
joseph1I just want to say thanks. you folks are awesome.00:18
joseph1you know what to do.00:19
sarnold!cookie oerheks00:19
oerheks!cookie | sarnold00:19
ubottusarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:19
joseph1killer people00:19
joseph1!cookie ubuntu00:20
joseph1sarnold,  oerheks  said buuy him a free diner - is this right ??00:21
oerheksoh i like to meet sarnold, but i cannot go to usa00:21
sarnoldjoseph1: or at least a cookie! ;)00:21
oerheksi can swim, but not that far00:21
joseph1sarnold,  ill buy your visa00:21
joseph1you folks are killer when it comes down to trouble=shooting- I have given $$ many times to Ubuntu - I now know why.00:23
joseph1have a great day folks.00:24
vim_fanshi,there. would anyone like to tell me what does the bellow statement do?   sort -t'\t' +1rn    what confused me is +1 part01:26
leftyfbvim_fans: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2939382401:29
vim_fansleftyfb: thanks01:29
oerheksdiamat, why a twitter crap url? explain? why spanning pultiple channels?02:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant02:08
geniidiamat: If you persist in spamming a ban will ensue02:13
richardwho is ChanServ?02:22
oerheksask in...02:22
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oerheks /clear and wipe my screen, thanks03:30
diamatyou guys should try openbsd, it's more secure than linux03:59
guivercdiamat, please stay on-topic; this is a Ubuntu support room.04:00
diamatayebeesee abc04:00
oerheksdiamat, you got banned multiple channels...carefull now04:01
diamatI'll be "carefull"04:01
rbox"careful"... its just a troll04:01
diamatI'm full of care04:01
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TehdastehdasHow to view reviews in Snap Store? How to edit my review?08:42
ItayWhen I'm adding a new network interface to a virtual machine(2 in total), and reboot the VM without any additional config, the second interface is picking up the already occupied static IP of the first interface. Why is it not staying unassigned?09:00
ItayThere is only 1 netplan config file which referes to only the first interface and thats it09:02
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robin_Single line question: is there a way to get a session manager on RDP connections when running 22.04 Remote Desktop sharing? I'd like to be able to RDP or VNC to a headless remote server.10:07
robin_(In a server room, so nobody there to push the OK button)10:07
Jazzy_JHave you looked at xvnc?10:10
Jazzy_JIt will give you access to the root window when configured correctly.10:10
Jazzy_JAnother solution is X2Go10:10
Jazzy_JI use both. I've got two headless servers with over 50 virtual machines running on them. I have X2Go running on about 80% of them.10:12
alkisgrobin_: there's also `apt install xrdp`10:14
Jazzy_JThanks, I forgot about that one. I don't use it, so it gets shelved and covered with dust in my brain.10:17
ograon a headless system you should better use ssh or putty though ... setting up X/Wayland just to get terminal access is a bit overkill10:23
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ItayI see the second interface is generating a file at /run/netplan/xxx,10:53
lotuspsychjeItay: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might assist you better in this case?10:55
Itaylotuspsychje I thought asking there but the title asks for ubuntu-server specific only and its not server specific really10:56
lotuspsychjeItay: are you not using netplan on an ubuntu server?10:56
Itayfair point10:57
AngryTomDoes somebody know, how to disable the delay before scrolling starts, when scrolling with the arrow keys with firefox?12:10
AngryTomah, found it with chatgpt.12:13
AngryTombut does not work12:16
tomreynAngryTom: about:config -> general.smoothScroll.*12:20
tomreynthe main setting is also exposed in about:preferences -> General -> Browsing -> Use smooth scrolling12:21
AngryTombut which one is for the delay?12:27
