
xu-irc40wQuestion: for xubuntu, is it better to go with latest release 23.04, wait for 23.11 or use 22.0405:35
xu-irc40wi'm gamer05:35
xu-irc40wi'm on windows 11 rn05:36
diogenes_Vx15xu-irc40w, depending how new is your HW.05:37
xu-irc40wits from year 201605:38
xu-irc40wbut top of that year05:38
xu-irc40wi think i have many good thing05:38
diogenes_Vx15xu-irc40w, if you don't mind upgrading every 6 months then go with 23.04.05:41
PeGaSuStumbler just crashed and asked to send a report. I did. what's the next step?21:12

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