
=== nkshirsa_ is now known as nkshirsa
cpaelzer#startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status14:31
meetingologyMeeting started at 14:31:54 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick14:31
sarnoldgood morning14:31
cpaelzerPing for MIR meeting - didrocks joalif slyon sarnold cpaelzer jamespage ( eslerm dviererbe )14:32
cpaelzer#topic current component mismatches14:32
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg14:32
cpaelzerTo keep things in consumable chunks the first 6 of the perl deps for spamassassin are now up14:32
cpaelzersee the red color14:32
cpaelzerwe'll get to that when assigning new MIR cases for review14:32
cpaelzernvmse-stas was considerd ready, but waiting dor dasbus14:32
cpaelzerwhich is on security atm14:33
cpaelzernothing else new here AFAICS14:33
cpaelzereven nothing new in proposed14:34
cpaelzerwhich feels right given we are in feature freeze14:34
slyonlibei is now ready for security, too (but also some TODOs for jbicha)14:34
cpaelzergood to know14:34
sarnoldnow I wonder about the flood of FFEs :)14:34
cpaelzerdracut also is ok, will enter security later on (for next cycle)14:34
cpaelzerbut for now we agreed on a package splitting that allows to pass just a minimal thing without14:35
cpaelzerit is back on bdrung to get this in place14:35
cpaelzer#topic New MIRs14:35
cpaelzerMission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing14:35
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:35
cpaelzeruh wow 1014:36
cpaelzerso much for "not much because of FF"14:36
cpaelzerbut as I said14:36
cpaelzer6 of them are meant to be trivial perl cases14:36
cpaelzerback in the day they almost got no review, that isn't how we should do it again14:36
cpaelzerbut really, structurally they are mostly a mechanical repack of the perl modules14:36
cpaelzerwith auto-autopkgtest and usually good test sets14:36
cpaelzerwith small and well defined use cases14:37
sarnoldbeing on the hotpath for handling email they deserve a reasonable look14:37
cpaelzerSo I'd wonder if we can distribute those to just one person as they'd all feel very similar14:37
sarnoldlintian modules are something else14:37
cpaelzerI was just going there sarnold14:37
cpaelzerIt will not be no review, but by structurally sharing that much there likely would be a huge efficiency gain by one doing them all14:38
cpaelzerthat is what I wanted to say :-)14:38
sarnoldthat makes sense, yes14:38
cpaelzerso I'm looking for a volunteer for 6xsupposed-to-be-simple cases14:38
slyonI could probably take 2-3 of those for next week, assuming they are small. But probably not all of them14:38
joalifI can also take some14:38
cpaelzerit is actually 8, so how about 4 each but no complaining stares if not all of them are done next week?14:39
bdrungcpaelzer, I just uploaded dracut 059-4ubuntu2 that splits out dracut-install. Should I assign the ticket back to you?14:41
cpaelzerupdate the bug, set it back to new and unassign yourself14:41
cpaelzerbdrung: ^^14:41
cpaelzerand I guess make the seed or dependency change that will pull it in14:42
cpaelzeronce all is in place ping one from the team here to ack for the promotion of dracut-install14:42
bdrungthanks. I am working on the initramfs-tools change now.14:42
cpaelzerwe'll set the state to "in progress" reflecting that14:42
cpaelzerThen subscribe ubuntu archive admins to do the promotion14:42
cpaelzerok, in terms of reviews two more to g14:43
cpaelzerI'll take gnome-clocks, because why not14:43
cpaelzerleaved https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pappl-retrofit/+bug/2031814 unassigned14:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2031814 in pappl-retrofit (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pappl-retrofit" [Undecided, New]14:43
cpaelzermissing didier who is out atm14:43
cpaelzerwe have assigned more than we commted to be able to do each week (due to those perly things)14:44
cpaelzerso I think this one has to wait14:44
slyonI agree14:44
cpaelzerand of course this is a late "needs to be in 23.10" *sigh*14:45
cpaelzerbut still we are humans and have plenty of other tasks14:45
cpaelzerI think that is ok, re-eval next week14:45
cpaelzer#topic Incomplete bugs / questions14:45
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:45
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:45
cpaelzerdracut was clarified above14:45
cpaelzers390x-tools and rust has gotten a block-proposed update14:46
cpaelzermost recent actual change is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dotnet6/+bug/202353114:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2023531 in dotnet6 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dotnet6" [Undecided, Incomplete]14:46
cpaelzerhmm, that is a response to the review14:46
cpaelzerI need to read that with some time14:46
cpaelzersince I've done the review14:46
cpaelzeropic Process/Documentation improvements14:47
cpaelzerMission: Review pending process/documentation pull-requests or issues14:47
