=== depon__ is now known as test23 === guiverc2 is now known as guiver === guiver is now known as guiverc === keypushe- is now known as keypusher === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === thomas25- is now known as thomas25 === adrien is now known as Guest9748 [05:15] akik, that's "normal", to use the "main" esp. It's the same as the old bios/grub, which would go to the first disk, not the target disk. [05:15] It would make sense though to provide a combo box to select "which esp to install to". So do file a feature request bug for that. [05:16] alkisg: i created a bug report about it just now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/2031267 [05:16] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2031267 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu MATE 22.04.3 installer chooses the wrong EFI system partition" [Undecided, New] [05:17] alkisg: if the installer creates a usb stick that doesn't boot, it's not normal === reverbtank23897 is now known as reverbtank2389 [05:26] akik: it should boot as long as it's inserted in the same PC that you installed it to, without any disk changes at all [05:30] alkisg: what use do i get of the usb stick if i can boot it on just one computer instead of any computer i want? [05:30] akik, the installer doesn't distinguish between "usb sticks" or "real disks". It doesn't know that you want it to be removable [05:31] akik, most users, when they're installing in a second disk, just want their computers to boot. And they won't boot if it's installed in the second esp, without proper uefi/bios support. [05:31] alkisg: i'm not sure why you're saying it works right, when i see it's working wrong? [05:31] So while your use case is fine for a feature request, it's not fine to be the "default" [05:31] For the rest, you don't have to convince me, as long as you can convince the ubiquity developers... [05:32] alkisg: i tell the installer to use the usb stick's esp, and it doesn't use it [05:32] It already has a "target esp" option? [05:32] Or is it "target disk"? [05:32] alkisg: in the manual partitioning when you can tell it what to mount where [05:33] Sure, that does make sense, if you specify which esp you want to mount in /boot/efi, that could also be the target esp for installation [05:35] alkisg: it doesn't actually say /boot/efi [05:36] alkisg: it says: Edit partition (as superuser) [05:36] Size 1074 MB [05:36] Use as: EFI System Partition [05:36] when i change the usb stick's esp properties in manual partitioning [05:43] akik, but that one allows you to define 10 such partitions, right? So it can't mean "the one that the installer will use" [05:43] Try the "where to mount" options, not the "format as" options [05:44] alkisg: it was already initialized. there's no place to set the mount point [05:45] https://i.stack.imgur.com/psm5Z.png [05:45] I mean that ^ mount point column [05:46] alkisg: for the root fs the mount point setting is right there [05:46] OK then, so a feature request will be required if they don't provide any option yet to specify the target esp [05:47] The "format as esp" doesn't count as you can format 10 partitions as esp [05:48] alkisg: what 10 partitions? i only have one on the usb stick [05:48] Yes but you could have two [05:48] And two in your internal disks [05:49] So that option isn't equivalent to "target esp" [05:49] So I suggest that you do a feature request rather than try to twist the defaults to your use case [05:49] And that's all I have to contribute to this issue; you can try to convince the ubiquity developers otherwise if you wish [05:50] it's not "my" use case, but everybody's use case who want to create a uefi bootable ubuntu usb stick [05:50] i created the bug report [05:50] I don't have anything else to contribute to this issue. You can't convince me, and you don't need to [05:50] Sure, just wait to hear back from them [05:51] I just mentioned what I thought would be a suitable solution, in case you wanted to mention it in the bug report === A_Dragon is now known as Guest8048 === Guest8048 is now known as A_Dragon === tristan123 is now known as tristan_ === shokohsc5108 is now known as shokohsc510 [07:40] What provides the Start Menu similar to Windows on a Ubuntu Gnome desktop? I don't have that enabled by default. Is it an extension? [07:46] kerxphilox, most other desktop environments have something like that by default. [07:46] Otherwise search engine tells me old.