=== poorboy_ is now known as poorboy [00:20] leftyfb: yeah pushover is VERY cool - dunno why i never seen it before [00:27] leftyfb: I set it up like this [00:27] https://pastebin.com/0tVBzr4c [00:28] the pushover.sh works [00:28] but if I stop the service I want to monitor I get no message [00:29] you need the full path to your binary [00:31] sorry which file? [00:31] i put the pushover.sh in /lib/systemd/system [00:31] pushover.sh [00:31] don't [00:31] where should it be filed then? [00:31] scripts don't belong there [00:31] home folder? [00:32] it can be in a home directory or maybe /usr/local/bin. [00:32] the latter is probably the most sensible [00:32] as for monitoring systemd services, that's what nagios is for [00:32] or icinga [00:33] or uptime kuma [00:33] there's lots of tools you can use [00:33] I would incorporate pushover into your script as needed and into whatever monitoring service you choose [00:34] there's also email [00:34] https://pastebin.com/Qfg78VZe [00:35] hmm, stopping the monitored service I am not getting an alter [00:35] alert [00:35] pushover.sh works [00:36] does the monitored service stopping for any reason (stop vs failure) trigger the OnFailure service to run the script? [03:16] having sh script, want to put it to favorites line, is it possible? [03:48] to favorites line,?? [03:52] favorite-apps [03:56] https://askubuntu.com/questions/981316/arranging-my-applications-by-type-on-ubuntu-with-gnome-shell that section does not exist, see the groups here [03:56] maybe that manager example still works === shokohsc51081 is now known as shokohsc5108 [04:42] I have frequent power cuts in my house, and the computer turns off with ubuntu running. Am i hurting the disk too much ? I genrally run only firefox and terminal [04:42] I might invest in a UPS then... but how stable and reliant is the ubuntu FS ? [04:42] specially during sudden power cuts ? [04:43] well its not good [04:44] will it kill the hard disk ? [04:45] if your'e worried about hardawre issues, thats nothing todo with ubuntu [04:45] ubuntu has a 100 GB partition on it, rest windows [04:45] okay lets move to #hardware [04:53] please, advise on my case [04:53] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1482964/put-sh-script-to-favorites [04:54] also, is there a way to send to kitty some args? [04:55] stolen: SSDs tolerate power cuts better than spinning HDDs. Generally I'd say there are no big differences between different file systems in practice when it comes to power cuts. [04:57] stolen: If you have frequent power cuts you might also suffer from AC browning. An UPS is a shield against that too. [04:59] Hello, I needs some help with Ubuntu Server. Anyone might be able to assist? [04:59] It's probably really easy. I'm quite noob at linux [05:00] I've download the bytecoin daemons for mining on my Ubuntu Server, and unzipped the files. It shows in the directory that I have bytecoind and minerd and walletd but I don't know how to open those to get them to run [05:17] jeff_: Not an Ubuntu related issue, really. [05:20] Well, it's ubuntu server, and I don't know how to use it. I'm basically asking, how do I execute bytecoind. Chatgpt told me.... [05:20] I'm downloading the blockchain now I think [05:21] jeff_ how did you find libera chat? [05:21] ./bytecoind [05:21] what? [05:21] you think I know what it is? [05:22] Yakov, I have hexchat installed. It was a channel in the hexchat list called Ubuntu Server. Since I'm trying to use Ubuntu Server to do this project I thought people here might be helpful [05:24] jeff_: This channel is for Ubuntu support. That means support for sw distributed in Ubuntu repositories, not general support with all sw. Hopefully you'll get some assistance. [05:30] I need to make something like my ubuntu build, which can install some basic software and make some folders, what I'm I looking for? [05:41] Whats everyones favourite monitoring agent - that will send alerts when a service fails etc [05:48] ubuntu motion detector [05:48] what i happening [06:04] Artist_: webcams? [06:04] not yet [06:05] Ali_nz: Do you monitor only services or processes of one computer or processes in other computers, disk arrays etc. too? [06:07] just services [06:10] Ali_nz: How about this: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/logging-monitoring-alerting [07:24] for my buddies "helpers" on ubuntu - I took notes - the other day - here is what I found. [07:25] anyone got a hack on sharing screen in Discord with Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS using Waylander WM? [07:25] I was able to get it to work with launching Discord as a client in Chrome [07:25] any other work around? [07:25] erickson services - banking cable.I connected. data services / who is controlling communications - erickson / main controller of communications / mainly cell phones / fcc is the header / erickson funds terrorism. erickson is connected to every cell phone contractor / erickson based in sweden. [07:26] end. [07:27] have a good day. [09:23] I hear cracking sounds from laptop speakers, I can't figure out alsamixer. What should start looking for to fix this issue. The overall sound isn't good either, and its quite low === gigga is now known as goku === goku is now known as gokau [09:37] i'm trying to do an encrypted LVM install on a drive other than the one that the graphical installer identifies as the default/preferred one [09:38] i manually created a GPT partition table on the drive, an ext4 /boot and a LUKS containing an LVM [09:38] and then i went through the graphical installer, which apparently installed an ubuntu system inside the LVM [09:39] but the resulting system is unbootable; it hangs with a final message of "attached SCSI disk" without proceeding to a LUKS prompt to unlock the encrypted partition [09:40] joseph1 must be angloamerican as he/she cannot spell Ericsson correctly. :P [10:12] Hi. I'm trying to build wine 2.0 on Ubuntu xenial. I am on 22.04. I setup a chroot for 16.04. I'm trying to get source packages but it keeps failing [10:12] deb-src http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports xenial main contrib non-free <- is the line I'm using [10:25] mzoku - restart the pid - I get this sometimes, but... I've never found out why, this is how I fix it. === docmax is now known as Guest3498 === docmax_ is now known as docmax === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:57] I'm now trying to build wine6 (I needed to patch a socket function) in sock.c, and building wine 6 from source on ubuntu 22.04 gives /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool: dlls/winmm/libwinmm.delay.a: error reading winmm_dll_t.o: No such file or directory [10:57] winebuild: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool failed with status 1 [11:04] i installed mingw-264 packages and that solved [11:04] now I get this: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool: dlls/rpcrt4/librpcrt4.delay.a: error reading rpcrt4_dll_t.o: No such file or directory [11:05] $ sudo apt-file search rpcrt4_dll_t.o returns nothing === JanC_ is now known as JanC === ord is now known as quem === Szadek47 is now known as Szadek4 === Vercas2 is now known as Vercas [13:18] E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::16 80] [13:18] I keep getting this error in apt [13:29] OpenSource: can sudo apt update fix anything? [13:31] OpenSource: there are some reports on https://status.canonical.com/ but targets ubuntu forums seems like it [13:32] repos look fine [13:37] It's an arch issue [13:37] I think [13:38] Linux server3 5.15.0-1040-oracle #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 14 21:47:21 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux [13:38] Here's my kernel line [13:38] aarch64 [13:38] However, it wants to get from arm64 [13:38] # dpkg --remove-architecture arm64 [13:38] dpkg: warning: cannot remove non-foreign architecture 'arm64' [13:39] # dpkg --print-architecture [13:39] arm64 [13:39] I don't understand what's going on [13:40] OpenSource: your other repos still work fine? [13:40] I have no idea [13:40] sudo apt update to see? [13:40] Yeah I just told you that [13:40] I can't update. [13:40] It fails. [13:40] OpenSource: arm64 binaries aren't really all that compatible with aarch64 [13:40] https://bpa.st/AZDA [13:41] Why is the system having arm64 when the kernel and cpu are aarch64 [13:41] It's an oracle free tier server [13:41] not amd64, not arm64, but aarch64 [13:41] OpenSource: contact Oracle [13:42] What do you mean? [13:42] Why would they know about ubuntu stuff? [13:42] OpenSource: because they are the hosting provider who created the custom images for their commercial services [13:43] # dpkg --add-architecture aarch64 [13:43] pkg-config-dpkghook: warning: Architecture aarch64 not defined in architecture tables, ignored [13:43] Oh [13:43] Really. [13:43] Well I'm not able to update the system or anything. [13:44] Could this only for me or for every oracle user? [13:44] OpenSource: contact your hosting provider for support with their custom images [13:44] What do you mean custom images? [13:44] Is this not ubuntu? [13:45] my experience with Oracle hosting is no, they are not stock ubuntu images. [13:45] The distro is Ubuntu. I'm merely trying to discuss what could possibly be the problem [13:45] I might have screwed in past and installed arm64 arch or something [13:45] Coudl that have been possible? [13:45] How do we know for certain that oracle is at fault [13:46] I mean it's easier to pass the buck I suppose. [13:46] weak trolling [13:46] OpenSource: you contact Oracle. Or try setting up a new VM/VPS and see if you have the same issue [13:46] kaleido: can we help you with something? [13:47] just commenting on an observation [13:47] OpenSource: you can create a support request even with the free tier account [13:48] akik that's not an option [13:48] OpenSource: why not? [13:48] leftyfb, is he talking about me trolling? I can only guess. === zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz [13:48] akik, it's only free suppot for the first month [13:49] It's funny that douchey statements like 'weak trolling' are the actual trolling statements. Was there a need for it? Sigh. IRC. A window into a textbook display of psychiatric issues. Cheers. [13:49] lets not [13:49] OpenSource: you should have the ability to submit a support ticket [13:49] OpenSource: https://support.oracle.com/cloud/faces/index [13:50] I am quite sure they only provide support for the first month. They sent an email a few years ago saying free tier trial support has ended. [13:50] They don't do any more support tickets for free users unfrotunately. [13:50] Otherwise it would cost them too much. [13:52] OpenSource: i provisioned a rocky linux 8 vm there but i didn't mess with any architectures on it [13:52] I don't remember messing with architectures either. [13:52] 16:38 < OpenSource> # dpkg --remove-architecture arm64 [13:53] I jow tried and I can't [13:53] OpenSource: what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d ? [13:54] deb https://atl.mirrors.clouvider.net/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted universe multiverse [13:54] This happens with any mirror. 404s [13:55] I mean I installed it from Oracle image and updated packages previously. Now I can't get away from this error. [13:55] I must have done something. [13:56] OpenSource: wget -6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/binary-arm64/Packages [13:56] OpenSource: that fails for me too [13:56] HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found [13:56] 2023-08-20 16:56:05 ERROR 404: Not Found. [13:56] So why are packages missing? [13:57] nothing is missing [13:57] So what is going on? [13:57] the main repo's don't provide arm packages [13:57] the ports repo does [13:57] Oh. [13:57] I think originally I was on porta [13:57] I think I somehow changed my sources.list to a mirror [13:57] and hmm. [13:58] What's the address for ports url [13:58] I'll change it to that and hopefully the error should resolve [13:58] ports.ubuntu.com [14:00] deb https://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted universe multiverse [14:00] Does this look ok? [14:00] is arm64 == aarch64 ? [14:00] I don't think so [14:00] I'm not sure [14:00] I have no idea what's goin gon [14:01] i think it's one of those ampere cpus [14:01] aarch64 [14:01] OpenSource: this is my vm Linux ak-oracle-vm1 4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.aarch64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 28 20:43:24 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux [14:01] mine too [14:01] yes ampere vm [14:02] I changed it to that last apt line and I still have error [14:02] W: Failed to fetch https://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:443 (2620:2d:4000:1::19). - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:443 ( - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:443 (2620:2d:4000:1::16). - connect (111: Connection refused) Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:443 ( - connect (111: [14:02] Connection refused) [14:02] OpenSource: it doesn't work for me either [14:03] it's http, not https [14:04] deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted universe multiverse [14:04] OpenSource: you'll get there! [14:04] is this good? [14:04] np, thank you [14:04] is this looking ok now? [14:04] I got errors again [14:05] Err:6 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy Release [14:05] 404 Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::16 80] [14:05] E: The repository 'http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy Release' does not have a Release file. [14:05] N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. [14:06] OpenSource: http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/ [14:07] https://gist.github.com/MayankFawkes/132b1396c4f18a96b14cc831f42cc838 [14:07] Now it's doing it. [14:07] it's /ubuntu-ports/ [14:07] not just /ubuntu/ [14:07] Well no [14:07] I still have errors. [14:07] I'll try pool [14:08] oh nm it says i386 is not found of course [14:08] come on [14:09] for x86 it's http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ [14:09] he's on arm :) [14:09] 584 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [14:09] I did this thinking I was on amd64 [14:09] my fault [14:10] yea oracle has x86 vms there too [14:10] you can add that to arm64 too :) [14:10] # dpkg --print-foreign-architectures [14:10] aarch64 [14:10] I have no idea why it's conmplkainign [14:10] here's the error [14:10] E: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::19 80] [14:10] Err:13 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports focal/main i386 Packages [14:10] 404 Not Found [IP: 2620:2d:4000:1::19 80] [14:10] Why this is showing up? [14:11] I thought I removed i386 [14:12] # dpkg --remove-architecture i386 [14:12] dpkg: warning: cannot remove non-foreign architecture 'i386' [14:12] did you check /etc/apt/sources.list & all *.list files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [14:12] heh [14:13] are you sure you are working on an ARM machine? :) [14:13] lol [14:13] Sigh [14:13] sometimes happens that you start working in the wrong terminal or something [14:14] or shh in the wrong machine [14:14] I was under the impression this was amd64 cpu, so I added i386 and then I realized it isn't. [14:14] That's all. [14:14] I also changed my soruces list, which we just changed back [14:14] the onlyt hing left now, is fixing the stupid mistka eI did with adding i386 [14:14] please. [14:14] OpenSource: /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.d [14:15] OMG something happened. [14:15] I deleted some .distUpgrade files in sources.list.d [14:15] now it works...? [14:15] The following packages will be upgraded: [14:15] libssl1.1 linux-headers-oracle linux-image-oracle linux-oracle [14:16] Setting up libssl1.1:arm64 (1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.19) ... [14:16] apt done. [14:16] Hunh. [14:16] That was a weird ordeal. [14:16] Thank you everyone. [14:17] Yes, it's fine now. [14:18] Question, does anyone have experience with wine? [14:18] Not to drink, but to emulate windows [14:19] I'm on ubuntu 22.04. I did apt-get build-dep wine, then apt-get source wine; then edit server/sock.c with a patch we need for our wine build, then I dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us [14:19] It fails to build. [14:20] Even if I don't modify source, and just try to build from apt, still it fails. [14:20] Let me get the messages again hang on [14:20] OpenSource: install it from winehq [14:20] I was assuming if you get an ubuntu package source and use the ubuntu way to build the package, it should build. [14:21] dpkg-source: info: building wine in wine_6.0.3~repack-1.dsc [14:21] [14:21] Starts buliding, then it will fail. Watch [14:21] Give a while [14:21] OpenSource: install it from winehq [14:21] Why? [14:21] Why not use the ubuntu package? [14:21] OpenSource: you'll get much newer wine [14:22] I don't want or need a new wine [14:22] I need 5.0. Which I can't get on 22.04. So I have to make do with 6.0 [14:22] I actually need wine 2.0 [14:22] But I'm making do with a patch from 2.0 on 5/6 [14:22] Latest wine is too highly refactored to put the same patch in [14:22] the logic is too diffrent in sock.c for socket stuff [14:23] https://bpa.st/G26Q end of dpkg buildpackge log [14:23] I am trying to find exactly what is done when you setup and login into a mobile connection. I want to do the same steps from a command line. [14:26] So I setup a focal chroot as it has wine 5 [14:26] I patched it [14:26] I build it in a chroot [14:26] I installed it [14:27] OpenSource: why do you need wine on a remote oracle instance? [14:27] OpenSource: the channel is not your blog btw [14:27] root@server3:~/d2gs/D2GS-110# wine reg import d2gs.reg [14:27] it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it. [14:27] leftyfb, to run a Diablo 2 gaming server which is only windows. [14:28] :/ [14:28] The PVPGN d2gs server [14:28] Yeah. [14:28] :/ [14:28] Sigh. It's been a hassle alright. [14:28] akik, I'm not blogging. I'm relaying information about a problem I'm having with wine [14:29] OpenSource: you could create a report about that socket thing you mentioned so it'll be included in wine [14:29] it is complaining about 32 bit [14:29] It's been done before by others in the community [14:29] I'm not the first one. Hence the patch [14:29] good luck [14:29] thank you [14:29] I certainly need it. [14:30] if I could get my hands on ubuntu 16, all problems would be okay. But it's gone now. [14:30] I need an old distro with wine 2 and I'm solid. [14:30] Any ideas? [14:31] Any way to get ubuntu 16 with all the packages/sources?, then use that to setup a 16 chroot? [14:31] !discuss | OpenSource: let us know if you need any further help with supported releases of ubuntu. Otherwise, [14:31] OpenSource: let us know