
Chavorrucoalguien por aqui___01:06
Jake_from_State_Hello Chav01:07
leftyfb!es | Chavorruco01:07
ubottuChavorruco: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:07
Chavorrucook tks01:07
acer__did i quit01:18
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diamatI love Ubuntu01:44
diamat👁️ 💕 Ubuntu01:44
Jake_from_State_hello I also love ubuntu01:47
ooberbananaprefer it to windows01:48
Jake_from_State_I have my desktop and hp laptop running Ubuntu 22.04 and a Surface Go Laptop 2 running Fedora01:49
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!01:49
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webchat24driver problems for network latest version, someone was able to solve it for the lunar version02:12
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kerxphiloxIs the Ubuntu server the most minimal ISO setup disk for a bare bone Ubuntu server installation?02:58
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kerxphiloxBasically asking if there is another installation ISO that is geared towards a very minimal server installation03:01
leftyfbkerxphilox: that's about as basic as it gets03:04
kerxphiloxOk cool03:04
YakovI need to make simple script to open my application05:50
Yakovis there possible to make script to be opened with shortcut, like I do with exe on Windows?05:50
kerxphiloxYakov: You can create a bash or zsh script on the desktop with your editor if you have any programming experience05:54
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throwthecheeseIs there a way to prevent random fakeroot.sysv.so errors from occuring while building a package?08:11
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throwthecheeseAny idea on avoiding ld.so errors regarding fakeroot?11:22
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throwthecheeseI'm trying to build a package but it always fails with an error saying libfakeroot.sysv.so couldn't be loaded11:28
ice9what sound server is used in 23.04?11:32
BluesKajHi all12:50
Lion-OI have a directory in external hard drive on my ubuntu I want to lock with password. I think because it's NTFS it doesn't let me change permissions. Even after I made some changes in the fstab file - it just refuses to change permissions. I don't want to format the whole drive. What are my options?13:19
leftyfbLion-O: you can't change linux permissions on NTFS. You could create an encrypted tarball using gpg13:21
Lion-Oleftyfb, why gpg? Can't I do that with zip or 7zip?13:24
leftyfbLion-O: you could, but I would have more confidence in gpg13:25
Lion-Oleftyfb, I agree on that13:25
JanCyou *can* change linux permissions on NTFS when you configure user mapping13:44
JanCLion-O: as you use NTFS, I assume you want to use that drive to exchange those files with Windows?13:47
Lion-OJanC, I once did use those files with Windows. No more13:54
JanCif you don't need those files on Windows there are various other solutions, like using an (encrypted) disk image file or an overlay filesystem13:56
Lion-OInteresting. If these are not complicated, can you give me some links?13:57
JanCif an encrypted zip/7z file does all you need it's an option too, of course13:58
Lion-OMaybe simplest is the way to go. Haven’t decided yet13:59
JanCso also depends on if e.g. you need to be able to access those files as "regular files" with all applications (without having to extract them first)14:00
Lion-Ogpg is a little too much. Yes, I want to be having to put the password only when accessing the folder and then be able to access all files without any trouble14:01
Lion-OShould be more of a gui folder lock then actual folder lock14:01
Lion-OBBL to examine things14:02
JanCnot sure what you mean by that "gui folder lock"   :)14:04
Lion-OI mean if you try to access with terminal then you can w r x but if you try to use nautilus than you get password request14:07
JanCnautilus can access anything any other program can access...14:21
mzokuI mean Hi14:44
mzokuhow to find whats fixed in 22.04, that was a problem on 18.04, at the kernal level and drivers?14:45
alkisgmzoku: that would be like 100.000 lines of code or more... what could you possibly want to do with such a diff, instead of just getting a newer kernel?14:47
JanCit's simply impossible to have a complete list of that14:49
mzokuyeah, alkisg just to know if its worth it instaliing drivers and upgrding kernals, to finally get my sound card work14:49
alkisgmzoku: you'd need a month to collect the "problem" .diffs and a year to read them; it'll be easier to just boot a live cd and check14:50