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/85v7gf/is_there_a_windowslike_start_menu_for_gnome/ [07:46] Is there a way to get that installed on Gnome? I can't find an extension [08:02] https://docs.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin/start#screenshots ? :D [08:03] HELLO [08:03] Question here. How hard would it be to compile Google Chrome's browser from source code on an ARM64. I have experience compiling source code but not something like this. Is this even possible? [08:08] No and yes, kerxphilox. Google Chrome's source code is not available, it's closed source. However, it's mostly Chromium. That you can surely build for ARM. E.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/+git/snap-from-source/+ref/stable for the snap or https://code.launchpad.net/~nteodosio/+junk/chromium-mantic for a PPA. [08:08] unfortunately the SNAP doesn't run through VNC. I get the following error when I install the chromium snap and try running it through VNC on my arm64 instance: [08:09] ubuntu@ip-172-30-1-161:~$ chromium [08:09] /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup [08:09] I've checked on Google for that error, but nothing really comes up [08:09] That seems familiar... [08:09] What Ubuntu version are you running? [08:10] kerxphilox: you said you can run the firefox snap on x86 vnc session? [08:10] akik: Yes, I managed to get that to work by installing it with the PPA [08:10] kerxphilox: not ppa, snap [08:12] akik: it would run when you would run the binary manually, but I removed the snap and I am now running the ppa [08:12] firefox/jammy,now 116.0.3+build1-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~mt1 arm64 [installed] [08:12] is that the snap? [08:12] maybe I'm wrong, I can't even remember what I did to get it to work [08:13] It was until 5 in the morning here [08:13] snap list doesn't show firefox [08:13] kerxphilox: you removed the firefox snap [08:14] yea, I believe I installed it through another repository [08:14] mozillateam-ubuntu-ppa-jammy.list [08:14] That one to be exact [08:15] I'm getting the same issue with Google Chromium [08:18] I've got a question. What is the future of ARM64 when it comes to Ubuntu and the software world in general? Will more and more software support ARM64 as time goes on? It appears this architecture is becoming more popular especially with Apple's move. I want to invest roughly $3K on a Apple M2 MacBook Pro but I'm worried that not enough software will run on it. I want to Virtualize Ubuntu A [08:18] RM64 on top of it that's why I'm asking. [09:38] hi [11:10] im having the problem on my 20.04 LTS installation that the software store applications are lacking icones and images inside the app until they are installed, before this its just cogwheels, is this a known issue? [11:28] Is there any way to get Unity 7.7 on Jammy? [11:28] I would like to try out UnityX but their PPA has been snatched by a squatter [11:32] I need to clarify this a bit: the PPA for UnityX is up and running but base Unity used to be obtainable from a different one which is now down and replaced by a generic search site [11:44] I am running Ubuntu server on a raspberry pi, and I am wondering how I can force the governor for the cpu to always be performance. === shlom is now known as V1A === gordie is now known as MM0URH === MM0URH is now known as gordie [12:42] Hi, I'm beginner. I posted question yesterday under username Guest93, now I can't use this nick and I can't see that message. But I saved question and unswer: [12:42] "Hi! I have 2 issues with SSD: [12:42] Sometimes OS crashes after that I have to restart computer. SSD is fine (SMART in windows disk utilite say that), but I can't see SMART information it in Pop_OS and that's the second issue. How can I fix it? [12:42] I have dual-boot with windows and ubuntu. In ubuntu issues are the same. [12:42] The answer was: [12:42] ### You have a corrupt filesystem. run fsck on it to repair. Maybe run "dmesg" to see if you have errors on your drive, it could also be a corrupt drive" [12:48] im having the problem on my 20.04 LTS installation that the software store applications are lacking icones and images inside the app until they are installed, before this its just cogwheels, is this a known issue? [12:50] I am trying to blacklist snapd from being installed. I have followed the instructions for making e.g. /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.conf, "Package: snapd\nPin: release a=*\nPin-Priority=-10", and added a firefox PPA, yet still when