JFox762So when I try booting up my laptop, it brings me to grub16:58
JFox762I should have a linux os installed on the main drive16:58
JFox762When I het the contextual button to bring up bootup options, and try to set it to boot to my main drive....16:59
JFox762It just brings me to the grub17:00
jeremy31JFox762: is there an ubuntu option in the boot list?17:04
JFox762yeah but it brought me back to grub17:06
jeremy31Does grub allow you to boot an OS?17:07
JFox762I have kubuntu installed17:07
JFox762how do I boot from grub to the OS?17:07
jeremy31There should be options in the grub menu17:08
jeremy31JFox762: you may need to boot the ISO and post a link to summary info from boot repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:10
JFox762Im going to try reinstalling the OS one more time17:10
JFox762(no important data)17:11
JFox762That way we can eliminate any configuration changes that might make it more complicated17:11
oerheksjust make sure you boot the iso in UEFI mode.17:12
oerhekswith fastboot disabled17:12
JFox762fastboot enabled in bios?17:13
oerheksdid i write enabled?17:15
oerhekssee the UEFI manual17:16
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:16
JFox762Im not familiar with fastboot17:16
JFox762Im checking to see if its enabled so I can disable it17:17
JFox762not sure where to find it in bios17:17
oerhekseasy to check all pages..17:18
oerhekssecureboot is oke17:18
JFox762ahh nevermind found it17:18
JFox762i think17:19
JFox762Theres options under Bootmode  "Quick" and "Diagnostics"17:19
JFox762So select Diagnostics?17:19
oerheksthat sounds like not the bios settings17:20
oerhekscheck the manual how to enter the bios?17:20
jhutchinsJFox762: That doesn't sound like it.  That sounds like whether to run the RAM and hardware checks at boot.17:20
jhutchinsAre we sure this system is UEFI, not BIOS?17:20
jhutchinsJFox762: Do you see SecureBoot mentioned anywhere?17:21
JFox762It is disabled17:22
jhutchinsJFox762: Fast Boot should be on the same page. Both should be off.17:22
JFox762There is no mention of fast boot17:22
oerhekssecureboot on, fstboot off....17:23
JFox762options are:17:23
JFox762Secure Boot [Disabled]17:23
JFox762Platform Mode [User Mode]17:23
JFox762Secure Boot Mode [Standard mode]17:23
JFox762Reset to Setup Mode [Enter]17:23
JFox762Restore Factory Keys [Enter]17:23
oerheksweird you can paste those..17:23
JFox762I didnt, I hand typed that lol17:26
JFox762Sorry for the accidental flood17:27
JFox762But yeah, no mention of a fastboot17:28
JFox762Possible that just isn't a feature on the Lenovo T470s bios?17:30
haowhen I'm brought into grub when not expecting it, I always try set the correct grub.cfg (something like `configfile (hdX,...)/boot/grub/grub.cfg`), then it might bring the menu to me. sometime also have to `set root=(...)`. I never fully understand grub, and never spend the time to fix my multiOS bootable USB stick.17:37
haoalso found that many problem asked here is about booting/grub/efi...17:38
JFox762So I tried installing a new OS, and I got an error17:44
JFox762"Executing 'grub-install /dev/nvme0n1' failed. This is a fatal error."17:45
jhutchinsJFox762: THat looks like a partition, not a device.17:57
JFox762   Trying the installation again17:57
jhutchinsJFox762: You probably want /dev/nvme017:58
JFox762I chose entire disk this time17:58
JFox762maybe I made an error first time17:58
JFox762Same error, again :(17:59
jhutchinsJFox762: At least you're consistent.18:01
jhutchinsJFox762: Are you changing any of the defaults?  Can you pastebin fdisk -l /dev/nvme0 ?18:03
JFox762No I didnt change any defaults18:04
oerheksnvme0 set to raid or ahci?18:04
oerheksnomodeset could an option > https://devicetests.com/fix-ubuntu-installation-issue-lenovo-thinkpad-t47018:05
oerheksoh noes, secureboot could well be the issue.. https://gist.github.com/okapies/de0d08f9e3c8bcb2b76a33b68f62a48c18:10
jhutchinsoerheks: If it was nomodeset it would get past the grub menu but fail on graphics.18:13
JFox762THATS THE OUTPUT from sudo fdisk -l /dev/nvme0n118:13
elias_aJFox762: Stop yelling you idiot!18:14
jhutchinsJFox762: So you're specifying the wrong device for grub.  p1 and p2 are partitions, not devices.18:14
JFox762when I tried to install kubuntu... i just chose it to install on entire disk18:14
