[00:49] [telegram] I would be surprised if fonts-ubuntu isn't provided by fonts-ubuntu-classic [07:27] I am currently using Lubuntu 22.04.2, I just saw Lubuntu's website has released 22.04.3, should I re-install Lubuntu to use 22.04.03, or would a simple apt-update apt upgrade make my system match this new LTS version? [07:32] PowderedChocolat, if you apply all security fixes (ie. `sudo apt update` to update software lists & `sudo apt full-upgrade` to apply all upgrades) you'll have been using 22.04.3 by the weekend BEFORE 22.04.3's official release. [07:32] woah cool [07:32] the official release relates to the ISO release; installed systems already having upgraded [07:32] fantastic [07:32] ISO, ie. something you can download & install fresh (all updates included on that ISO) [07:33] Is tehre any advantage to re-installed the newest ISo [07:33] or should I just sudo apt full-upgrade [07:33] No advantage... I'd just upgrade normally... [07:33] ok great [07:33] Is the LTS support timeframe the same? [07:34] Support lasts just as long [07:34] on https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/08/11/ubuntu-22-04-3-lts-released/ you'll read "As usual, this point release includes many updates and updated installation media has been provided so that fewer updates will need to be downloaded after installation." ie. it's a 22.04 system still ; the .3 only showing what upgrades you've applied to it. [07:35] try using `neofetch` from terminal , or `lsb_release -a` to see what you're running :) [07:37] yeah [07:38] I need guidance to upgrade my LUKS version from v1, to v2. [07:38] https://tails.net/security/argon2id/ [07:38] I did a LUKSDUMP and it shows Version: 1 meaning I am probably using the less-secure PBKDF2, when Version 2 LUKS uses Argon2id. How do I upgrade? I'm using Lubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. [16:48] Has anyone had issues with printers lately? [16:49] I tried to print something at work, and neither printers turned up, my pc doesn`t find any. I haven`t used printers since before the summer holiday in june [16:49] ...then they worked fine [16:49] printers and issues are synonymous with one another but there's no new regressions that i know of [16:50] I am in Lubuntu 23.04 [16:51] I have to look into it, and make things work again [16:51] I have had issues with a particular HP printer a long time, I need to download a software to handle it in windows too. [16:52] But this time, the ones nothing turns up on the list of printers [16:55] [telegram] if printers arent discoverable on your network you'd have to add them individually. [16:55] [telegram] not all printers are openly discoverable.