I do "apt install firefox" it suggests it is going to install snapd. [12:51] Never mind, found the problem. Why on earth does apt care about the extension and refuse to read the file if it ends in .conf? === RDMengineer2 is now known as RDMengineer === RDMengineer2 is now known as RDMengineer === root is now known as Guest3151 [13:39] polkit-agent-helper-1 on jammy for user B runs with a certain username C as argument even though user D could also authenticate according to localauthority when trying to change wifi. how do you trace this action? I want to change so user C is not hardcoded so B can choose to authenticate as C or D [13:43] it sounds similar: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1307439/polkit-window-doesnt-allow-user-selection-how-to-pick-different-admin [13:47] i found this in /vra/log/syslog: gnome-shell[4502]: polkitAuthenticationAgent: Received 2 identities that can be used for authentication. Only considering one. [13:48] how do you change which one is selected? [13:57] it is coming from gnome-shell/js/ui/components/polkitAgent.js . how do you change to a different agent? [14:14] zphinx, a gear type logo/icon (cogwheels?) is expected & a default if asked to show a logo/icon that is not installed on the system (a fallback).. that maybe what you're experiencing [14:15] guiverc: this is inside gnome-software, not an app on a menu somewhere [14:17] I don't know, but some themes have limited icons in them & fallbacks are used for anything else.. but I'm unsure what gnome-software actually uses.. (if what I'm saying is accurate; you'll likely get different results if you change theme to a Ubuntu provided default - but sorry this is guess as I don't use gnome-software much at all) [14:19] im running the default theme which is yaru-dark if i remember correctly [14:20] and the icons are app provided, they dont live in /usr/share either if im correct, since gnome-software is a snap [14:21] !info gnome-software [14:21] gnome-software (44.0-1ubuntu1, lunar): Software Center for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-software. Size 665 kB / 3,034 kB [14:21] 06152011 [14:21] it is not installed standard, ubuntu-software is [14:27] oerheks, guiverc: https://ibb.co/M752JHk [14:28] what happens when you hit update? [14:29] no new updates, we are internally hosted though, but we updated our repositories this sunday [14:30] same with a manual apt update [14:31] hmm mailspring is snap only [14:32] what happens wen you change back to yaru without dark? [14:32] it goes for anything, until it is installed, then the icons show up [14:32] and the app screenshots [14:33] so gnome-software is not the best tool, same happens with ubuntu-software? [14:35] sudo apt clean && sudo apt update # does this fix? [14:35] nope, still the same [14:35] sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/gnome-software && sudo apt update # another tip from https://www.maketecheasier.com/ubuntu-software-center-not-working-fixes/ [14:36] doesnt exist [14:40] no clue there, last resort is avoiding your local mirror and try direct one, so you can blame your private mirror [14:41] our local mirror mirrors from archive.ubuntu.com. [14:42] zphinx: did you mean the gear icons inside snap-store or just after installed apps on your dock? [14:42] ioria: inside the software store [14:42] zphinx, so? that does not mean the mirror is complete.. [14:42] they show up when installed [14:43] oerheks: we md5sum check our mirroring towards the repos [14:44] i recall a bug where snap icons inside the store loading slowly [14:47] so, try it, to show it might be the mirror? [14:48] else, filing a bug is of no use. [14:49] try what? [14:49] change to the official mirror, not the private one [14:50] ok, give me two secs [14:50] i highly doubt there will be updates since this problem persisted between two apt-mirrors, but ill give it a shot [14:57] yeah no dice [14:59] rm -rf ~/.cache/gnome-software is the correct cache [14:59] found at fedora [15:00] did you install the flatpack plugin? === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself === root is now known as Guest3796 === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself === user__ is now known as Yasmo [15:28] Hello! I screwed up my system by mistake. Please help me. [15:28] It all began with a broken WiFi adapter in my laptop, which is why I bought an external WiFi stick. [15:29] Yasmo: What did you try to do? How did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? [15:29] in