tomreynsmooth scrolling itself. for more info, see the mozilla wiki12:28
ioriaAngryTom, might be also an OS problem; check SystemSettings > Accessibility > Typing > Repeat Key12:44
tomreynit could even be just non-accelerated graphics12:46
AngryTomIt is Firefox. Safari does not have that delay.12:46
tomreynsafari on ubuntu?12:46
AngryTomI mean Firefox opn macOS also has that delay.12:47
tomreynah, but your original question refers to firefox on ubuntu then?12:48
AngryTomyes, but Firefox always has that delay, on mac and Windows too.12:48
tomreynhmm, not for me. but i have modified firefox configurations12:49
imihi. I'm wondering whether a completely open source AAA game would be actually feasible13:44
Artfaithimi, a video-game? If so, may I ask what kind of the artwork is it? What is the genre and features would it share?13:45
imicurrently I'm playing fallout newv vegas, and as I heard there are plenty of cut content basically because of contractual obligations, monetary considerations and deadlines13:46
leftyfb!ot | imi13:51
ubottuimi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:51
ArtfaithYou heard or you actually read the history behind/about it? Just in case, in general, it's FOnline: Reloaded -> FOnline: 2238 -> FOnline Engine -> Project V13, which is partially "Earthrise engine"... and nothing is open source there unless you mean the Community re-implemented versions like https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce and ...2-ce .13:58
Artfaithhttps://www.engadget.com/2012-01-09-bethesda-settles-all-fallout-ip-related-lawsuits.html | https://fo2238.fodev.net/source/ | https://fodev.net/forum/index.php/topic,29351.msg257996.html ...13:59
Artfaithimi, ^13:59
leftyfbArtfaith: please take the non-ubuntu support question to #ubuntu-offtopic14:02
ArtfaithJust in another case, the corporation hierarchy, Bethesda (*) -> Zenimax (Elder Scrolls Online <3) -> Xbox (Thank you for not really interrupting Zenimax ^^, dear Microsoft). Some developers of Zenimax may be reached out in forums and chats around like Gitter where I was communicating with while developing add-ons for ESO: https://www.esoui.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10 | and regarding a possible14:02
Artfaithmodification of someone's property without their permission, of course it is a violation under law contexts. Zenimax (Bethesda), I believe, watch it, and unless no one makes actual money from it, they won't raise the law, since why would they be against their Community in the first place. It should work on Linux I believe since the most of Zenimax's (Bethesda) projects are on Proton's Gold. The14:02
Artfaithineffably marvelous Developers... Artists... might even implement it for Steam Deck natively so for Linux.14:02
Artfaithleftyfb, oh... indeed, am sorry.14:02
imiArtfaith: I'm aware of the fact that fallout new vegas isn't opensource. what I'm wondering is whether it would be possible to create an opensource AAA game without the monetary/deadline/contractual constraints therefore without content being cut, ultimately being the game even more awesome14:03
Artfaithimi, seems to be outside of the mentioned channel, though. So, just one thing to wrap it: The Elder Scrolls Online and upcoming Starfield! <33314:04
Artfaithimi, you mean like to develop something but living on the steets, eating the bare air, and crawling in trash cans? No, thank you. Even under the hood of hug monetary support and great development Teams and Artists, such projects require at least 5 years to accomplish.14:06
pavlosthis channel is for questions14:06
ArtfaithThere are some like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Citizen , but: ...Pre-production of the game began in 2010, with production starting in 2011....14:07
* Artfaith stopped here ^^14:07
lblumeGood afternoon channel14:22
lblumeOn an HPE Proliant DL380 Gen9, is it possible to install the hardware monitoring agents for SNMP in Ubuntu 22.04?14:22