if you need any further help with supported releases of ubuntu. Otherwise,: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [14:31] yes [14:31] I am asking for further help [14:31] I'm actualyl asking a lot of help so it seems I'm over activ ein talking [14:31] just relax. [14:31] how do you get ubuntu 16? [14:31] OpenSource: Ubuntu 16.04 is EOL and not supported here [14:31] OpenSource: you can use docker to create an ubuntu 16.04 container image [14:32] I don't even need the repositories. Just need the full dvd or disc image [14:32] OpenSource: or debootstrap actually [14:32] oh [14:32] it still works for 16? [14:32] man [14:32] even 16 isn't suproted? [14:32] !yy.mm | OpenSource [14:32] OpenSource: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [14:32] wow I'm all kinds of out of luck [14:32] OpenSource: well the iso images are all there [14:32] OpenSource: Ubuntu 16.04 (no such thing as "16") is no longer supported [14:33] Im' using short hand so I dno't have to type a lot [14:33] I'm tired. [14:33] surely you understood wha tI meant. [14:33] OpenSource: also, if you type "download ubuntu 16.04" into google, it brings up exactly what you're looking for [14:33] yes, but how do yo use the dvd image iso image to install a chroot [14:33] I don't know how to do that [14:34] OpenSource: use debootstrap in it, then create a docker image from that [14:34] or lxd [14:34] instead of using http sources, how can you use debootstrap to use ISO as source [14:34] lxd will install 16.04 [14:34] those steps are ahead of where we are right now [14:34] OpenSource: https://docs.docker.com/build/building/base-images/ [14:34] !lxd | OpenSource [14:34] OpenSource: LXD is a tool for more easily managing !lxc containers. https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html and https://linuxcontainers.org/ [14:34] vm or container or anything isn't the issue here [14:34] type fo container tech isn't the issue [14:35] is it possible in debootstrap to use iso as a souce? [14:35] OpenSource: i think docker is the simplest way to do it [14:36] so can debootrap do what I need or it can't? [14:36] lxd is not bad either [14:36] Would you know? [14:36] OpenSource: i pasted the url to the docker docu a minute ago [14:36] Guys. I'm asking a question about ubuntu and you're not answering. [14:36] IO'mnot asking for docker support [14:36] or lxd suport [14:36] I'm asking for ubuntu support [14:36] please focus. [14:36] wtf [14:37] OpenSource: good luck [14:37] OpenSource: i pasted the url to the docker docu a minute ago [14:37] OpenSource: did you even read it? [14:37] Guys. I am not interested in docker at moment. [14:37] Yes I did [14:37] Are you reading me? [14:37] I'm asking a question about debootstrap and you're talking to me about everything else but that [14:37] OpenSource: so you didn't read the page [14:38] OpenSource: $ sudo debootstrap focal focal > /dev/null [14:38] no I read your link that you pasted about lxd [14:38] OpenSource: i didn't [14:38] OpenSource: debootstrap is considered a very custom and advanced way of installing linux distributions. A bit beyond the scope of the support typically provided here. Feel free to ask for help with it in #linux [14:38] Oh so that's the issue [14:38] You guys don't wnat to provide free support advanced [14:38] heh the docu has TWO commands that you need to run [14:39] I must buy some ubuntu subscription [14:39] Sigh. [14:39] OpenSource: we are all volunteers [14:39] must be a lazy week [14:39] akik what are you on about [14:39] and I'm pretty sure Canonical, even with paid support isn't going to help you with debootstrap [14:39] OpenSource: the docu has TWO commands that you need to run [14:39] it's not a standard method of install [14:39] OpenSource: then you have a ubuntu 16.04 docker image [14:39] Sigh. [14:40] I'm asking about debootrap. Not docker. [14:40] I'm asking about A. you're tlkaing about Z. [14:40] OpenSource: READ THE PAGE [14:40] jesus [14:40] and i don't even believe in jesus [14:40] it's scrolled up too far now [14:40] please link it again [14:40] thank you [14:40] OpenSource: https://docs.docker.com/build/building/base-images/ [14:40] good luck [14:41] This is called talking in circles. [14:41] You could have simply answer my quetino with one sentence instead of beating around the bush [14:41] OpenSource: btw focal is 20.04 so adjust it [14:41] yea i just needed to say three times to read the page [14:42] So all you needed to say was, you can use debootstrap to fetch focal. [14:42] I don't need to build a docker image. [14:42] I just need debootsrap tog et focal. [14:42] That' sit. [14:42] I'll try that now. [14:42] You did confuse me with your indirect answers. [14:42] sorry not focal [14:42] but whatever is 