JFox762IS that not appropriate?18:15
jhutchinsJFox762: Not sure what you mean.  Grub is supposed to install to the device, not the partition.  kubuntu is the same as regular ubuntu except for the desktop and apps from KDE.18:16
JFox762So Im at the "Installation Type". There are four options. Guided - Resize /dev/nvme0n1p2 and use freed space" OR "Guided - Use entire disk." OR "Guided use entire fdisk and set up LVM" OR Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM18:17
JFox762What should i select?18:17
jhutchinsI would say Guided, entire disk. I think the "Resize" option is because the installer sees there is already data on p2.18:20
JFox762Thats the output for fdisk -l18:20
JFox762Thats what I selected previously though18:20
JFox762The device is listed as /dev/nvme0n1 - 256 GB Intel SSDPEKKF256G8L18:20
jhutchinsJFox762: That's not the problem, the problem is the selection for where to install grub.  p1 is the EFI partition, not the device.18:21
jhutchinsJFox762: That is NOT a device, that is a partion on device nvme0.18:21
jeremy3112:45 PM <JFox762> "Executing 'grub-install /dev/nvme0n1' failed. This is a fatal error."18:22
jhutchinsJFox762: I like to have the installer make just one partition for Linux, plus a swap partition, and you need the EFI partition too, so you would have three partitions.18:22
JFox762Last time I did "Guided Entire Disk" it came up with the same error18:23
jhutchinsJFox762: That's not where your problem is.18:23
JFox762So what do I do from here?18:23
jhutchinsYou could do this:18:23
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:24
jhutchinsOr you could re-run the guided install.18:24
JFox762The Guided Install... using "Guided - Use Entire Disk" Option?18:24
JFox762OK... Ill try it again18:25
=== gnuself1 is now known as gnuself
JFox762Tried the "Guided - Full Disk" Option as you advised... and got the same error18:30
JFox762@jhutchins any suggestions?18:43
jhutchinsJFox762: Yes, scroll back and look at what we've said about partitions and grub install.18:43
JFox762You said to retry the guided install, thats exactly what I did, and I selected "Entire Disk"18:45
jhutchinsJFox762: That doesn't have anything to do with the problem.18:45
jhutchinsJFox762: Actually, I don't think I told you to re-run the install, that was your idea.  I showed you the links for fixing the grub install and suggested you do that.18:49
jhutchinsJFox762: Do you understand what a partition is, and what the difference between the device and the partition is?18:50
jhutchinsJFox762: Why do you keep telling grub to install on the partition instead of the device then?18:50
JFox762I kept selecting "Entire Disk" not the partition from the guided install18:51
JFox762So I was not installing onto the partition18:51
jhutchinsJFox762: That is at the partitioning stage, which is not the grub install stage.  It asks you where to install grub just before you get the error.18:51
jhutchinsJFox762: You installed Ubuntu to the partitions created in the guided partitioning stage.  That is not the grub install stage.18:52
JFox762there didn't seem to be a separate Grub install stage18:53
jhutchinsJFox762: WHat installer are you using?18:53
JFox762i was using kubuntu18:53
JFox762kubuntu live-usb18:53
JFox762Im going to try regular old school ubuntu18:53
JFox762Creating a new live USB18:53
jhutchinsIf you make the same choices, you will end up at the same error, no matter which desktop you choose.18:55
JFox762OK so im booting up my laptop now18:57
JFox762So I hit enter, and then select the boot options so I can select my bootup device... select the LiveUSB18:59
JFox762Selecting Language, and then selecting Install Ubuntu19:00
JFox762Selected Keyboard layout19:00
JFox762Updates and Other Software.  Selected Normal Installation, and enabled option for Download Updates while Installing Ubuntu AND install third party software.19:01
jhutchinsSo far so good.19:01
JFox762Now I'm at a screen that gives options "Erase Ubuntu LTS and reinstall"19:01
JFox762OR "Install Ubuntu LTS alongside Ubuntu" (odd, probably not the option I want19:02
JFox762"Erase Disk and install Ubuntu"19:02
JFox762and "Something Else"19:02
JFox762Should I select Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu?19:02