webchat8Is this where I can get tech support regarding Ubuntu?14:42
fdan Destination /etc/apt/sources.list.d not writable14:44
fdanI get this error14:44
fdanany idea why?14:44
ograwebchat8, that is the purpose of his channel, yes14:45
ografdan, disk/filesystem issues ? (the dir itself is usually writable bt would indeed turn readonly on filesystem errors of your disk (but so would the whole disk))14:46
pavlosfdan: show ls -l /etc/apt/ it should be 755 root:root14:46
pavlosfdan: drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  1 14:55 sources.list.d/14:47
fdanyes its root:root and 75514:47
ografdan, so with sudo it should be writable ...14:48
ograwhat is the exact error message you get ?14:48
pavlosfdan: sudo touch fdan /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:48
pavlosfdan: did it create an empty file called fdan in that dir?14:49
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tomreynBenjaminR339: hello.15:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:53
BenjaminR339I have to leave15:54
Artfaith> Hello! I have a question! I will not ask it before anyone will ask me to ask it.15:54
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:55
hwpplayer1Does Ubuntu is more integrated with GCC or LLVM ?15:56
jhutchinshwpplayer1: Depends on what each project decides to use.16:01
hwpplayer1So does it mean some projects can rely on LLVM within Ubuntu/Canonical development ?16:02
hwpplayer1jhutchins: Thanks16:03
tomreynboth gcc and llvm/clang are generally available in ubuntu, and packages can build with either, i would think16:04
tomreynhmm clang is in universe16:04
hwpplayer1got it tomreyn16:05
tomreynso i guess packages in main will need to build against gcc16:05
hwpplayer1I need to go to Python dojo16:05
hwpplayer1talk to you later tomreyn and jhutchins16:05
tomreynsee you16:07
jhutchinstomreyn: Are there constraints imposed by the packaging team?16:14
hwpplayer1I'm back tomreyn16:23
iomari891greetings, How do I use bind in fstab?16:26
leftyfbiomari891: https://serverfault.com/a/613184   first result on google for "fstab bind mount"16:28
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echeloncan someone explain why apt isn't able to see the key i imported? https://paste.ee/r/4zNOs16:57
echelonnever mind, just fixed it.. it needed to be in /etc/apt/keyrings/ -_-16:59
iomari891leftyfb: thanks17:02
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tomreynjhutchins: i would not know17:15
jhutchinsHmmm... I know a guy...17:20
jhutchinsOn the one hand, upstream developers can use whatever they like, but it seems like when it comes to building software and packages would probably standardize on a consistent compiler.17:27
matsamanjhutchins: upstreams =P17:34
H3dn1ngAre there different snap repos?17:34
nvmdOn a 5800X3D and can't boost past 3.4GHz17:34
nvmdwhat's the deal?17:34
H3dn1ngI got VMs with Ubuntu that get Firefox updates earlier than my Kubuntu main install17:35
toddcH3dn1ng: phazed updates   https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/about-apt-upgrade-and-phased-updates/3364917:39
pycuriousI installed ubuntu alongside windows 11. Now I can't get into grub/ubuntu when the machine boots. Any ideas on how to fix this?17:40
zphinxpycurious: is secure boot enabled?17:41
pycuriousIts an MSI Laptop. Let me check17:42
pycuriouszphinx: secure boot disabled- it gave me an MOK error - then gave me grub17:47
toddcpycurious: I had a duel boot that did that I had to turn off fast boot in windows then reinstall --fast boot stored windows in ram so it messed up the setup of grub in bios18:00
H3dn1ngtoddc: Even if it does not say so, ur obviosly right since I can see that snap lists Firefox with the newer version on Kubuntu.18:08
H3dn1ngtoddc: Any idea how I force an update? I got no problem with phased updates but I'd like the latest Firefox...18:09
leftyfbH3dn1ng: sudo snap refresh18:10
H3dn1ngleftyfb: That doesn't work, unfortunately18:13
leftyfbH3dn1ng: sudo snap refresh firefix18:13