order to make sure, that Ubuntu connects to my external WiFi stick, I _blacklisted_ the kernel module with the driver of the internal WiFi adapter [15:30] now, I just wanted to uninstall "tkhtmltopdf" [15:30] then I got a bunch of kernel errors and now I am stuck, I can't install new software any longer [15:30] also, my WiFi is only 8 KB - 30 KB fast even though my connection is 20 Mbit strong [15:31] so it's a WiFi and Kernel problem [15:31] jhutchins: thank you for your interest, does this answer your questions from above? [15:32] Yasmo: Back out your changes and see if you can get it to where it was. Why did you not want to use the internal NIC? [15:32] Because I don't know what an internal NIC is. [15:32] I will paste aptitude's output to a pastebin [15:33] Yasmo: Network Interface Card (or Chipset). === RDMengineer6 is now known as RDMengineer [15:34] jhutchins: https://dpaste.org/C9Dp3/raw [15:35] jhutchins: I did not want to use the internal NIC because it seems to have been broken, it constantly disconnected and reconnected and then often times it has not been found by the system [15:36] in regard to my pastebin, the problem seems to be this line: [15:36] ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for 8188eu: 1.0 not found [15:36] 8188eu is - I believe - the module I blacklisted [15:37] lsmod 8188eu? [15:38] $ lsmod 8188eu [15:38] Usage: lsmod [15:39] lsmod | grep 8188eu [15:39] I am actually not sure if I really blacklisted this module or not [15:39] Yasmo: lsmod | grep 8188eu - but it's unlikely that the module is installed because it looks like it didn't build. [15:39] I recently re-installed Ubuntu, not sure if I really blacklisted it again [15:39] r8188eu 524288 0 [15:39] libarc4 16384 1 r8188eu [15:40] Yasmo: I would guess that you might get around this by disabling dkms, but I'm not sure how to do that. [15:40] Yasmo: Ok, that module appears to be installed and running. You said you had networking but it was slow. [15:40] why did this error come about in the first place? [15:40] jhutchins: yes please help me with the networking, it is a disaster [15:40] Yasmo: You need to resolve the dkms problem because it's blocking configuration of the kernel. [15:41] I have one more clue for you: Sometimes, even the "localsend" (an app) submissions from phone to computer and vice versa time out via wifi [15:41] Yasmo: Where did you get this driver? [15:41] so it's not only the internet that is slow, it's the WiFi thingy itself [15:41] I am not sure if I installed a driver... I believe it ran out of the box [15:42] Bus 005 Device 002: ID 2001:331b D-Link Corp. [15:42] ^ that's what lsusb tells me [15:43] waaaait I have an idea..... I think I know what happened.... [15:43] Guys, can you give me 2 mins? I need to reconnect... I think I have an idea [15:43] I will come back for sure, please wait for me for just a moment === user__ is now known as Yasmo [15:45] re [15:45] No, my idea was wrong... [15:45] I was hoping that my laptop was just connected to the internal card [15:45] but no, I am using the external wifi card and it's slow [15:46] Yasmo: I've found more people having trouble with this adapter than people succeeding. Where did you get the driver for the DLink? [15:47] I believe it ran out of the box [15:47] without any extra drivers installed [15:47] Yasmo: Why are you not using the internal adapter? [15:47] interestingly, the very same wifi stick ran amazingly fast with Ubuntu 18.04 [15:47] Yasmo: The error messages say it's trying to build the kernel module for it [15:48] jhutchins: did not want to use the internal NIC because it seems to have been broken, it constantly disconnected and reconnected and then often times it has not been found by the system [15:49] This whole kernel problem appeared when I uninstalled "tkhtmltopdf" [15:49] that has nothing to do with the WiFi driver [15:50] Maybe I downloaded a driver in the past.... but I don't remember [15:50] is that why I have DKMS installed?! [15:51] Yasmo: I don't know, but I would guess that's how this started. [15:52] Yasmo: I've found more people having trouble with this adapter than people succeeding. Where did you get the driver for the DLink?ran so they can find what they did long after it happened. [15:52] Grrr. Stupid touchpad. [15:52] Yasmo: Some people keep a paper log of any changes they make to the base system so they can find what they did long after it happened. [15:53] I did exactly this (a log) but I found no