[01:34] what is minimal system requirment to install kubuntu 22.04? [02:47] minimum requirements are generally very low in linux-land. i'd search for recommendations for KDE in general. or describe the system you have in mind, especially CPU and RAM [02:48] user|19 ^ === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:20] Hello All: I am unable to launch snap applications from the GUI (pinned to taskbar, kmenu, ALT+F2). However, when I launch them from a terminal window they work perfectly fine. Removing the pinned app and then re-pinning the running application also does not work. [12:20] Does anyone have any ideas what might be the cause? [12:22] I am running KDE Plasma 5.24.7, Framework 5.92.0, QT 5.15.3, Kernel 6.2.0-26-generic (64 bit) under X11 [12:22] under Kubuntu 22.04 [12:26] fusion1181: I suspect there is an issue with your .cache - try this to narrow it down: open terminal and type "killall plasmashell;plasmashell > /dev/null 2>&1 &" (this will reset plasma), leave it open. see if things work. wait 5 mins and close the terminal. if this worked, then delete .cache and do makedir .cache to put it back. [12:32] that did not seem to effect the behaviour [12:56] then that is not the issue [13:02] weedmic: Thank you for the suggestion [13:04] When I launch from the terminal I get an error about AppArmor policy that prevents sending message but the app still loads. Could AppArmor policies prevent it from loading in the GUI but not the terminal? [13:07] fusion1181, what span exactly? [13:07] c/snap [13:15] Authy Desktop, teams-for-linux [13:39] snap refresh # and see what happens after that. [13:48] Hi all [13:49] hello [13:53] oerheks: all snaps up to date. Still same behaviour. Very strange [13:54] contact the maintainer? [13:55] teams-for-linux is not official/discontinued. [14:02] Is Authy desktop also unsupported? I don't see anything that states it is [14:03] https://snapcraft.io/authy