cpaelzer#link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pulls14:47
cpaelzer#link https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/issues14:47
dviererbe Greet new contributers on first issue/pr #37 https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pull/3714:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Pull 37 in canonical/ubuntu-mir "Greet new contributers on first issue/pr" [Open]14:47
cpaelzerthat is a nice idea, but also so new the tests didn't run yet right?14:48
dviererbeGithub queue seems to be long today, the Ci was just not run yet14:48
cpaelzerI generally like this idea14:49
slyonMaybe s/GMT/UTC/, otherwise lgtm.14:49
cpaelzerwhere you able to pre-test this somehow dviererbe?14:49
dviererbeKind of yes here: https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/actions/runs/5939665817/job/16106543321 but I oriented myself on the config of other repos that used the action14:50
cpaelzerok, nice14:50
slyondviererbe: do we need to install the "secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN" somehow?14:50
cpaelzerhow about this - fix the GMT/UTC and allow time to pass for any potential further reviewers14:51
dviererbeNo this is a environment variable that gets injected by the action runner14:51
cpaelzerthen we can land once tests also have ran e.g. in next weeks meeting14:51
dviererbeThan I also should replace it in the Readme.md14:51
dviererbeThats where I took it from14:51
cpaelzeris that what we have oO14:52
cpaelzerlet me look at the invite what TZ we have set for real14:52
slyonwell.. yeah. It's more of a nitpick. We can also keep it as-is.14:52
cpaelzerit is actually "4.30pm CET"14:52
slyoncpaelzer: I think giving the real TZ make sense, as that would account for time shifts14:52
cpaelzerhow about chaning .md and this to that value14:52
sarnoldhah, it's in there twice14:52
cpaelzerso that git matches the calendar14:52
sarnold (Tuesdays 15:30-16:00 GMT) near the end14:52
dviererbeI change it14:53
sarnold2023-08-22 14:52:58 < sarnold>  (Tuesdays 15:30-16:00 GMT) near the end14:53
cpaelzerwell and this PR, other than adding the nice welcome14:53
sarnoldfunny enough, that second one is just plain wrong part of the year :)14:53
cpaelzercould sync all those mentions with the calendar entry we have14:53
cpaelzerdviererbe: ok with that?14:53
dviererbeYes :)14:53
cpaelzernext is https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pull/3614:54
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Pull 36 in canonical/ubuntu-mir "Add an ask about isolation features" [Open]14:54
sarnoldwoot, thanks dviererbe :)14:54
cpaelzerwhich we had some approval when discussing14:54
cpaelzerbut now have  PR actually writing about it14:54
cpaelzerno need to read it now14:54
cpaelzerbut before next week an ack or feedback would be nice14:54
cpaelzerok, the rest is old/draft14:54
cpaelzer#topic MIR related Security Review Queue14:55
cpaelzerMission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable?14:55
cpaelzerSome clients can only work with one, some with the other escaping - the URLs point to the same place.14:55
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:55
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=[MIR]&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:55
cpaelzerInternal link14:55
cpaelzer- ensure your teams items are prioritized among each other as you'd expect14:55
cpaelzer- ensure community requests do not get stomped by teams calling for favors too much14:55
cpaelzer#link https://warthogs.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SEC/boards/59414:55
cpaelzernever heard of semgrep_rules_manager14:55
cpaelzerwhy is that in this kanban board at all?14:55
eslermI'll add libei to our jira board14:55
cpaelzerthanks eslerm14:55
cpaelzerabout dracut14:56
cpaelzerwhile we split things out and promote a very small subset now14:56
cpaelzerthis would also want to be added to the security board tracking14:56
cpaelzereven not yet being assigned to you on the bug14:56
cpaelzerthat is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dracut/+bug/203130414:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2031304 in dracut (Ubuntu) "[MIR] dracut" [Undecided, Incomplete]14:56
cpaelzerwould you be able to add that as well?14:56
eslermcan do14:56
cpaelzerthe rest looks kind of "as expected"14:56
cpaelzerheif and siblings to fully complete soon or 24.04 the ltest14:57
cpaelzerstuff in progress14:57
cpaelzerall good AFAICS14:57
cpaelzerkeeping time in mind let me call for14:57
cpaelzer#topic Any other business?14:57
sarnoldnone here14:57
eslermheif had a block last week, let me find it14:57
slyoneslerm: I added some update comments to the heif related MIRs14:57
slyonpfsmorigo: I was wondering about the state of cargo?14:58
eslermack, thanks I'll follow up14:58
cpaelzerI didn't want to ask about cargo given the time, but you are right to do so ... :-/14:58
eslermSeth, can you answer for Paulo please14:58
sarnoldslyon: pfsmorigo has written a report on it, and I've not yet had the time to read his report :(14:59