note about drivers [15:53] I keep them on my computer, digitally [15:53] Yasmo: The errors you're getting don't point to tkhtmltopdf, they point to the NIC driver. [15:54] https://dpaste.org/P8eHi/raw [15:54] should I press "Y" ? [15:54] Yasmo: You could try finding the actual driver file, do a dpkg -S to find out what it came from, then track down that pakage and when it was installed. [15:55] Yasmo: You'll just get the same error. [15:55] Yasmo: Why are you installing hexchat? [15:56] I was trying to install hexchat so I can chat with you and get help :) [15:56] currently I am using "Konversation" which was already installed on Ubuntu [15:57] jhutchins: https://dpaste.org/h4XGX/raw [15:59] !r8188eu [16:00] I am not sure what you mean [16:00] Yasmo: You might look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b [16:00] isn't that a slightly different version? [16:01] 8187b vs. 8188eu [16:01] Yasmo: It has some general information on realtek drivers. [16:01] okay, but before doing so, can we please clean up the mess on my system? [16:01] my "aptitude" is broken [16:02] and it all goes back to my intitial paste where I tried to uninstall "tkhtmltopdf" [16:04] I just ran "apt -f install" [16:04] but I get the same errors again [16:06] https://dpaste.org/GAEX7/raw [16:06] is this of any help? [16:12] how did you blacklist? [16:13] oerheks: I don't remember, also, I am not sure if I really blacklisted it in this or the previous ubuntu installation [16:14] but one thing is for sure: I just screwed up my system even more [16:14] maybe some file in /etc/modprobe.d/you forgot.conf ? [16:14] if you don' t find it there, time to reinstall. [16:15] look at the date of those files [16:15] 22.10: with do-release-upgrade, what do -p and -s do? Is there some way to test out the upgrade before I make system changes? [16:15] man do-release-upgrade [16:15] read that [16:16] there is no -s [16:16] and no, there is no -d dryrun option [16:16] tip: prepare an usb with 22.04 before you try [16:17] or 23.04 [16:17] i read tha man page online and it did have something about sandbox [16:17] $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/internal_wifi.conf [16:17] blacklist rtl8188ee [16:17] I found it !!! [16:17] https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man8/do-release-upgrade.8.html [16:18] what does the -p do? [16:18] the word sandbox does not appear on that page .. [16:18] I am now uninstalling the kernel and re-installing it [16:19] the link I sent includes, "-s, --sandbox Test upgrade with a sandbox aufs overlay" [16:19] but since it is apparently from 2009, the info on that page is woefully out of date [16:19] oerheks: did you see my message above? I found the blacklisted file [16:21] oh sandbox indeed, simulates and keeps changes in ramdisk.. [16:21] did not notice, sorry. never used that one, with 4 gb memory [16:22] Yasmo, have fun! [16:22] oerheks: I don't think the problem is yet solved, though [16:23] I tried uninstalling the kernel and got more errors even though I removed the blacklist-file [16:23] I am just uninstalling "dkms" [16:26] I must use my phone for USB tethering, I go offline for a while [16:26] thank you all [16:34] hi [16:35] hi [16:35] :-) [16:35] hi [16:37] I accidently deleted content of my nand and my xbox has black screen and wont boot can u help my guy? [16:37] xbox: this is #ubuntu [16:38] xbox: you'll have to seek xbox support elsewhere [16:38] but I am on ubuntu but Free60 [16:38] xbox: your issue is not an ubuntu operating system issue. It's very specific to your xbox [16:38] but Ok I can just talk [16:39] !discuss | xbox [16:39] xbox: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [16:39] ok bye [16:39] this is not our creation https://free60.org/ === yCrazyEdd is now known as CrazyEddy [16:46] ok kept moving [16:46] oops wrong chan [16:47] ok [17:25] is there a way to configure a proxy for a specific apt source and not globally across all repos? [17:28] simple search https://askubuntu.com/questions/715731/how-to-proxy-specific-repo-in-apt [17:28] not with google [17:48] Dear all, do you suggest to upgrade directly from Ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04? [17:48] Guest76: better to always fresh install if possible [17:48] thanks [17:48] not sure that is possible, without the step to 20.04 [17:49] what do you mean? i mean install 22.04 directly from an iso, then copy your stuff back and reinstall the programs you had [17:50] EriC^^, upgrade path from 