
minimalanyone know why the readthedocs CI check is failing for #4363? The "details" link gives a 40402:29
Edwen94hello guys, is there someone good with VM automation? i am trying to create a VM image and i am pretty desperate...08:11
meenaEdwen94: what kind of image? how are you trying to do that?09:06
Edwen94i wanna enable remote docker.09:06
Edwen94i wanna crate a VM ubuntu using virtualbox that has the docker daemon listening to the port 2375, so i can use the command "docker run" from my windows computer and the container will be opened on the ubuntu VM09:09
Edwen94my problem is that packer is not processing any command i put there09:11
meenaI'm not sure how that is a cloud-init problem tho09:21
Edwen94i don't know what to do... can i show you my configuration?09:52
meenaEdwen94: you can, for sure, but I haven't worked with packer in years. maybe seek out their support channels10:15
Edwen94do you have any link?10:16
meenathey don't seem to have a chat https://www.packer.io/community10:18
Edwen94thank you10:28
ShaneAHGood morning all. blackboxsw, minimal any additional things I might look into regarding the reboot in the middle of a packer build?12:54
=== EugenMayer5965 is now known as EugenMayer596
minimalanyone know why the readthedocs CI check is failing for #4363? The "details" link gives a 40416:02
dbungertminimal: https://dpaste.com/HW8NN43K716:12
minimaldbungert: Thanks. So I guess it's due to an actual problem on ReadTheDocs16:17
dbungertyea, and the same problem when letting rtd grab python
gildasiohey all, I use cloud-config to automatically install an ubuntu instance. I configure the keyboard as `layout: br` and `variant: "abnt2"`. It works just fine on 20.04 and 22.04. But on 23.04 it does not works.16:38
gildasioIf I remove the keyboard `variant` configuration it works.16:38
gildasioI don't know whether here is the right place. If not where can I talk about it or report it?16:38
dbungertgildasio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2008271/comments/8 maybe - in general #ubuntu-server is a better place to discuss16:40
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Launchpad bug 2008271 in subiquity "invalid keyboard layout value results in setupcon error" [Undecided, Fix Released]16:40
dbungertah you did already, great16:40
blackboxswdbungert: that issue with tools/read-version and RTD rings a bell ... there was a case a while back RTD only git clones --shallow  and if annotated tags don't exist within that shallow clone ./tools/read-version ends up dying. I'll check both out RTD doc build config as well as the project settings to see if I can't make the depth of the clone long enough to avoid read-version failures16:52
blackboxswminimal: too^16:52
minimalShaneAH: the next release of cloud-init is due out very soon and so the Canonical guys are likely busy with that currently.18:15
ShaneAHblackboxsw I saw your notes abou t--logs and the clean, FWIW I'm not letting the process get to that point before pulling the logs.  I am running packer with a -debug so that it will stop on each provisioner.  I collect the logs after the reboot.19:42
ShaneAHI have a workaround ATM but it feels like a huge hack.  I pulled the mount out of the cloud-init file and I'm echoing lines into the fstab and then mounting each partition. :(19:43
blackboxswthx minimal, yes we are trying to wrap up a couple of upstream integration test issues prior to cutting 23.3 upstream release which was scheduled for this week. Looks like we'll be able to cut that upstream release early next week once we sort a couple of errors that we are  surfacing from daily test runners on against newer systemd version 253. 22:44
blackboxswapt and puppet initial configuration provided by cloud-init user-data ends up spawning daemons gpg-agent or puppet agent which leaves cloud-config.service or cloud-final.service in SubState=running which keeps cloud-init status --wait blocking indefinitely. We have a PR up to clear out gpg-agent daemon after apt repo/key id setup, but cc_puppet still needs a patch.22:46
minimalwhat systemd giveth, systemd also taketh away ;-)23:04
minimalblackboxsw: so the readthedocs CI fails are a known issue that is being investigated?23:05
blackboxswminimal: yes I have confirmed that the readthedocs build is incorrectly using the wrong git clone depth23:17
blackboxsw`git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init .`23:17
blackboxswfrom project build logs .... but haven't yet figured how to reset that depth for the project. still on my radar23:18
dbungertit looked like some trouble with pip to me but if this clone depth thing helps, that's great23:57

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