jhutchinsYes, that's correct.  You're erasing the Lubuntu install you did, replacing it with ubuntu + gnome.19:04
JFox762Ok good19:04
JFox762Selecting that option and clicking install now19:05
JFox762Now it brings up a popup saying the Partition tables of the following devices are changed: /dev/nvme0n119:05
JFox762and "The following partitions are going to be formatted: "Partition #1 of /dev/nvme0n1 as ESP"19:06
kerxphiloxubuntu@ip-172-30-1-161:~/firefox$ chromium19:06
kerxphilox/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup19:06
kerxphiloxubuntu@ip-172-30-1-161:~/firefox$ firefox19:06
kerxphilox/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup19:06
JFox762"Partition #2 of /dev/nvme0n1 as ext4"19:06
kerxphiloxHi all, I'm receiving the following installing snap packages on an ARM64 Ubuntu 22.04 ec2 instance19:06
JFox762Options are Go Back or Continue. Select Continue?19:06
jhutchinsJFox762: That is a little confusing, but yes.19:07
JFox762Now its selecting region page19:09
JFox762Now its installing19:10
JFox762that is after a final username/password/hostname screen19:10
akikanybody tried to install ubuntu mate 22.04.3 on a usb stick in uefi mode? after install the usb stick won't boot until i mount/chroot/grub-install and grub-mkconfig19:11
=== shokohsc5103 is now known as shokohsc510
JFox762Same error again19:13
jhutchinsJFox762: Do you have any options when you get that error?19:13
jeremy31JFox762: get a summary report from boot repair19:13
JFox762Just "OK"19:14
JFox762Wait... now it says "Installation is comlete You need to restart the computer in order to use the new installation"19:14
JFox762But I also got another popup saying...19:14
JFox762"INstaller Crashed -  We're sorry; the installer crashed. After you closet his window... we'll allow you to file a pug report using the integrated bug reporting tool..."19:15
lotuspsychjeakik: maybe alkisg knows19:15
jhutchinsJFox762: I haven't run a recent installer on an EFI system, I think you'll need to wait for someone with more current knowledge.19:16
jhutchinsI did my initial install several years ago and have only updated it since.19:16
jhutchinsJFox762: You might try searching the net for terms like "ubuntu" + <laptop model>+install19:17
alkisglotuspsychje, akik, what was the question? I scrolled back a bit but I can't find it19:24
akikalkisg: i installed ubuntu mate 22.04.3 on an usb stick in uefi mode. after install it didn't boot19:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:25
akikalkisg: then i did the mount/chroot/ remove EFI/* /grub-install and grub-mkconfig and by magic it now boots19:26
alkisgakik: which efi partition did the install use, the stick one or the hd one?19:26
alkisg*the installer19:26
akikalkisg: the stick's19:27
alkisgOK well if you hadn't repaired it might make sense to see the disk layout, the efi boot entries etc; but now that you fixed it, problem solved I guess...19:28
akikwell for me19:28
alkisgIf it's a reproducible case, you might want to file a bug in launchpad then; it should affect all ubuntu flavors...19:30
akikalkisg: i can try it again tomorrow19:30
untreakik you will respect this channel by not using windows19:30
untreit has been noticed you have frequented #windows19:32
akikthat is none of your damn business on which channels i chat19:32
lotuspsychjeuntre: stop that please19:32
jhutchinsakik: Do not engage the troll.19:32
akiki just made documentation on how to start gnome desktop in wsl 219:34
akikdid you know that you can now run a linux kernel in windows?19:34
untrei did, i did not know that you could do it in finland though19:35
akikyea did you know where linus lived when he built the initial linux kernel?19:37
JFox762So I tried running the boot-repair19:37
JFox762Ran the recommended boot repair19:37
akikyup in finland19:37
JFox762"Locked-NVram detected"19:37
leftyfb!op | untre can we please remove this troll?19:38
ubottuuntre can we please remove this troll?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant19:38
jeremy31JFox762: is there a lock boot order in BIOS?19:40
JFox762Let me reboot the laptop and check19:41
jeremy31JFox762: there might be an option to boot an EFI too19:42
JFox762Boot ORder Lock is enabled19:42
ioriaJFox762,  Supervisor Password set ?19:43
JFox762I think so19:43