slyonsarnold: can we see that report somewhere, or is it still internal?14:59
sarnoldslyon: yeah I could bounce you a copy14:59
slyonthat be great, thanks14:59
slyonnothing else from my side15:00
cpaelzernext meeting is starting and nothing else15:00
sarnoldeek thanks for the 'next meeting' reminder15:00
sarnoldI swear if my head weren't bolted on..15:00
cpaelzersee you all15:01
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:01:07 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-08-22-14.31.moin.txt15:01
eslermthanks all o/15:01
dviererbethanks everyone!15:01
slyonthanks all! o/15:01
joalifthanks all!15:01
* vorlon waves18:55
vorlonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda says 'next meeting 7/25', have we missed all the meetings since then?18:56
rbasakNo meetings until July 2025? :-)19:00
seb128checking irclog it seems the 7/25 - 8/8 ones didn't have quorums19:00
vorlonthen I guess rbasak is chair today19:02
rbasak#startmeeting Technical Board19:02
meetingologyMeeting started at 19:02:12 UTC.  The chair is rbasak.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology19:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick19:02
rbasak#topic Action Items19:02
rbasakACTION: seb128/amurray/sil200 to help drafting the snap-store Ubuntu-specific tracks usage19:02
rbasakI've seen some text. Is that ready?19:02
seb128do we need Ken to reply to your comments?19:05
rbasakThere are some comments, and also I've seen a suggestion from timhm to drop the current use of the branches that auto-close.19:05
rbasakI pinged timhm but he's only back from PTO today.19:05
vorlonfwiw the text there is different than the original rationale for the ubuntu-YY.MM tracks19:05
rbasakI was going to ping Ken today but I found that he's out for a few days too19:05
rbasak> The complete channel name can be structured as three distinct parts separated by slashes:19:06
rbasak> <track>/<risk>/<branch>19:06
vorloni.e. they weren't intended to be a committment to "bugfix+security only changes", they were only intended to be an escape hatch if there was a per-release regression due to integration issues19:06
rbasakCurrently I believe we're using *branch*19:06
rbasakWhich autocloses after 30 days19:06
rbasak"Requirement B: Ubuntu developers will be able to override and patch the package"19:07
vorlonyes, sorry, I assumed this was referring to the stuff we were currently using and second-guessed myself on track vs branch :)19:07
rbasakThat would be fulfilled by the current use of the branch I think.19:07
rbasakAnd is sort of similar to the escape hatch rationale you mention but not quite the same.19:07
seb128the current use is to set our snap to follow stable/ubuntu-<xx.yy> right?19:07
seb128so that means following stable19:07
seb128but what we would like is rather to follow a serie specific track19:08
vorlon"we would like" - who would like that and why?19:08
seb128like for GNOME 45 we should set mantic to follow 45/ stable19:09
seb128well, if the goal is to have a behaviour similar to what we have today with debs19:09
rbasakI think that would be fine19:09
seb128following latest/stable would mean mantic users would get GNOME 46 updates when those are flagged stable19:10
rbasakBut it would need to be 45/stable/ubuntu-24.04 or similar19:10
amurraythe reason I suggested tracks rather than branches is to avoid the issue of branches auto-closing - and the reason I put in the bug/security fixes only is to try and have the same expectation for snaps as debs from an end-users perspective19:10
rbasakSo using <branch> like we already do, but also adding <track>.19:10
rbasakamurray: so I think the pushback from the store admins would be that this overloads the purpose of tracks and the idea that snaps are supposed to be distro-agnostic.19:11
rbasakAIUI, there was a similar resistance to using branches in this way, but it did end up happening.19:11
rbasakThere's another important behaviour to keep in mind here.19:11
rbasaksnapd can "track" firefox latest/stable/ubuntu-22.04 for example, but if that doesn't exist, then it just falls back to use "latest/stable" instead.19:12
vorlon45 is not an Ubuntu version, of course.  If we are using tracks based on the versioning of the application upstream, that will cause more work on the Ubuntu side to keep track of the tracks; if we wanted consistency on the Ubuntu side to always use tracks such as ubuntu-23.10/stable (the current suggested text?) that puts more work on the snap publisher19:12
rbasakReplace "latest" with a track if you like.19:12
rbasakSo we don't usually have to publish to the branch, so auto-closing isn't much of a concern in practice.19:12
rbasakIf we used the escape hatch, _only then_ would we need to make sure we keep republishing within 30 days, or see about changing that feature.19:13
vorlonfwiw firefox has been using the branches19:13
vorlonas has subiquity19:13
rbasakOn this machine I have:19:13
rbasaktracking:     latest/stable/ubuntu-22.0419:13