JanCalkisg: not to mention a lot of fixes won't be mentioned literally14:50
JanCsometimes things get fixed (or broken) as a result of something else14:51
leftyfbmzoku: boot a live usb14:51
mzokuleftyfb, for what14:51
leftyfbmzoku: to see if the issue is resolved14:52
mzokuits not working on vms or live usb14:52
JanCit's probably the easiest way to check, indeed14:52
leftyfbmzoku: also, 18.04 is EOL. So you don't have much of a choice anyway14:52
mzokuit is working only with windows installed14:53
JanCif it doesn't work on 18.04 then you have nothing to lose with installing a newer Ubuntu...14:54
mzokuim already on the 22.0414:54
JanCwhat sound card is it?14:54
leftyfbmzoku: if you're running 22.04 then why did you ask to see a changelog to see if something is fixed in 22.04?14:55
mzokuleftyfb, how do I know if there is updated drivers for some new kernal versions that are working with 22.04?14:58
mzokuthats why I was curious to find out whats fixed14:58
leftyfbmzoku: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade14:58
mzoku[    5.466766] sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: Direct firmware load for intel/sof-tplg/sof-tgl-es8336-dmic2ch-ssp0.tplg failed with error -214:59
JanCyou have firmware-sof-signed installed?15:00
mzokuI guess not15:01
mzoku[    5.466793] sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: you may need to download the firmware from https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-bin/15:01
mzokuI will try15:01
leftyfbmzoku: sudo apt install firmware-sof-signed15:01
mzokuthat output of dmesg didnt came in 18.0415:01
mzokuI already had it15:02
mzokufirmware-sof-signed is already the newest version (2.0-1ubuntu4.1).15:02
leftyfbmzoku: also, FYI, a VM isn't going to use drivers for your soundcard. VM's use emulated hardware and drivers15:04
JanCI assume it wouldn't try to load the firmware if it didn't detect the hardware15:05
mzokuleftyfb, yep, I just mentioned it so for the same reason live usb wont be any differnt15:05
mzokuJanC, how to pastebin the output?15:05
leftyfblive usb has nothing to do with VM’s or emulated hardware or drivers15:05
mzokuthan why suggesting to boot with live usb15:07
mzokuaaah I see, you thought im still on 18.0415:07
mzokuand just to check 22.0415:07
mzokuok ok :)15:07
JanCit seems to me that "sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl 0000:00:1f.3: Direct firmware load for intel/sof-tplg/sof-tgl-es8336-dmic2ch-ssp0.tplg failed with error -2" means it detected the hardware & tried to load the firmware, but then that failed15:07
mzokuhow to pastebin the output15:08
mzokuin a link15:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:09
JanCoh, I see, that exact firmware seems to be missing15:10
tomreyn23.04 has sof-tgl-es8336-dmic2ch-ssp0.tplg - it probably needs an SRU to 22.0415:13
mzokuyep, and there was few people reporting it and I thought someone will solve it15:14
tomreynso there's an existing bug report?15:15
mzokuYes, there should be a few, I remember it, was 2 years ago15:16
mzokubut can't find it no more15:16
tomreynnone here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firmware-sof15:16
JanCthere seem to be some older fixed reports for other hardware15:17
mzokuJanC, where is it15:18
tomreynmzoku: you can report this firmware missing in 22.04 LTS on your 22.04 installation by running: ubuntu-bug firmware-sof15:19
mzokuhow to get a package for this ubuntu-bug15:20
mzokuJanC, thanks, I was trying this one https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=274559 and it was the closest to fix the issue.15:22
mzokuI don't have apport15:25
mzokuanyways, I will wait for 24.04 :)15:25
tomreynmzoku: apport is installed on all ubuntu systems by default15:26
mzokuI am removing it15:26
JanCremoving what?15:30
JanCI think you can download https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-bin/raw/main/v2.2.x/sof-tplg-v2.2.1/sof-tgl-es8336-dmic2ch-ssp0.tplg and copy it into /lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg/ to make it work now15:30
JanCbut you should still report a bug15:30
mzokuim purging apport with every fresh install, thats why I dont have ubuntu-bug15:30
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mzokuJanC, let me see, I hope thats omething new that I didn't try 2 years ago15:31
mzokuJanC, anything esle15:36
mzokujust reboot now?15:37
mzokuJanC, no more dummy sound, now there is tiger-lake speakers SMart... I can see the bar of the sound moving15:43
mzokubut not sound from the speakers15:43
JanCand no more firmware loading error?15:45
