[00:55] Using a Dell Optiplex 990 SFF, with an i5-2400. Recently upgraded the BIOS from Windows to the latest version from Dell (from a17 to a24), then I wiped the drive an installed vanilla Ubuntu 23.04. I noticed reduced video quality in my webbrowser, that persisted between Brave, Firefox and Edge, so I wiped the drive again and installed Kubuntu 22.04, [00:55] which is what I'd been using before with no issues, but the problem has persisted. [00:55]  "lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display' [00:55] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) [00:55]         DeviceName: Onboard IGD [00:55]         Subsystem: Dell 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [01:00] lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D|Display returns the following: https://dpaste.com/4EHQ7224F [01:18] I also installed libigdgmm and libigdgmm-dev - The Intel Graphics Device Management (GDMM) library and development files. but no improvement after reboot [02:17] VFX [07:59] hello, Is there a tool to adjust graphics card fans under Kubuntu? [08:12] tuxe: nvidia-xconfig (no idea if it isn't nvidia though) - each manufacturer should have a utility for that. [08:14] yeah i have a radeon rx not nvidia [08:15] i looked by radeon amd side but i could not find a tool like amds catalyst in windows :-( [08:19] perhaps search for "radeon equivalent of nvidia-xconfig"? [08:19] for linux [08:20] ok i ll try this, thank you :-) [08:32] let me know if you find something that works and I'll to remember for the next bloke [08:52] Hello [10:32] 5LZ9 [10:32] My kubuntu desktop icon and wifi battery icons are too small how i can increase the size === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:43] mr_honestyy - are these icons on your desktop or on the activity bar? [10:43] These icons like menu bar or default icons are too small [10:44] Can I please share the image so you can understand well what i want to say [10:45] yes, that would be awesome [10:45] I can't able to share the image [10:45] Can you please allow me to share one image so I can get solution [10:47] for the panel area, right click > enter edit mode > change panel height to 44 (or perhaps 50), then hit enter - that should make them a nice size (you can do it any size you like) [10:49] inside the application launcher, do system settings, search "icons", "configure icon sizes", slide the bar to the icon size you desire, apply. [10:49] How i can do it ? (re @IrcsomeBot: inside the application launcher, do system settings, search "icons", "configure icon sizes", slide the bar to the icon size you desire, apply.) [10:49] And also the wifi blootooth battery and others icons are small too [10:50] "application launcer" is what windoze called "start button" [10:50] Yes [10:53] When I open app ...app content size is also small [10:58] click on application launcher (start button), type system settings, inside system settings, search for "icons", click on icons > where it says "configure icon sizes", slide the bar to the icon size you desire, apply. All icons (except panel icons) will become that size. [10:58] Thank you let me try === warmana1 is now known as warmana [15:40] If i open any app the font size of that app is too small how i can fix it ? [15:42] If i open settings the settings font is too small if i open Firefox the font is small [15:42] If i open vs code the font is small [15:43] If i open zoom also same problem if i open app i face this problem === VlA is now known as V|A [17:50] Does kubuntu still backport fixes from upstream KDE to downstream kubuntu LTS? === felix0 is now known as iJHM [18:51] Does kubuntu use snap by default in the latest version? For Firefox? === felix0 is now known as JHMmysteryMAN [21:43] /language@join_captcha_bot [21:44] Como saber si mi Kubuntu es Lts === sandro is now known as Gobi === felix1 is now known as HolmesOfHolmes === felix1 is now known as HolmesVsHolmes