16 [14:43] xenial [14:44] So are the repositories for xenial stil up? [14:44] debootstrap it fetching it apparently. [14:45] I'm confused. Is debootstrap is fetching it, does it mean the repos are still up but it's just out of date so not supproted? [14:45] Man this is a confusing distro. I'm still trying to make sense out of it. [14:49] Yup. [14:50] OpenSource: Maybe WineHQ can help https://forum.winehq.org/ [14:51] Hey thanks [14:51] they're my next stop once I get the ubuntu stuff figured out [14:51] :) [15:55] hi. What happend to appindicator in Ubuntu 22.04? === shokohsc51082 is now known as shokohsc5108 [16:00] How do you get examples into the man? You need to install an additional package, but what is it? Thanks [16:02] what do you mean "into the man" [16:07] yes [16:07] when I make a: man echo [16:08] I have no example on bottom the man's page [16:08] I remember I had some example, several years ago [16:08] some things show exxmples some things dont [16:09] Ok, Bard has give me the solution [16:09] sudo apt-get install man-pages-posix-examples [16:10] Haha, tell the bard that package doesn't exist [16:11] manpages-posix - Manual pages about using POSIX system [16:12] Yeah these don't add examples to existing pages, they're documentation for posix [16:12] Ok [16:13] not sure what type of example one needs for echo... [16:18] echo... [16:32] floown: most of the time you will use the built-in echo command in your shell instead of the standalone echo binary from coreutils (or similar), so you should check e.g. "man sh", "man bash", or "info bash" instead [16:32] (they don't seem to have example either though) [16:38] https://tldr.sh/ <------------- for man with examples [16:38] rbox: stuff like how it behaves with '-n' and/or '-e' maybe [16:38] what do you mean how it behvaes... it tells you what they do [16:39] some people prefer examples :) [16:40] floown: those aren't really "manpages", but they are another documentation source indeed [16:40] an example that shows "echo -n hello" [16:40] ? [16:40] you can jut ype that and see what it does... [16:40] you can install 'tldr' or 'tldr-py' to use them, I think [16:43] and tldr doesn't seem to have examples for echo either [16:48] https://tldr.inbrowser.app/ === VlA is now known as V|A [16:53] hm, the tldr packages in Ubuntu 22.04 seem to be broken... [16:56] oh, now it works, after running "tldr -u"... [17:03] use issabel + yealink. to provision, which software do you use? === carlo is now known as Guest213 [17:15] I'm back [17:21] JanC, yes [17:26] wondering if someone can help out. I recently "sudo apt update && upgrade" and got the message that /boot was full. I got rid of an older kernel set of files, but it would not complete the initramfs (said it was dirty). Used a live disk, cleaned it, still couldn't boot. Using boot-repair, boot repair keeps canceling, "linux-generic purge canceled" [17:28] its suggesting I create an esp partition, but I have never had one, and never needed one. I have used boot-repair in this situation many times. This is different for some reason [17:29] you should always keep at least one known-to-work kernel [17:31] I did, so I thought [17:31] then can't you boot the older kernel? [17:31] nope, it was corrupted [17:32] I naively deleted the good one [17:37] what if you boot a live system, chroot into the main system, and try to recreate the initramfs that way? (I assume boot repair does something similar, but maybe not with the same options?) [17:39] it seems like update-initramfs has options to delete & newly create one [17:40] (or maybe boot-repair has some way to change how it does that too?) [17:44] yea, boot-repair has never failed me (until now), so I haven't had to try it manually. Guess now I do [17:45] although.... considering the frustration I have had with ubuntu updates trashing my kernel... I'm weary of keeping a 512MB boot. [18:34] I got a new USB microscope. I can get only images with cheese yet (or Windows camera under win 10). But if I move the part under the microscope, the image isn't moving, but White scanlines, artifacts appear on the bottom of the image. Other cam software doesn't seem to detect the cam at all. [18:36] Unfortunately under windows the image is very dim and the app cannot alter brightness (nothing happens ) [18:39] \message NickServ IDENTIFY gchound chl0e [18:40] Is that supposed to be a password? :D [18:43] old project with 3d printed microscope , 2021 https://snapcraft.io/install/openflexure-connect/ubuntu [18:44] cheese works,but VLC should be able to do more than just a snapshot [18:44] oerheks: ffmpeg [18:45] that too [18:48] !info v4l-utils [18:48] v4l-utils (1.22.1-5build1, lunar): Collection of command line video4linux utilities. In component