=== guiverc2 is now known as guiver === guiver is now known as guiverc [03:21] Hi all [03:21] So i extended my UEFI partition and it won't boot into linux anymore only Win10 boot manager === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [03:31] And booting into Win10 became so laggy [03:55] It's showing me this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a9fc8950/file_67940.jpg [04:28] I booted into live usb [04:39] All my data is there but i can't boot into the os (re @Omar: I booted into live usb) [04:39] I guess BIOS can't find grub [04:39] Any help here?? [04:43] I'd probably try reinstalling the bootloader(s) [04:43] Also make sure the flags on the EFI partition itself are set right. [04:44] How is that (re @IrcsomeBot: I'd probably try reinstalling the bootloader(s)) [04:44] Can i do if by booting into live usb ? (re @IrcsomeBot: Also make sure the flags on the EFI partition itself are set right.) [04:48] Omar, open terminal on live USB and run: lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999 [04:48] share the url [04:49] Ok wait [04:58] https://termbin.com/kozy [05:00] the uefi is on sda1 [05:06] Omar, what a weird and confusing partition scheme you have, why so many partitions? so EFI is on /dev/sda1 and root is which one? sda3 or sda4? [05:07] i have 3 OS's [05:07] fedora wi10 kubuntu [05:07] root u mean /dev/sda8 384610304 780013567 395403264 188.5G Linux filesystem? [05:08] https://termbin.com/qunf take a kook here [05:08] the output of sudo fdisk -l | grep "Linux filesystem$" [05:09] so sda8 where Kubuntu is installed? [05:09] yp [05:10] ok now run in terminal: [05:10] sudo mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi [05:10] done [05:10] sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/ [05:10] done [05:10] sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi [05:12] done [05:13] sudo mount -t proc none /mnt/proc [05:13] done [05:13] sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev [05:13] done [05:14] sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys [05:14] done [05:14] sudo mount -o bind /run /mnt/run [05:14] done [05:14] sudo mount --rbind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ /mnt/sys/firmware/efi/efivars [05:15] done [05:15] ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI [05:15] what does it show? [05:15] Boot Dell fedora Microsoft ubuntu [05:15] ok [05:15] chroot /mnt [05:15] sudo chroot /mnt [05:16] sudo: unable to allocate pty: No such device [05:16] it worked [05:16] now im on root [05:17] root@kubuntu:/# [05:17] type exit [05:17] done [05:18] sudo mount --rbind /dev/ /mnt/dev/ [05:18] done [05:18] sudo chroot /mnt [05:18] donw [05:18] e [05:18] what are u doing ? [05:19] ok now run: sudo apt update [05:20] we are mounting your system [05:20] why? im on live usb [05:20] because you said you can't load your system from the drive. [05:21] yeah [05:22] so did it run apt update with no problem? [05:22] yp [05:23] ok now run: sudo grub-install /dev/sda [05:23] and notice if there is any errors. [05:23] Installing for x86_64-efi platform. [05:23] grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. [05:24] ls /boot/efi/ [05:25] what does it show? [05:25] ls: cannot access '/boot/efi/': No such file or directory [05:25] ls [05:26] hmm that's weird, ok type exit and run: ls /mnt | nc termbin.com 9999 [05:26] share the url [05:26] this is the content of /boot [05:27] https://termbin.com/6jvy [05:27] https://termbin.com/7anhu [05:30] ls /mnt/boot/efi/EFI does it still show: Boot Dell fedora Microsoft ubuntu [05:30] yp [05:32] ok let's try again: sudo chroom /mnt [05:32] sudo: chroom: command not found [05:32] ok let's try again: sudo chroot /mnt [05:32] sorry [05:33] it's ok [05:33] root@kubuntu:/# [05:34] run ls and tell me what you see, just a couple of directories what it shows [05:35] bin cdrom etc lib lib64 lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var [05:35] boot dev home lib32 libx32 media opt root sbin sys usr [05:37] ls boot [05:37] does it show efi? [05:37] yp [05:38] and ls boot/efi/EFI still showing those dirs? [05:39] yp [05:39] root@kubuntu:/# ls /boot/efi/EFI [05:39] Boot Dell fedora Microsoft ubuntu [05:39] sudo grub-install /dev/sda [05:39] Installing for x86_64-efi platform. [05:39] Installation finished. No error reported. [05:40] exit [05:41] done [05:41] and run: sudo umount /mnt/boot/efi && sudo umount /mnt/proc && sudo umount /mnt/sys && sudo umount /mnt/run && sudo umount /mnt/sys/firmware/efi/efivars [05:42] umount: /mnt/sys: target is busy. [05:45] don't bother about that one, ok reboot now and see if everything boots normaly. [05:45] ok [05:46] It booted [05:47] Thank u bro really appreciated [05:48] no problem, glad it worked. [05:48] Man really thans u saved my entire life 😂😂😂😂 (re @IrcsomeBot: no problem, glad it worked.) [11:49] error: externally-managed-environment [11:50] trying to install a pip requirement [11:50] what should i do [19:01] how would hwe work with an optimus hybrid gpu laptop like an msi ge626qd apache pro [19:03] sorry msi ge62 6qd apache pro [19:03] try it? [19:03] it is just a newer kernel and tools [19:04] !hwe [19:04] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [19:04] as i was having problems running some games in lutris [19:05] but only for LTS 22.04 [19:05] i was looking at that and may very well try the ubuntu lts enablement stack later when i get a chance [19:06] presently i am running an up to date linux mint and miss kde [19:06] plasma rockd ok [19:06] rocks lol [19:07] good luck [19:07] kinda flat on my back rite now [19:07] fint that other room for suppot [19:07] c/support === JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays [21:44] hey i got a issue i wanted to test kubuntu but cant try it due to grapics drivers i need to boot it in save mood to test arround === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === user|12 is now known as lotek