jeremy31Disable it, JFox762, is there a BIOS boot order on that?19:43
JFox762I have to enter a password prior to boot up19:43
JFox762correction... Supervisor Password is disabled19:44
JFox762Lock UEFI BioS Settings are disabled19:44
ioriathen wrong installer19:44
jeremy31It might not need a password19:44
JFox762So Disable Boot Order Lock, Leave Supervisor Password Disabled19:45
jeremy31JFox762: for now19:45
jeremy31F12 or FN + F12 at boot should bring up a boot order, see if ubuntu/kubuntu is listed19:47
JFox762OK so now retry install?19:50
JFox762Grub pulls up now19:51
JFox762Ubuntu is an option19:51
JFox762I think Ubuntu is pulling up19:51
JFox762Ugh, I left my liveUSB plugged in19:51
JFox762how do i make sure Ubuntu is running off of the main drive and not the liveUSB?19:52
JFox762Hmm nevermind19:52
JFox762its prompting me for username and password.19:52
JFox762Going to shutdown, remove LiveUSB, try again19:53
JFox762I guess it was Boot Lock Order that was causing trouble19:53
JFox762Its working now, seamlessly19:54
JFox762What are the benefits of Ubuntu SSO?19:56
jeremy31You can use it to access multiple Ubuntu sites19:57
jhutchinsJFox762: The laptop is an HP isn't it?20:06
jeremy31jhutchins: HP usually just makes you change UEFI boot order in UEFI settings20:07
JFox762Noticed the bottom panel was swelling my Lenovo T470s...20:30
JFox762One of the two batteries had not been working for a while. Opened up the laptop, swollen battery. Removed it to reduce risk of explosion.20:30
JFox762Thankfully the other battery is still fine20:30
JFox762Im traveling soon, and needed to fix this laptop so I have a laptop for my travel. Not a good idea to fly in an airplane with a swollen battery20:31
kerxphiloxAnyone can help me figure out why firefox snap isn't running properly and provides me with this error message: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup21:03
kerxphiloxThere isn't anything online that is pointing me in the right direction of fixing this21:03
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins21:04
kerxphiloxJust as a note I'm running ARM6421:05
jhutchins!info firefox-lts21:06
ubottuPackage firefox-lts does not exist in lunar21:06
jhutchinskerxphilox: You could try the .deb package from Mozilla.21:09
jhutchinskerxphilox: I don't know if they have arm64 builds.21:10
kerxphiloxYea, I am not having luck w/ ARM6421:10
kerxphiloxEven doing a google search for firefox on arm64 doesn't bring up much21:10
kerxphiloxI thought that by now it would be more common, am I missing something?21:10
kerxphiloxI wonder if I would have success by compiling Firefox myself21:11
kerxphiloxThis is so weird!21:16
kerxphiloxRunning '/snap/firefox/2918/usr/lib/firefox/firefox' manually will bring up Firefox browser, but running it in the command line as 'firefox' will not21:17
akikalkisg: i don't know what goes wrong with the ubuntu mate 22.04.3 usb stick uefi install, but this fixes it: https://paste.linux.chat/?63dd0c806c0f4e27#GmH6AUT79VZKzhM6RahkMNUoEj3nH5LxSpv4dmEVcN1L21:17
kerxphiloxAny ideas as to why the snap doesn't work but the binary does?21:21
jhutchinskerxphilox: snap.21:21
akikalkisg: oh it gets the esp partition wrong: # /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during installation21:22
jhutchinskerxphilox: Not the best idea they've had.21:22
jhutchinskerxphilox: Do a "which firefox" to see what command it's actually running; consider making a symlink.21:22
kerxphiloxubuntu@ip-172-30-1-161:~$ which firefox21:23
kerxphiloxubuntu@ip-172-30-1-161:~$ file /usr/bin/firefox21:23
kerxphilox/usr/bin/firefox: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable21:23
kerxphiloxmaybe it has to do with the fact that I am running inside a VNC connection remotely?21:24
jhutchinskerxphilox: Yes.21:25
terminaldweller:b 6421:25
jhutchinskerxphilox: Look at the script and see what it's doing.21:25
akikkerxphilox: i couldn't make the firefox snap work in a vnc session either21:26
kerxphiloxOk got it21:34
kerxphiloxThis worked.  I removed the snap and installed from the ppa21:34
jhutchinskerxphilox: ++21:34
kerxphiloxThis only happens on the ARM64 instance though.  I work perfectly fine on the x86_64 instance21:35
