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lukashi guys, sorry for my bad English in advance. i us xubuntu 22.04 x64. my question is simlpe. i want to install android apps on my pc. how to make that possible?17:01
pleia2I don't have specific suggestions, but what you want to search for is: android emulators for linux17:14
pleia2there are a few out there, so depending on your needs you can see what will work best for you :)17:14
lukasactualy i tryed androidx86, blis os an another os based on android. i want software like wine17:19
xu-help54wHello, I am just requiring a bit of help installing XUbuntu 22.04.2 on an Acer Laptop (Acer Aspire E5-571). After installing from a flash drive, it seems to hang up on a screen asking for the flash drive again ("No Bootable Device"). I tried changing the boot order in the Bios, but nothing seems to work. I'll try uploading two images of what I'm19:42
xu-help54wseeing now.19:42
diogenes_Vx15xu-help54w, most likely you need to explicitly indicate the bootloader in BIOS>Security tab19:45
xu-help54wok, so, if I'm understanding this correctly, I go to bios>security tab - I've got this.19:48
xu-help54wThen, I'll try sending an image of what I'm seeing.19:48
diogenes_Vx15ok let's see the images.19:49
diogenes_Vx15also the images of BIOS>Boot tab19:50
xu-help54wI am dragging an dropping the images but a new window seems to open up with no controls. Mmm..19:51
xu-help54wI'm just seeing the paste bin, logging in.19:52
diogenes_Vx15upload it to imgur.com19:52
xu-help54wOk, I'll try the imgur.com19:58
xu-help54wDid you get the images?20:00
diogenes_Vx15ok now in the security tab choose supervisor password, something like: 111120:03
xu-help54wOk, I'll try this.20:03
diogenes_Vx15go down to choose an UEFI file as trusted bla bla bla20:03
diogenes_Vx15and when you click there it should show you the partiion with efi files, choose shimx64.efi20:05
xu-help54wFirst screen says, HDDO (I hit enter), the next screen says, <EFI> (I hit enter),20:05
diogenes_Vx15yes, look for shimx64.efi20:06
xu-help54wThen the next screen has 4 options: <.>   <..>   <ubuntu>   and  <boot>20:06
xu-help54wThen I see the shimx64.efi file20:07
diogenes_Vx15yep select that one20:08
xu-help54wThen I'm prompted with "Do you wish to add this file to the allowable database? Boot description [with cursor flashing    ]20:08
xu-help54wAnd below it Yes and No20:09
diogenes_Vx15type yes20:09
diogenes_Vx15and enter20:09
diogenes_Vx15after that go to Exit tab and Save changes and exit20:09
xu-help54wHey great, it's looking like a script is appearing20:10
xu-help54w...and it's booting20:10
diogenes_Vx15let's see if it boots all the way.20:11
xu-help54wI'm seeing the desktop now - is this success?20:12
xu-help54wThank you so much...you've been a great help.20:13
diogenes_Vx15well if you see all the stuff menus panels, you can launch applicatuins then it's ok20:13
xu-help54wI think I'm good now. I see the menus you were referring to. Thanks again diogenes_Vx15!20:16
diogenes_Vx15you're welcome!20:16

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