18 to 22 [17:52] oerheks: yeah i know, just clarifying he doesnt have to do that, seems he misunderstood something [17:55] 18.04 -> 22.04 upgrade [17:55] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1454762/18-04-22-04-upgrade [17:56] did you read the answer there Guest76 [17:56] yea [17:56] Guest76: 'You need to do a release upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 and then from 20.04 to 22.04' [17:57] It make sense [17:57] so 2 steps of 1,5 hrs.. [17:57] i would do fresh [17:58] Guest76: as 18.04 is end of life by now, not adviced to upgrade from eol releases [18:08] Hi. On 22.04.3 LTS here and all was okay until software updater installed 6.2.0-26-generic. Files not copying (only 0 bytes) from home directory to mounted disk (readable and ok). Not happy with this feature so rebooted back to 5.19.0-50-generic and all ok (phew!). Advice and or help appreciated. [18:10] aaron: maybe you mean bug instead of feature? keep running older kernels is not a good idea [18:14] lotuspsychje: agreed, but what should I do to fix this? [18:15] did 6.2.0-26 fully install without errors? [18:17] oerheks: AFAIK, yes [18:18] aaron: could you provide us a full dmesg of your boot in kernel 6.2 please [18:18] volunteers can take a look for you then [18:21] lotuspsychje: sure, how? [18:21] !paste | aaron [18:21] aaron: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:21] aaron: boot into your kernel 6.2 from grub, then copy paste your 'dmesg' into a paste ^^ [18:24] lotus thanks, back later ... [18:25] lotuspsychje: [18:25] journalctl -b -1.. [18:25] or -2 [18:41] lotuspsychje: https://dpaste.com/62Y3EZTBX [18:42] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xa0b, date = 2010-09-28 .. oink? [18:42] there is an update recently [18:44] aaron: can you journalctl -f from a terminal, then reproduce your copy from mounted disk, then pastebin us the output journal gave you? === deepSleep is now known as Guest5275 [18:53] lotuspsychje: https://dpaste.com/8TALTHQAN [18:54] aaron: did you do your copy while journal logging? [18:59] lotuspsychje: that was the output after journalctl -f [18:59] aaron: i mean, now try your copy that doesnt work, while journal keeps logging [19:04] lotuspsychje: full log https://dpaste.com/HG2EGJFJM [19:15] aaron: run a windows chkdsk /f on the ntfs file system on /dev/sda5 [19:23] tomreyn: ubuntu Disks says /dev/sda5 is OK [19:25] aaron: i don't know which tests gnome disks runs on the file system, but you could run ntfsfix /dev/sda5 while the file system is unmounted [19:26] and i suggest to read the ntfsfix man page to get an understanding of ntfs is not a fully supported file system on linux (in terms of repairs) [19:27] tomreyn: it works fine with 5.19 ... only fails with 6.2 [19:28] it fails, so there's an error message? [19:28] no error msg that I can see, the copied file has zero bytes [19:29] have you tried copying a file there on a terminal emulator? [19:29] can you also show: mount | grep /media/aaron/DATA [19:29] ...while it's mounted [19:33] there is a relevant difference between those kernel versions regarding ntfs. kernel 6.2 has an internal "ntfs3" driver, while 5.19 would still use the external "ntfs-3g" driver [19:34] tomreyn: copied file with terminal ... same problem, creates filename with zero bytes [19:35] you can try mounting it with "ntfs-3g" instead, like so: udiskctl mount -t ntfs-3g -b /dev/sda5 [19:35] (unmount first) [19:35] tomreyn: a bad filesystem driver would explain it [19:36] well, it should not be bad, it's undergone much testing, but who knows... i'd still recommend running ntfsfix and chkdsk against the file system [19:40] tomreyn: how do I run chkdsk from ubuntu? [19:40] you do not [19:41] i'm also wondering whether the "kernel: ntfs3: Read-only LZX/Xpress compression included" message seen on your log can be relevant. maybe this just indicates what the driver can support, or it might be a hint that this is what you have and thus only read-only support is available. [19:42] but you should not end up with 0 byte files then really [19:42] the ultimate compression? :) [19:45] could it be a permissions thing? [19:45] if it is this should not result in files being created at all then [19:47] there are two bug reports (on ubuntu's bug tracker) against the in-kernel ntf3 driver: bug 2019153 and bug 2019991 - neither seem to describe exactly what you're seeing [19:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2019153 in linux (Ubuntu) "ntfs3 kernel