
=== marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1
DocMorshi,I have question in regards to the user dirs  in caja. I added a new line in the ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and ran xdg-user-dirs-update, killall caja. I also rebooted but to no avail, the new line doesn't show. Yes I'm sure I user the correct format.10:12
DocMorsI also tried 'xdg-user-dirs-update --set NEWFOLDER ~/Newfolder' to no avail.10:13
sixwheeledbeastmy first thought would be, does the location exist?10:30
sixwheeledbeastYou can also only set a fixed set of places10:43
sixwheeledbeast"NAMES" not "PATH" to clarify10:43
DocMorssixwheeledbeast, yes it exist. The thing with the fixed SET of place, does SET mean number in this case or are you saying that only the pre-existing fodlers can be modified? 11:04
sixwheeledbeastif you read the manual the "NAME" has to be one of the ones listed.11:06
sixwheeledbeastso DESKTOP DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES etc...11:06
sixwheeledbeastanything outside of those I would just bookmark it in caja to the sidebar.11:07
sixwheeledbeastits purpose is to say put Videos on a whole other larger drive for example.11:09
DocMorssixwheeledbeast, the thing with the bookmarks I know. Is there really now way of modifying that places list? 11:10
sixwheeledbeastin caja?11:14
sixwheeledbeastBookmarks show within Places dropdown with Traditional layout, which is how I personally use that. I had to find a way to allow more bookmarks than 3? to be shown which i found online.11:17
DocMorsI'm interested in the places section NOT the Bookmarks section11:27
DocMorsWell the one that has the headline Computer11:28
sixwheeledbeastyou can change where they point but not add any from what i believe11:30
sixwheeledbeastPlaces is considered to be the whole side bar Computer and Bookmarks etc... custom places added to that sidebar end up in bookmarks11:37

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