JanCthat sounds like it's muted or something15:45
mzokuyes no errors, and seems like its muted, but it isn't15:46
mzokuwhat checks would you recommend?  I feel like I am almost there to have sound15:46
JanCdid you try checking the output devices in the Sound settings?15:48
mzokuyest I tried the Test funcion as well, I can see the sound is coming with the moving bar15:49
mzokubut can't hear it15:49
JanCthere might be more than one (e.g. internal speakers, external ones, & HDMI)15:49
mzokuits just one15:49
mzokuand the input is totally dead15:50
iomari891greetings, how can I install ipmiconsole?15:54
mzokusudo apt install freeipmi-tools15:54
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JanCmzoku: did you try changing the volume or mute/unmute with the keys on that laptop?16:00
mzokuyep, I am not blocking anything16:01
mzokumaybe I need something else to install as well, or to do something in the BIOS/UEFI to which I might not have the password16:01
JanCwhen you run alsamixer, are there any channels shown as muted (MM)?  (don't change anything)16:02
JanCalso, when you use the volume up/down buttons, the volume meter for one of those channels should move (which one?)16:05
mzokuJanC, nope, its good https://imgur.com/a/7B9tSn116:05
mzokuJanC, thats interesting .. its moving the first one, which is headphones16:06
mzokuand the speaker isnt moving16:06
JanCand it's muted in that picture16:06
JanCtry unmuting it  :)16:06
JanCwith the M key16:07
JanCand move the volume up to 100% with PgUp16:07
mzokuI can hear the system sounds16:10
mzokubut nothing else16:10
mzokuJanC, thanks a lot mate !16:10
mzokuI will now try to figure out whats happening16:10
JanCwhat do you mean by "nothing else"?16:11
mzokuI cnt hear anything from browser16:11
mzokuah maybe I blocked it16:11
mzokuone moment16:11
JanCcheck volume in the browser also16:12
mzokuim gooing to cry16:12
JanCnow please file a bug report  :)16:13
mzokuJanC, I will, install apport and will file the bug :)16:13
JanCmake sure in your explanation of the bug to show the error line about the firmware loading error16:14
mzokuthe one which I pastebin it, there was two lines, ok16:15
JanCand that you fixed it by downloading & copying the firmware manually16:15
mzokuI will I will, let me just figure out the sound now, its very poor and low and will be file the bug16:16
ckayhanHow do I BOTH turn off and lock the screen on Ubuntu 20.04.6?16:21
ckayhanfrom command line16:21
mzokuhow and where to file a bug and a solution, ubuntu-bug doesnt work - it says there isn't a package ... ubuntu-bug sof-audio-pci-intel-tgl16:55
JanCthe source package name is 'firmware-sof'16:59
JanCso: ubuntu-bug firmware-sof16:59
mzoku*** Problem in firmware-sof17:00
mzokuThe problem cannot be reported:17:00
mzokuThis report is about a package that is not installed.17:00
JanC'firmware-sof-signed' then17:01
mzokuyes thats it17:01
JanCI thought source packages would work too  :)17:02
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mzokuJanC, I filled the bug. Thanks a ton for finding out how to solve my problem with the no sound  :)))))18:08
joseph1howdy - a couple days ago i changed kernels - they work fine on my ssd - on the other drive - it is a m.2 - on the m.2 when ubuntu changed to 6.2 - I panicked and went and installed nvidia from their site - total failure - I have searched their site for the un-install command - found none - help - thanks.18:19
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mzokuif I remove the cinfig file of alsamixer, would it be recreated ot boot? I am tryging to reset alsamixer to defaulst, any ideas?20:12
fu-snapdi hate snapd, I hate you :)21:07
joseph1any-body - home ??21:07
leftyfbfu-snapd: stop. This isn't the place for it21:07
leftyfbfu-snapd: this is a support channel. Ranting and being disrespectful is offtopic here21:08
leftyfbjoseph1: what can we help you with?21:08
joseph1im finding a file - brb21:08
fu-snapdthis is not the channel to talk about snap? leftyfb ?21:08
fu-snapdoh !21:08
leftyfbfu-snapd: if you have an issue you legitimately need help with, we are happy to help you troubleshoot or point you to a tutorial. This is not the place to "discuss" snap, no.21:09
joseph1 a couple days ago i changed kernels - they work fine on my ssd - on the other drive - it is a m.2 - on the m.2 when ubuntu changed to 6.2 - I panicked and went and installed nvidia from their site - total failure - I have searched their site for the un-install command - found none - help - thanks.21:09
fu-snapdleftyfb: lol, so21:09
