[01:35] good morning [03:46] snap refresh [06:06] Hi, we tried to install Ubuntu 22 in Arm architecture, but we were unable to install and faced issues. [06:06] Issue: [06:06] After finishing all the processes, it shows a blank. We wait more than 20 minutes with no changes, then we repeat the same process as in the Ubuntu documentation, this time connecting to the serial console. [06:06] In the serial console, it shows "Please remove the installation medium and press enter", but it doesn't display on the monitor. [06:06] Can you help with this issue? [06:07] we tried ubuntu 22 server.. [11:06] guys?! sorry for the off topic message [11:06] [12:04:39] how do I install MySQL in Ubuntu? [11:33] tomreyn: thanks [11:33] :) [15:03] oerheks: finally got those case badges sent out yesterday [20:49] 😀