vorlonjust in case anyone thought this was a vestigial feature19:13
rbasakOh yes and my revno is different from the channels that are publicly visible.19:14
amurrayyep but I thought there was pushback from the desktop team that they found it onerous that the branches autoclose19:14
rbasakTo make progress with the doc in general, I suggest that we document what we're currently doing, and make sure that before we change what we're doing everyone involved reaches consensus first?19:14
amurrayit sounds like we are choosing between two problems - either we use branches and that puts the burden on the publisher to keep publishing else they auto-close - or we use tracks which gets pushback from the store team..?19:15
vorlonamurray: well, I think that's a valid objection and maybe worth revisiting with the store team?  but for this discussion, wrt track naming I'll point out that a firefox upstream version would not be suitable for the track if you wanted it to be different for 22.04 and 23.0419:15
vorlonwhy would the store team push back on the use of tracks?19:16
rbasakAIUI, they don't want Ubuntu-specific tracks. The store is supposed to be distro-agnostic, so the tracks should be what makes sense to the upstream.19:17
vorlonthen tracks are unsuitable for firefox19:17
vorlonbecause the differences between the snaps on the different branches right now are about base+content snap, not upstream version branches19:18
rbasakI don't mind how this is implemented, but I think that our base requirements are reasonable and the snap ecosystem needs to be able to figure out how to support them :-/19:18
vorlonthe store team doesn't want to accomodate branches that don't auto-close, but nothing says that the publishers can't set up timers to auto-refresh those branches and keep them open19:19
vorlonbut, as rbasak points out, the implementation is not really a TB question19:20
vorlonwrt this point on the agenda, it doesn't seem we're ready to close anything out?19:21
rbasakBut can we agree on next steps?19:21
rbasakI had a suggestion on that bove19:21
vorlon"document what we're doing" - +1 from me19:22
rbasakCould someone who understands exactly what we're doing please take that action? :)19:22
vorlonI think seb128 is best positioned19:23
seb128alright :p19:23
rbasakOK so let's carry the action19:23
rbasak#action seb128/amurray/sil200 to help drafting the snap-store Ubuntu-specific tracks usage19:23
meetingologyACTION: seb128/amurray/sil200 to help drafting the snap-store Ubuntu-specific tracks usage19:23
rbasakACTION: rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification19:23
rbasakI'll carry this over again19:24
rbasak#action rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification19:24
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to draft a proposal of the DMB-proposed inactivity expiration policy for TB ratification19:24
rbasak(I'm not aware for any reason for this to be a priority right now)19:24
rbasakACTION: rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps19:24
rbasakHmm. I don't remember this.19:24
vorlonIIRC there was a question about what should be required wrt test plans for seeded snaps, vs. the MIR requirements for autopkgtests19:25
rbasakJust found the logs19:26
rbasakOK looks like I knew the details once, so I'll carry that over and I don't think I'm blocked19:26
rbasak#action rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps19:26
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to follow up on finding consensus on question of test plans for third party apps19:26
rbasakACTION: rbasak to restructure the third-party repo doc to make the status clearer19:26
rbasakThis one's done I think?19:26
rbasakACTION: rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy19:26
rbasakI started writing up a post for a call for wider discussion and feedback.19:27
rbasakI feel a little blocked on a comment from Ken in the doc. I intend to follow up with him his week or next week after he's back from PTO.19:27
rbasak#action rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy19:27
meetingologyACTION: rbasak to open wider discussion on third-party repo policy19:27
rbasakACTION: seb128 to follow up with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations19:27
seb128carry over please19:28
rbasak#action seb128 to follow up with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations19:28
meetingologyACTION: seb128 to follow up with SRU, AA, Release, Backporters and Security teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations19:28
rbasak#topic Packages in the archive that download and run software from the Internet, and third-party repository requirements19:28
vorlonthe reason I put this on the agenda was that I happened to just notice that the lutris package in multiverse downloads software from possibly arbitrary locations on the Internet to be run19:29
vorlonand I think that's bad and was going to dig into it to see just how bad and whether it should be thrown out of the archive19:29