driver corrupts volume during file move operations" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2019153 [19:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2019991 in linux (Ubuntu) "INFO: task cp: blocked for more than 1208 seconds" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2019991 [19:47] hmm .. [19:47] di you run wondows somewhere? if not, why do you have an ntfs there? [19:47] * do you [19:48] it's an old Windows machine, running ubuntu for a year or so [19:48] tomreyn, did you notice the ancient microcode?https://dpaste.com/62Y3EZTBX [19:49] oerheks: yes. but i don't see how it would be relevant to this issue. do you? [19:51] nope [19:53] hmm the system has 4 GB RAM only, with some of it attributed to the intel integrated GPU, and runs gnome-shell. this could also be an issue, the newer kernel probably requires more resources. [19:54] it would be nice to find the cause rather than fixing a disk that may not be broken [19:55] trying to fix the disk that may not be broken may provide a simple way to solve it if that's the root cause, though. [19:56] if you are looking for a workaround, you can either run the GA kernel, which continues to be supported, or you can use the HWE kernel with ntfs-3g for accessing ntfs [20:03] tomreyn will udiskctl mount -t ntfs-3g -b /dev/sda5 be safe? [20:05] What other open source programs are there for transferring really big files from computer to computer than this? https://filesender.org/ [20:05] Searching for a convenient way of transferring a 60 GB virtual machine to a friend. :P [20:10] elias_a, tar it in chunks ? [20:10] some do 5 gb [20:11] oerheks: What benefit would tarring and splitting the file give? [20:11] more choice .. [20:11] there are plenty of big file transfer sites, but you find issues recieving. [20:12] https://fromsmash.com/ does 60 gb easy, but can be a PITA anyway, not really an ubuntu issue. [20:13] oerheks: I am not looking for a "transfer site". I am looking for a self hosted sw to do the job. [20:13] oh [20:13] That makes it an Ubuntu issue. :) [20:13] make an nfs share [20:13] elias_a: scp? [20:14] Aavar: Not very fault tolerant I'm afraid... [20:14] elias_a: that't where the tarballs cole in. [20:14] come [20:14] create a local torrent? [20:15] ftp? samba even? [20:15] oerheks: That's a wonderful idea! [20:16] Aavar: Even worse suggestions. Have you ever tried to transfer tens of gigabytes over ftp or samba share? [20:16] I can almost certainly guarantee that the package breaks in transfer. [20:17] Torrent is the best option so far. [20:17] elias_a: It should not matter as long as it's split into chunks. I have tried transferring tens of gigabytes via scp. yes. [20:17] Aavar: Over mobile network? :) [20:18] rsync would also be an option but the receiving party is a winblows user. [20:21] if your friend has wsl2, rsync is not a problem [20:24] elias_a: yes, but that's not the point :) [20:24] tomreyn, oerkeks: thanks for your input, will use 5.19 for now === five61840 is now known as five6184 [20:26] oerheks, Aavar Thanks for ideas! I'll let you know how this goes... :) [20:26] have fun! [20:28] Thanks! Perseverance is going to be needed... === deepSleep is now known as Guest934 [20:38] any idea when - nvidia-535 - will be - restored - ?? [20:38] restored?? [20:39] usable [20:40] current one 535.86.05-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 [20:41] if you see issues, roll back to 525? [20:41] rly ?, so - i can load it with out any problems ? [20:41] ubuntu-drivers list [20:42] lemme ask - when did this get fixed - last update - ?? [20:42] or go wild; ubuntu-drivers autoinstall [20:43] remember - 3 weeks ago - that - most nvidia - got broke - all fixed now ?? [20:44] with kernel 6.2 [20:45] I use a 1650 for my biz machine - i cant afford to be installing musical cards all day. [20:47] ok oerheks im gonna try it - if it fails - im gonna pull your pants down - in public. [20:49] even the 470 should work for that card? [20:49] it dows [20:49] does [20:49] see what autoinstall picks [20:49] and im using a 710 for now [20:49] till i made sure 535 was back [20:50] ok oe [20:50] ok oerheks [20:50] https://launchpad.net/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/+packages [20:50] looks [20:50] website times out for me :-( [20:54] hilarious [20:56] I updated to Tomahawk b550 and a 5=5600 with a nv-1650 [20:59] oerheks, - im gonna try my 1650 again - if it dont work - im sending you - nancy pelosi - matching - bed