leftyfbjoseph1: revert to the previous kernel21:09
joseph1i did21:09
leftyfbreinstall the previous nvidia21:10
fu-snapdsnap est une merde imonde, elle fait honte aux logiciels libres21:10
joseph1nvidia site drivers some how blocked everything21:10
leftyfb!op | fu-snapd21:10
ubottufu-snapd: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant21:10
joseph1there is a block somewhere -  I cant find it.21:11
joseph1sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*' didnt work21:11
leftyfbjoseph1: sudo apt remove --purge --autoremove nvidia-*21:12
joseph1did that21:12
joseph1maybe i should just copy and paste my folders and re-install ?21:13
fu-snapdcome on, I have to be banned. Because snap, is an unexpected sh** :)21:13
rboxfu-snapd: F- trolling21:13
fu-snapdno !21:13
leftyfbfu-snapd: stop21:14
fu-snapdthis is a sh**21:14
joseph1fu - grow up - leave people alone.21:14
fu-snapdno :(21:15
joseph1fu - if this the place for a fix - you found it - dont harass the help.21:15
joseph1maybe i should ask another time.21:16
leftyfbjoseph1: ignore the troll21:16
joseph1no worries21:17
joseph1the world has gone nuts21:17
fu-snapd/ignore *!*@user/pong ,>21:17
joseph1i feel sorry for those who help those who have real problems.21:17
joseph1ban everything abt that booger, lol.21:18
joseph1anyway, as i stated earlier - maybe the build is broke.21:19
joseph1I cant seem to reverse the block - that nvidia put on me installing nvidia - after trying to - un-installing nvidia site -  drivers - nouveau woeks fine -  think there is a block - somewhere.21:20
joseph1remember - this was in the first stages of 6.221:22
joseph1I converted to the GA kernel and have installed 5.1521:23
joseph1please dont sweatit - if i have to ill copy & paste my files and - re-install. thanks21:24
joseph1itis a queer m.2 = and its called -team - so - maybe its a ccp garbage.21:26
joseph1who knows.21:26
leftyfbjoseph1: define "block"21:26
joseph1maybe there is a config file thats telling it not to load21:27
leftyfbjoseph1: what error message do you get?21:27
Ali_nzI have got a java jar file that is being run at startup21:27
Ali_nzI cant find it as a service or in crontab21:27
Ali_nzwhere else to look?21:27
leftyfbAli_nz: what do you mean you can't find it?21:27
leftyfbAli_nz: how should this jar file be started?21:28
joseph1leftyfb,  i tried deleting xorg21:28
leftyfbjoseph1: reinstall21:28
joseph1ya, what i thought.. thanks lefty.21:28
joseph1have a great day lefty. thanks.21:29
mzokuyou can purge all snap and isolate it so it never installs anything21:29
joseph1ALL you helpers @ ubuntu - your wonderful.. god bless.21:29
leftyfbmzoku: who are you referencing?21:29
Ali_nzleftyfb: I can see the jar file running in ps -aux21:29
oerheksmzoku, not really .. some core components are snap in gnome21:30
oerheksmzoku, oh, troll has left21:30
Ali_nzleftyfb: if i restart the pc its still running21:30
leftyfbmzoku: they were removed from the channel21:30
mzokuoerheks, like which ones21:30
Ali_nzleftyfb: somehow its getting run at startup21:30
mzokuleftyfb, ah okay21:30
leftyfbAli_nz: did you install this jar file? What is it?21:30
Ali_nzleftyfb: nah I wrote it, and I want it started, I just want to remember how i am autostarting it lol21:30
oerhekssnap list should give a clue...21:30
mzokuleftyfb, I have zero snap packages21:31
leftyfbAli_nz: check /etc/rc.local or ~/.config/autostart21:31
Ali_nzI have created a bash script to start it, but cant see a corresponding .service file21:31
mzokuand snapd is purged21:31
leftyfbAli_nz: you should be using a systemd service file21:31
leftyfbmzoku: do you need help with something?21:31
Ali_nzleftyfb: these dont exist : /etc/rc.local or ~/.config/autostart21:32
Ali_nzand I cant find a corresponding service file21:32
mzokuleftyfb, yes, I have asked how to set alsamizer to default settings, and if I remove the config file from home dir, would it be recreated on boot with default settings21:32
kaleidoremove the bash script that starts it21:32
Ali_nzunless maybe I do some sort of search in service files because I gave it a dumb name21:32
oerheksAli_nz, perhaps in bashrc or profile21:32
leftyfbAli_nz: what release of ubuntu is this? What Desktop Environment?21:33
leftyfbmzoku: you can remove anything you want from ~/21:33
Ali_nzits 2021:33
mzokuoerheks, but to be honest, root still has snapd and its packages, like if I log in with root and do snap list, I got all snaps.21:33
Ali_nzoerheks: How do I check bashrc ?21:33
mzokuleftyfb, yes, but will it create the config file on boot21:34
leftyfbAli_nz: if it's needed, yes21:34