leftyfbH3dn1ng: sudo snap refresh firefox18:13
H3dn1ngleftyfb: That doesn't work, unfortunately18:14
leftyfbH3dn1ng: snap list firefox18:15
leftyfbwhart version does it say?18:15
H3dn1ngleftyfb: As I said earlier snap list syas that there is a later version available18:15
leftyfbH3dn1ng: ok, when you let me know what "snap list firefox" says, we can continue troubleshooting18:16
H3dn1ngleftyfb: installed:          116.0.2-1               (2993) 248MB -18:19
leftyfbH3dn1ng: that doesn't look like any output from snap I've seen18:19
H3dn1ngleftyfb: I konw, that was from installed18:19
H3dn1ngleftyfb: snap list gives the same version as installed18:20
H3dn1ngleftyfb: snap find gives this:18:20
H3dn1ngfirefox                    116.0.3-2      mozilla✓          -             Mozilla Firefox web browser18:20
leftyfbH3dn1ng: what command did you run to get that output exactly?18:20
leftyfbthe one that said "installed:"18:21
H3dn1ngleftyfb: snap info firefox18:21
leftyfbH3dn1ng: snap list firefox    # what is the output from this?18:21
hwpplayer1publisher: Mozilla✓18:21
H3dn1ngleftyfb: firefox  116.0.2-1  2993  latest/stable/…  mozilla✓  -18:22
hwpplayer1happy Mozilla day :)18:22
leftyfbH3dn1ng: close firefox completely18:25
leftyfbH3dn1ng: confirm in a terminal by running: "ps -ef |grep firefox"18:25
H3dn1ngleftyfb: thanks for the help but that is not it, I tried it before18:26
leftyfbH3dn1ng: let me know when you've followed the instructions and we can continue troubleshooting18:26
H3dn1ngleftyfb: snap itself reports that the latest version is the same as installed18:27
leftyfbH3dn1ng: let me know when you've followed the instructions and we can continue troubleshooting18:27
H3dn1ngleftyfb: I have18:30
leftyfbH3dn1ng: sudo snap refresh firefox --channel=latest/stable18:30
H3dn1ngleftyfb: that worked, thanks for the help! Maybe suggest that a bit earlier in the process?18:32
leftyfbH3dn1ng: I don't make suggestions until I have enough information to go on and possible causes. I don't get that without you giving me the data requested in the way it was requested18:32
olabuntuHi, I was doing the usual apt update/apt upgrade and apt itself was a package getting updated from 2.4.9 to 2.4.10. Anyways, it keeps getting stuck on: Unpacking apt (2.4.10) over (2.4.9). Nothing I tried has fixed it (and probably made it worse). Any suggestions how to proceed?18:33
leftyfbolabuntu: sudo apt clean ; sudo apt install apt18:33
olabuntuok I will give it a try18:35
leftyfbolabuntu: if that doesn't work, please pastebin the entire command you're running and it's resulting errors18:35
olabuntu2leftyfb https://pastebin.com/DyU8muLP18:37
leftyfbolabuntu2: pastebin: apt-cache policy apt-transport-https18:38
olabuntu2leftyfb https://pastebin.com/CtvaXfmz18:39
leftyfbolabuntu2: you have a bit of a mess here18:39
olabuntu2Can I just wipe apt somehow and re-install it18:40
leftyfbnot sure why it's complaining about apt-transport-https 1.5 since you don't have a repo with that. And it's also complaining about cuda, which is pretty common18:40
olabuntu2the cuda thing is probably WSL related18:41
leftyfboh, WSL18:41
leftyfbgood luck18:41
leftyfbolabuntu2: I would suggest removing cude and starting there18:42
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leftyfbI'm not entirely sure the messages about the apt package are blocking anything18:42
leftyfbbut libcuda definitely is18:43
leftyfboh wait18:43
leftyfbI have that wrong18:43
leftyfbwell, sort of18:43
leftyfbthe WSL libcuda is causing issues with the apt-transport-https package18:43
leftyfbit's definitely related to wsl/libcuda18:44
leftyfbapt-transport-https is just the symptom18:44
leftyfb /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/wsl/lib/libcuda.so.1 is not a symbolic link18:45
olabuntu2leftyfb I removed the files and created a symlink but the issue is still there18:48
leftyfbolabuntu2: I would not suggest such attempts and fixing issues18:49
