
wxlwe need to get the other channels on matrix01:23
wxlwe also need a better graphics editing application sheesh01:51
wxllibreoffice draw sucks for editing a png XD01:51
tsimonq2wxl: Arguably, the user just chooses which applications they want installed via Calamares XD06:07
tsimonq2I was kind of thinking minimal install might make it this cycle, but who knows at this point.06:07
tsimonq2*We're close to it. It's a simple module.06:08
tsimonq2OEM would be another nice thing. It's all in the pipeline, hopefully in time for the LTS>06:08
tsimonq2Also, when someone boots the live ISO in a VM, the power management status comes up, even if it's in a VM. Would be nice to either disable entirely or add some sense to it (display message if system.battery = True else "")06:11
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 5199592 in ~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/lubuntu "Add inxi. HEAD mantic"06:19
wxltsimonq2: true enough, but it seems like a graphics app that doesn't suck would be nice. got any ideas? krita?16:50
kc2bezKrita might be overwhelming for new folks. Gimp isn't too bad but obviously not Qt.16:59
kc2bezLO Draw is pretty great for pdf editing.17:00
wxli guess what i'm looking for is a good lightweight solution that doesn't have a lot of extra dependencies. i don't think anything half as overwhelming as trying to edit an image in libreoffice draw. i mean it can be done but it sucks bad17:29
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Fair enough. I can get behind Krita, it does work quite well.17:35
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Pinta should make it to the short list too but again GTK based so dependencies might be more than we like.17:36
wxlyeah i'd avoid gtk depends17:38

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