newpyhas anyone had any issues using wireguard on ubuntu 22.04? I tried using the peer config steps here but it's not working: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-wireguard-on-ubuntu-20-0421:45
oerhekstry https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-wireguard-on-ubuntu-22-04 ?21:46
oerheksseek the difference21:46
kerxphiloxAny idea why I can't add files on the Desktop of a gnome session?  I even manually add files using touch but it doesn't appear on my Desktop in the gnome session22:11
rboxgnoem doesnt have desktop icons anymore22:13
oerhekskerxphilox, only .desktop files allowed  https://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/how-to-install-and-edit-desktop-files-on-linux-desktop-entries/22:14
oerheksother files is so windows xp22:14
kerxphiloxThere isn't an option to add a application to the desktop, just the start bar22:16
oerheksthere is an option in settings22:16
kerxphiloxI don't have an appearance in the settings menu22:18
oerheksyes you do22:18
oerheksin gnome22:19
kerxphiloxNo I'm serious, I don't see it in the settings22:19
oerheksalso that url is a help22:20
oerheksgood luck!22:20
kerxphiloxThanks I'll try that22:22
tomreynkerxphilox: i think you only really need to    sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng22:22
oerheksoh good spot, not sure i installed that manually22:23
kerxphiloxgnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng is already the newest version (43-2ubuntu1).22:24
kerxphiloxgnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng set to manually installed.22:24
kerxphiloxHow do I manage it?22:24
kerxphiloxThere we go I got it22:25
tomreynusing extensions manager22:25
kerxphiloxThanks, I got it22:25
tomreynyou'll soon notice it's not perfect22:26
kerxphiloxYea, but it's better than nothing22:27
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you on?22:28
tomreyni'm just wondering since i think this used to be installed and active by default22:28
tomreynsettings -> about   will tell22:29
tomreynor   lsb_release -ds22:29
kerxphiloxUbuntu 22.04.2 LTS22:30
kerxphiloxIt's an amazon ec2 instance that was initially Ubuntu Server22:30
kerxphiloxI manually installed ubuntu desktop, gnome, etc22:30
kerxphiloxThat's why it didn't have all this setup by default22:30
tomreynoh so that'll be why, i guess. maybe you don't have the "ubuntu-desktop" package installed22:30
tomreynand maybe some of the ubuntu-server*" packages are still installed22:31
kerxphiloxI do have that package installed22:31
kerxphiloxubuntu@ip-172-30-1-47:~$ dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-desktop22:31
kerxphiloxii  ubuntu-desktop                             1.481.1                                 amd64        The Ubuntu desktop system22:31
kerxphiloxii  ubuntu-desktop-minimal                     1.481.1                                 amd64        The Ubuntu desktop minimal system22:31
tomreyni see. please use a pastebin for sharing multi-line outputs, though22:31
kerxphiloxOk I thought up to three would be OK, i'll use pastebin for future pasted22:32
kerxphiloxIs there a package I can install that will give me the complete Ubuntu desktop, such as icons, etc.?22:34
akikalkisg: i just confirmed this; when installing ubuntu on a usb stick in uefi mode, the installer uses the wrong esp which is not on the usb stick22:35
tomreynubuntu-desktop should, i think. that's unless the system is configured not to install recommended packages22:35
oerheksthere is vanilla-gnome-desktop .. but i doubt it will give gnome2 functions back22:36
oerheks!info vanilla-gnome-desktop22:37
ubottuvanilla-gnome-desktop (0.97, lunar): Vanilla GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Built by ubuntu-gnome-meta. Size 4 kB / 9 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el.)22:37
tomreyntry   sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^     or   sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop -o 'APT::Install-Recommends=1'22:39
kerxphiloxubuntu-desktop is installed, but i just installed vanilla-gnome-desktop22:39
kerxphiloxThere we go, that did it22:40
kerxphiloxI needed vanilla-gnome-desktop22:40
newpyEdFletcher, hey sorry to bother you again but is prometheus also free like grafana?23:40
newpyoh wait, wrong channel23:41

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