[07:14] PR snapd#13089 opened: snap: add components field to snap.yaml [08:04] PR snapd#13061 closed: o/restart: support for deferred restarting [08:09] PR snapd#13090 opened: o/restart: support for deferred restart [08:54] PR snapd#13091 opened: daemon: enable --purge on multi-snap remove [16:41] PR snapd#13092 opened: cmd: detect if -Wno-missing-field-initializers is needed <âš  Critical> [17:00] greetings, I'm running low on disk space in my / folder. But I have plenty of space on another drive. How can I move my /snap folder to that drive to free up space? I'm thinking of booting to a live usb then move the snap folder and link it back to /snap then boot back to my ubuntu. Will that work. [18:18] PR snapcraft#4327 opened: requirements: update craft-parts to 1.23.1 [20:39] PR snapcraft#4297 closed: Rust plugin: rewrite the Rust plugin using the new plugin system