=== shokohsc51089 is now known as shokohsc5108 === shokohsc51088 is now known as shokohsc5108 [10:59] When I'm adding a new network interface to a virtual machine(2 in total), and reboot the VM without any additional config, the second interface is picking up the already occupied static IP of the first interface. [10:59] Why is it not staying unassigned? [10:59] I also found that netplan is automatically generating file at /run/netplan/INTERFACE and it is automatically getting applied. [13:09] for the record, i found it was related to the way i was creating the virtual machine (using packer & boot command) === ginggs_ is now known as ginggs [16:38] hey all, I use cloud-config to automatically install an ubuntu instance. I configure the keyboard as `layout: br` and `variant: "abnt2"`. It works just fine on 20.04 and 22.04. But on 23.04 it does not works. [16:38] If I remove the keyboard `variant` configuration it works. [16:38] I don't know whether here is the right place. If not where can I talk about it or report it? [16:43] gildasio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2008271/comments/8 has some guidance. In general the values here need to conform to what /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst expects, and I don't see an abnt2 there [16:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2008271 in subiquity "invalid keyboard layout value results in setupcon error" [Undecided, Fix Released] === shokohsc51085 is now known as shokohsc5108 === kees__ is now known as kees === shokohsc51080 is now known as shokohsc5108