leftyfbmzoku: if it's needed, yes21:34
Ali_nzis there a startup log that might provide a clue?21:34
leftyfbAli_nz: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ) | nc termbin.com 999921:34
Ali_nzleftyfb: thats very cool https://termbin.com/rrdwq21:36
leftyfbAli_nz: sudo apt install locate && sudo updatedb && locate <name-of-your-bash-script-goes-here>21:37
oerheksrename the java.tar and see what error shows up21:37
Ali_nzlocate - some sort of find tool21:39
Ali_nzIt only found stuff in the directory that contains the jar file and bash (same dir)21:40
Ali_nzvery odd21:40
Ali_nzleftyfb: anything in startup log?21:42
kaleidoAli_nz: have you looked for anything in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile?21:43
Ali_nzthose dirs dont exist21:45
kaleidothey are files in your $HOME21:47
Ali_nzok - got em21:49
Ali_nznothing related that i can see21:49
jhutchinslocate does not search all directories and respects permissions - it won't show you files you don't see.21:57
leftyfblocate searches all directories in the same filesystem that you have permission to read21:58
leftyfbAli_nz: sudo locate <name-of-your-bash-script-goes-here>21:58
leftyfbjhutchins: actually, I don't think that's true. sudo updatedb generates the index of all the files, which is using sudo.21:59
Ali_nzI tried it as me and as sudo -i22:01
Ali_nzsame result22:01
oerhekssystemctl list-units --all   or systemctl --type=service22:01
Ali_nzleftyfb I could teamviewer if you have time?22:01
Ali_nzits just bizzare22:02
oerhekswho has installed that java thingy for you?22:02
leftyfbjhutchins: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7gYxq6mGVX/22:02
Ali_nzlol I did22:02
Ali_nzbut it was a while ago22:02
Ali_nzprobably followed a tutorial, and I would have expected it to be a service type setup22:03
leftyfbAli_nz: get the PID of your running application22:04
leftyfbAli_nz: then ps -ef |grep <PID>22:04
oerheksmaybe it is not running at all22:05
Ali_nzroot         681     652  0 09:17 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh -c java -jar /home/algrant/Vehicles/GetStoCSV-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar22:07
Ali_nzroot         687     681  0 09:17 ?        00:00:20 java -jar /home/algrant/Vehicles/GetStoCSV-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar22:07
leftyfb!paste | Ali_nz22:07
ubottuAli_nz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:07
leftyfbAli_nz: ps -ef |grep  68122:07
Ali_nzthats it22:08
Ali_nzthats what I get22:08
leftyfbAli_nz: ps -ef |grep 65222:09
leftyfbAli_nz: 40422:11
leftyfbtry a new paste22:11
leftyfbAli_nz: it was started from CRON22:12
Ali_nzleftyfb: ahhhh - its was started from sudos cron22:13
Ali_nznot mine22:13
leftyfbAli_nz: sudo crontab -l22:13
Ali_nzbut it would be better to run it as a service right22:13
leftyfbAli_nz: I highly recommend creating a proper systemd service file22:13
Ali_nzI am going to reboot now and make sure its no longer running then have a go at a service file22:14
Ali_nzleftyfb thansk for helping me on that22:17
Ali_nzthought I was going nuts22:17
Ali_nzhow do i exit sudo -i22:19
tomreyntype "exit" and press enter22:21
tomreynor press ctrl-d22:21
jhutchinsAli_nz: Tip:  You can use the shutdown command from within the sudo -i shell.  shutdown -r now for reboot, -h for halt.22:31
jhutchinsAli_nz: It will properly close any active applications, including the double shell.22:32
Ali_nzHmm, doesnt like running as a service22:33
Ali_nzThe sh files runs fine on its own22:33
Ali_nzCan the exec start be my dir22:34
Ali_nzOr must it be : ExecStart=/usr/bin/script.sh22:34
oerheksfull path22:36
Ali_nzoerheks: got it - thanks22:39
Ali_nzand is there a way to monitor this service via email - like alerts if it stops?22:41
Ali_nzsome ubununtu monitoring tool perhaps22:41
oerheksExecStopPost https://superuser.com/questions/1360346/how-to-send-an-email-alert-when-a-linux-service-has-stopped  but i wonder why that stolenvehicles program has no such option22:46
Ali_nzbut how can a program that has stopped alert you that it has stopped (because its not running)22:50
Ali_nzthats why the link you sent is probably what I want22:50
Ali_nzalthough since I am in the mood for learning - is there not a way nagios can link to a mobile and give you like a home screen alert when things go wrong? that would be swtt22:51
Ali_nzhttps://pushover.net/pricing - could integrate with this I suppose22:55
leftyfbAli_nz: I use pushover for things just like this23:07
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