universe, is optional. Built by v4l-utils. Size 682 kB / 2,164 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [18:58] how is every-one doing. [19:00] wow - looking back - I remember @! least 2500 viewers. What happened ? [19:00] not ll cameras use v4l [19:00] not all * [19:02] speaking of cameras - JanC - i have a set with its own router - is there a pgm that can handle that - without being connected to internet ?. thanks. [19:03] also, cheese uses libcheese which uses gstreamer, so if it works in cheese it should probably work in all applications that use libcheese, and maybe even all applications that use gstreamer to access the video... [19:08] can gstreamer handle - independent routers ? [19:08] Okay, I'll look into the installed packages. Maybe if I set the resolution for video lower? But I don't know, if I do that in another mode on the USB microscope, if it will affect the p mode as well on reset. [19:09] PC mode [19:09] So I guess I rather have the configure things in linux, not on the device itself. [19:10] floogy: what's the issue with it? [19:11] I'm not sure what's the culprit. The image is still and not moving as expected with a cam. [19:12] floogy: so, a webcam? [19:12] I wonder where my USB microscope is [19:14] is zoneminder a good option ? [19:22] have a good day folks. [19:23] joseph1: I use zoneminder great dvr to control cameras zones ect [19:35] jos [20:13] hello [20:38] can a paste deleted from https://paste.ubuntu.com/ ? [20:41] BlackMage: yes, if it needs to be. i think there's a manual process through the address given on the front page. [20:43] BlackMage: you can also just 'hide' it when you login again.by visiting it and clicking the hide button [20:43] qvl4 and VLC are working somewhat. They capture dim images too. I'll look tomorrow further into this. I can adjust the image, but it's not as brilliant as on the devices screen itself on the particular mode. [20:45] yes it can hidden by me [20:58] a hidden paste can not be viewed by anyone anymore? [21:06] BlackMage: i would not know this (I assume so), you would probably need to contact the given email address to determine this, unless it's discussed in a FAQ linked on the site. [21:16] Hello [21:16] There is one question that I can not find an answer to, it is related to DWM [21:16] For example, there is a command that I execute in the terminal sudo ./test.sh (I run the script) everything works fine, [21:17] how can I do the same in dwm, how correctly should I write the command in "config.h" so that when certain keys are pressed, it works in the terminal? [21:18] Hey how can I use the livepatch feature? Say I want to update to a 5.19.0-42 kernel without rebooting, how do I go about it? Or it's not how the livepatch feature works? [21:18] I basically want to install perf in a live env [21:20] yeah it ain't what I'm looking for then [21:20] I guess I can replace the string that gets comparred in perf [21:20] and call it a day [21:39] Anyone know why when I vi into a file it prepends random characters to the first line of the file. It's odd behaviour and I can't figure out how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue [21:41] kerxphilox: run a file system (integrity) check [21:43] I'm running Ubuntu inside of WSL2. I suspect that it has something to do with my terminal. The actual characters are not in the file, when you cat the file it displays something else [21:43] It's like vim is having issues with my terminal, but I'm not 100% sure [21:44] hmm, can't think of anything else OTOH. there's probably #vim here or on OFTC. [21:45] Ok, got it [21:45] what was it then? [21:45] #oftc is invite only channel, so I can't get into there [21:46] i mean the oftc irc network at irc.oftc.net [21:46] Oh! ok [21:46] lol, I've never heard of that network. What's the difference [21:47] it's just another network used my open source software projects. [21:48] when you say "random characters", i assume it is never twice the same characters, and varying length, too? [21:48] it's random based on the file contents. when I open an empty file right now it will constantly add the characters 'mp' to the start of the file [21:49] I'm asking in #vim as you suggested [21:50] very well. [21:56] There are a lot of layers here: windows -> secureCRT -> wsl2 -> ubuntu -> vim [21:57] Could be that secureCRT is causing this issue as well, not sure [22:54] One should not mistake WSL for actual Linux. [22:56] I understand that. I am trying to learn what WSL2 actually is and how it operates [23:20] kerxphilox: if it's just a couple characters it might be a BOM? [23:20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark [23:21] Windows uses those in Unicode text files because it uses UTF-16 instead of UTF-8