leftyfbolabuntu2: the error is the result of bigger issues18:49
leftyfbolabuntu2: I would remove cuda completely and see if that fixes the apt issues. Then report the bug18:49
olabuntu2I don't think it's related to cuda though18:49
olabuntu2seems like something in apt got corrupted18:50
olabuntu2while trying to upgrade18:50
leftyfbolabuntu2: people coming in here with cuda problems is common. Add to that it's a WSL-specific version of cuda. apt getting "corrupted" is not common18:51
H3dn1ngleftyfb: Fair enough18:59
fofonihi! My network at work has set up a new http/https proxy, and I'm told I have to install a certificate. I put a symlink to the .crt file at /etc/ssl/certs and run sudo update-ca-certificates.19:23
fofoniBefore I did this, "curl https://google.com" would fail with an "unable to get local issuer certificate" error, but now it works correctly19:24
fofoniMy problem is: "pip install" still fails with the same error19:24
fofoniDoes anyone know where pip could be looking for certificates so that curl works but pip doesn't?19:25
leftyfbfofoni: check the date/time on your machine19:26
leftyfbfofoni: also https://stackoverflow.com/a/2975176819:27
fofoniI'm not looking for a dirty fix like disabling ssl19:29
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fofoninor setting PyPI as a trusted host (which it already is)19:29
fofoniwhy would date/time be a problem for pip but not for curl?19:30
fofonidate/time is correct btw19:30
leftyfbfurther down on the same page: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2606258319:31
fofonihmmm the link for the requests' ssl handling seems promising, thanks19:31
wkmangofofoni, dirty fix?  come on, one man's dirty fix is another man's masterpiece19:33
wkmangobut anyway, I think pip comes with its own CA store19:33
wkmangoand pypi.org is signed by that same CA19:33
wkmango"GlobalSign nv-sa"19:33
wkmangoThose snooping proxies that act as CA and install everything behind a certificate are the real "dirty fix"19:34
wkmangobut anyway, maybe try to put your certificate here -> /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/cacert.pem19:34
wkmangoback it up though19:34
fofonikinda pissed that Im having to deal with this19:34
wkmangofofoni, I understand, I had to do the same for a work thing :)19:35
jhutchinsI think you're pretty lucky your work is Linux-friendly.19:36
leftyfbfofoni: shouldn't this be something your IT department who rolled out the proxy be supporting?19:36
leftyfbsounds like they're not19:36
leftyfbif they were linux-friendly, they would be supporting this19:36
wkmangoI imagine they support Web and Email only and have no clue what pip is19:37
fofoniI have to use windows actually, because the laptop is theirs, and also the vpn software is the opposite of linux friendly. I use ubuntu on WSL to maintain some level of sanity19:38
leftyfbmore WSL issues19:38
fofonithe IT department supported me installing the certificate on windows, but for ubuntu/wsl I'm on my own19:38
jhutchinsfofoni: Is knowing linux part of your work requirements?19:39
fofoniyep, kinda19:39
fofonibut officially, the linux part is cloud-only, I "shouldn't" be using linux on my local laptop19:39
wkmangofofoni, honestly, I would follow what leftyfb shared... just trust the hostname. You're already going through a proxy that fakes everything19:40
jhutchinsfofoni: So you're the one to come to for Linux support.  Fun being lead, eh?19:41
fofoniso much fun heheh19:43
fofoniI'm going with `export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` in the global env to force pip (and most of the python ecosystem) to use the OS's bundle instead of certifi's vendored bundle19:49
wkmangothat's a cleaner approach.. one-time setup and won't be overridden by packages19:50
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diamatsee you in hell Catty23:29
Cattydiamat: please stop harassing me.23:36

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