[01:04] my suggestion would be dropping libreoffice-draw in lieu of krita [01:37] do we have any sort of art person right now? [01:38] [matrix] Negative. [01:42] sigh [03:42] for the simple things I usually do, I just use lximage-qt we provide.. (ie. adding arrows & simple stuff for bug reports). As Lubuntu is 'light' is see no need for more myself; people can `apt install krita'` or gimp as required [03:44] we could always document alternatives in discourse for those that require more.. [04:22] [telegram] What kind of disk usage impact does that have? [04:22] [telegram] I'm certainly not opposed, since Krita is freaking amazing [04:22] [telegram] I would, however, be opposed to adding a lot to the ISO ;) [04:23] [telegram] wxl: I guess that falls back on me XD [04:23] [telegram] #SimonsFault [04:24] mantic has passed feature freeze, isn't it too late for mantic? [04:25] [telegram] https://phab.lubuntu.me/F78684 XD [04:25] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/207bd934/file_9859.jpg [04:25] [telegram] guiverc: If it's our seed, as RM I have wiggle room [04:26] :) [04:26] [telegram] I can't do huge things like a Qt transition or more-than-one-seed packages like SDDM, but stuff like Calamares we can slip by [04:27] [telegram] With careful thought and consideration, of course [16:22] well chris left it seems but lximage-qt can't crop so even for light image editing, it doesnt' quite cut it [16:25] and we'll never get it, either: https://github.com/lxqt/lximage-qt/issues/288 [16:25] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Issue 288 in lxqt/lximage-qt "Add crop feature to LXImage-Qt" [Closed] [16:28] as for libreoffice-draw, we can't get rid of it without getting rid of libreoffice-impress and i suspect we probably want to keep that [16:36] we add 297mb for krita https://dpaste.com/6Z2VHTT5H [16:38] mysql-common is an odd depend by itself but ok