[19:30] question about lightdm-gtk-greeter: my login background fades out to the desktop background before i even login. how do i stop it from doing that? [19:31] (i'm on a different distro, by the way. just asked in this channel because i saw lightdm-gtk-greeter is on xubuntu's github) [19:36] infinity9, i didn't quite catch you. [19:37] diogenes_Vx15: i'm using lightdm to login to my xfce desktop. i have it set to display a certain background wallpaper at the login screen. however, when i get to the screen, the wallpaper fades out within a second, showing the desktop wallpaper i would see _after_ i login [19:38] really, it shouldn't be doing that until after i enter my username and password, so i want to figure out why it's happening [19:41] infinity9, so you want to simply add a different wallpapper for the login screen which will be persistent up until you enter your credentials? [19:43] it's not so much that i want to add a different one. i just want whatever one i add to be persistent [19:44] how did you add the current one? [19:45] the standard way. i pointed lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf to an image in /usr/share/lightdm/backgrounds [19:48] infinity9, run: cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:48] share the url [19:51] i don't have the "nc" command. what package contains it? [19:54] infinity9, netcat [19:56] diogenes_Vx15: https://termbin.com/rkvub [20:00] infinity9, try to add there: transition-duration = 10000 [20:00] let's see if that makes any difference. [20:06] diogenes_Vx15: that just caused it to fade slowly over several seconds rather than right away [20:07] infinity9, run: apt-file show lightdm-gtk-greeter | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:08] if you don't have apt-file, install if: sudo apt install apt-file [20:08] after that run: sudo apt-file update [20:09] and only after that run the command i gave you. [20:09] i'm not running the apt package manager. i'm on gentoo [20:10] i believe lightdm-gtk-greeter comes with lightdm by default in this distro [20:11] and i'm on lightdm 1.32.0, which appears to be the most recent version [20:11] infinity9, i thnk there should be something that overrides the config, run: ls /usr/share/lightdm/ [20:12] are there any files? [20:12] it just contains the "backgrounds" directory [20:12] i've seen that some users have their images in /usr/share/pixmaps. could that be the issue? [20:14] ok, i'm not familiar with Gentoo but as a workaround you can increase this delay: transition-duration = 100000 [20:16] also add this one: transition-type = none [20:18] i'll keep looking for a solution. thanks for your help [20:31] diogenes_Vx15: found it. just had to set user-background to false in lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf [20:31] thanks again [20:31] infinity9, no problem, glad you figured that out. [21:54] Hi, I have just now installed Ubuntu on my Macbook pro mid 2009 15 inches, I completly erased the OS and installed only thUbuntu (I did it on purpose). NOw suince the mac is heating up a lot I would like to install a lighter version like Xubuntu. HOw could I do that? Should I o bott pressing ALT while having a USB stick with ISO of Xubuntu flashed [21:54] with Balena Etcher?