vorlonand then I realized I didn't have a written policy on this stuff that I could point to19:30
rbasakI'm reminded of flashplugin-downloader or whatever it was called19:30
rbasakAlso torbrowser-launcher19:30
vorlonflashplugin-downloader at least had the constraints that it would only download files with known hashes that were embedded in the packaging19:30
rbasakThat one's in universe.19:30
vorlonthe fact that it downloaded at install time rather than shipping in the package was a concession to redistribution constraints19:31
amurrayhmm is this a slippery slope? we also have say emacs which can be configured to download emacs lisp packages from arbitrary locations19:31
amurray(just as an example)19:31
rbasakI was going to point at wget :-P19:31
seb128or you can download anything to install from a webbrowser...19:31
rbasakSo, where's the line?19:32
rbasakDoes being in multiverse make it OK?19:32
amurraydoes lutris do any sandboxing internally? perhaps if it did then that would lessen the risk here19:34
vorlonwell lutris is effectively a package shipping a "store" for third-party games from the Internet19:34
rbasakSounds like the flatpak package :-P19:35
rbasak(although it doesn't default to a store I don't think!)19:35
rbasakSo snapd19:35
vorlonwell, right, and clearly we have expectations about what the snapd package should present as a store :)19:35
rbasakOne could argue that a user understands that installing lutris opts them in to a specific store19:36
vorlonthe bit that irked me was actually watching it download a mame tarball from the Internet when we have mame as a deb19:36
vorlonrbasak: I don't think our users should be expected to assess the security design of every store someone puts in the Debian or Ubuntu archive as a deb and that we should have some common guidelines19:37
vorlondoes lutris have cryptographic verification of the games it downloads from the Internet? is that based on ssl or on some sort of signing of a store payload? who manages that?  is there sandboxing? etc19:38
rbasaklutris is synced from Debian though?19:38
amurraycommon guidelines sound reasonable19:38
rbasakSo while I understand your concern and would like to see improvement there, I'm not sure we could really be effective unless Debian is also doing it, so it seems like we would need consensus in Debian19:39
rbasakOTOH the other stuff involving third party requierements are mostly Ubuntu-specific differences19:39
rbasakLike we might as well document "if Debian do it then it's acceptable for Ubuntu by default because autosync" in our doc19:40
vorlonwell even if there is a policy we'd likely be playing whack-a-mole for a while in either Debian or Ubuntu19:40
vorlonI would still like to see some documented principles of what we expect from packages in the Ubuntu archive19:40
rbasakI have no objection to having the TB endorse something like that.19:40
vorlon(btw lutris actually completely failed to download and install the game I was trying to get running on my kid's system, and I wound up grabbing a zip file of the DOS program and running it directly under dosbox :P)19:41
rbasakvorlon: would you like an action to write some guidelines?19:41
vorlonrbasak: sounds like you're suggesting .. ^ that :)19:41
rbasak#action vorlon to write up draft guidelines for packages in the archive that download from the Internet19:42
meetingologyACTION: vorlon to write up draft guidelines for packages in the archive that download from the Internet19:42
rbasak^ that wording is deliberately open. You can figure out how to define the scope when you write it up :)19:42
rbasakAny further discussion on this topic?19:42
vorlonfwiw I think there's other historical precedent of e.g. disabling browser plugin stores by default in browsers19:43
vorlonor of disabling vendor auto-update mechanisms19:43
rbasakThis will be quite slippery to define I think.19:43
vorlonall related :)19:43
vorlonyep. challenge accepted, thanks19:43
rbasak#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)19:43
rbasak#info No recent ML posts19:44
rbasak#topic Check up on community bugs and techboard bugs19:44
rbasak#info No new bugs; existing bugs are all being handled through existing action items19:44
rbasak#topic Select a chair for the next meeting (next from https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members)19:45
rbasak#info Next chair will be seb128 with vorlon as backpu19:45
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO19:45
rbasak#info Next chair will be seb128 with vorlon as backup19:45
* vorlon nods19:45
rbasak#topic AOB19:45
rbasakAnything else from anyone?19:46
vorlonnothing here19:46
meetingologyMeeting ended at 19:46:35 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-08-22-19.02.moin.txt19:46
rbasakThanks all!19:46
vorlonfwiw I'm going to have another request to twiddle the weeks due to my availability changing again, but that's not until after the next meeting19:46
amurraythanks for chairing rbasak19:46

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