sheets. [21:01] I will shift to nouveau first - reboot - then install my oerheks nv-card [21:02] if that fails - in converting back to win 95 - version - C [21:03] have a good day fella. [21:42] oerheks, Thank - You. [21:42] works nice. [21:43] I recind - my - nancy - pelosi - bed, shees. [21:43] sheets [21:44] Have a wonderful day - oerheks . [21:45] oerheks, 1 cor 1:18, kjv. [21:45] end. [21:45] Hi - pls let me know if this is off topic. I am running 18.04 LTS with Postfix and my outgoing emails are getting blocked by Gmail (due to "low reputation of the sending domain” or some such). What’s most annoying is that it worked for month, and then stopped working. I have two domains both pointing to the same IP, mail.dev.host.com and dev.host.com Google sent an XML of failing DKIM which shows that hostname b [21:45] ased DKIM works fine, but there are also entries for IP based DKIP which fail (both IP4 and 6). I am guessing this has to do with the reverse DNS being set up to dev.host.com but not mail.dev.host.com. Google support is useless, so I am wondering whether someone has experience with a similar problem and can offer any insight. TIA [21:45] ray_: Stick to issue. [21:46] stats4647, please upgrade, 18.04 is eol. [21:49] oerheks: ok, will do, but how does that help with this issue? [21:49] stats4647: i'll reiterate, 18.04 is EOL and shouldn't be used for any sort of server. As for your issue, it has nothing to do with Ubuntu and everything to do with the reputation of your ip. I would start looking it up on RBL's to see if it's listed. If it's a static ip on something like Comcast, it might be part of a larger subnet that has a bad reputation. If it's a dynamic ip, you shouldn't be running an email server on DHCP [21:50] oerheks, I keep getting - with out reference - "report error" - this started with the inception of - 6.2 [21:50] stats4647: if you require futher assistance through IRC, I would maybe ask in #networking [21:51] leftyfb: understood, my IP is static and when I email mail-tested.com I get a 10/10 (perfect) score, same with Yahoo Mail. Only Gmail is bouncing. [21:51] leftyfb: thanks for the #networking pointer, will try [21:52] stats4647, did it work before? [21:52] oerheks: for months, never any issues [21:52] if not, check in your browser/gmail settings to... oke [21:52] google has their own reputation algorithms [21:52] oerheks: this is an ip reputation/google issue [21:53] leftyfb, yes, that could well be an issue. was just checking the obvious [21:53] stats4647: You cannot do anything about the issue. What you can do is help destroying google as they are totally evil nowadays. [21:54] I love my 1650 - (again) [21:55] I'm going to drink 15 more beers in recognition of = oerheks . [21:55] leftyfb: yeah, but it's a catch22 (low reputation, bounce, no way to get higher reputation). I send very few emails (10-20 a day) and they are not offering any solution. [21:56] stats4647: Are you aware of the logic behind google not offering a solution? [21:57] stats4647: I’m fully aware of the issue. I’ve been running email servers for over 20 years and had lots of personal dealings with RBL’s including google both on personal servers and for the largest shared hosting company in the world [21:58] Pardon me - google is a industry that develops industry practices that envelop their own interests. need i say more ?? [21:58] I hate 2fa. For some reason, somewhere in my mail chain the "code" message gets hung and either takes hours to reach me, or doesn't even reach in the first place. I was trying password recovery on Yahoo today, and I never did get in. Their message to my phone failed as well. [21:58] stats4647: either way, it’s OT here has it is not related to your OS in any way [21:58] leftyfb: yep [21:58] Have a good day oerheks . [21:59] chow. _ stop using google. [21:59] play some chromium-bsu ray_ [21:59] !info chromium-bsu [21:59] chromium-bsu (, lunar): fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter. In component universe, is optional. Built by chromium-bsu. Size 107 kB / 364 kB === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [22:28] check [22:29] check -5 [22:30] Ive been using ubuntu since its inception. - I started with bsd 3.6 at the time. - ubuntu replaced it. thanks ubuntu. [22:33] oerheks, fulfilled my statement of confidence. [22:34] oerheks, owes me a pair of nancy pelosi matching bed-sheets. [22:35] I forgive oerheks . [22:35] end. === five61847 is now known as five6184 [23:20] hello