[14:48] I'm setting up a laptop, and don't want KDE. Is my best bet Xubuntu then running the ubuntustudio-installer ? [14:50] craigbass76: That would make sense, yes. [14:52] craigbass76: do note that the studio applications will pull in some of the KDE libs in any case but they should not run all the time. [14:52] That'll work. I just haven't liked KDE for a while. I think Fedora 4 was the last time I used it regularly. [14:54] For audio only and not the graphics tools that studio also comes with, XFCE is probably better. [14:54] But KDE has things like monitor set up that are harder to do with XFCE [14:58] I'm thinking of sticking it on my older laptop too, but you're right. When I tried Mint with Mate or XFCE, getting multiple monitors (via a docking station) working was near impossible. My son has gotten into astro-photography lately, so I may throw it on anyway and give it to him. He won't need the docking station capability anyway. [15:02] Hmm, I didn't have trouble setting up dual monitors but then mine were plugged in all the time. I do remember that if one wasn't plugged in at start up and added later I had to reset everything [15:02] I think it is better now than then though. [15:03] Sounds about right. I think last November was the last time I tried it, and it didn't go well. [15:03] My main box is a mini PC though, which never moves - problem solved. [15:04] I accidentally tried to join #ubuntu-studio (with a hyphen) and got booted. Is that an unofficial channel? [15:04] I have no idea. [15:09] There is no #ubuntu-studio so you were trying to make such a channel and it decided not to let you do so. [15:33] OvenWerks: Thanks a bunch - dd is done, and I'm booting to the Xubuntu iso. Have a fantabulous day. [22:07] Now that was a pleasant user interaction.