
blahboybazI thought I completely removed firfox about a week ago but when I do an upgrade it pulls in `firefox-locale-en`. After seeing that I ran both `sudo apt remove --purge firefox` and get `Package 'firefox' is not installed, so not removed` in the output as well as `sudo snap remove firefox` and get `snap "firefox" is not installed`. I did this to double check that it is not installed. Also I saw:00:21
blahboybazhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1424143/ubuntu-22-04-deleted-firefox-but-it-still-comes-up-when-i-click-website-links-in  but the use case is slightly different and they don't tell you anything different that what I've described doing here. Running `sudo apt upgrade` once more (just now) and `firefox-locale-en` is not listed but nether are three other (seemingly) unrelated packages that were present00:21
blahboybazthe previous run `vim-common`, `vim-tiny`, and `xxd`. What in the world is going on?!00:21
sarnoldtry sudo purge firefox-locale-en00:22
blahboybazok will do... fwiw I also just found out that `whereis firefox` outputs `firefox: /etc/firefox` and there is something there well a file in `firefox: /etc/firefox/pref`00:23
blahboybazIt looks like ff has other remnants around and I'm not even sure what all there is. Plus it don't make sense whey `vim-common`, `vim-tiny`, and `xxd` would disappear from the upgrade list too00:25
sarnoldwere they upgraded in a previous run? or overnight via unattended-upgrades?00:26
blahboybazsarnold: I'm not sure. I think ff was being updated regurlarly while I used it and after I dtopped using it but before I removed it (maybe about a week ago now). I hope I didn't hurt anything but I do `sudo apt pruge firefox*` and a handful of other stuff that seems related to ff was removed. `/etc/firefox/pref` and the file in it still is there tho00:30
blahboybaz`sudo apt purge firefox*`00:30
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EickmeyerTo be fair, '/etc/firefox' is just a directory and serves no function.00:31
EickmeyerAt least, not without the executing program.00:32
blahboybazEickmeyer: True (just config) - it does have some file in it. But one would expect that when they remove stuff it would completely be removed. Especially when the purge flag is used. Certainly would not expect for upgrades to the package to get pulled in after it was purge removed.00:33
sarnoldI wonder, if you apt remove firefox and then apt purge firefox, will the purge actually clean up the orphaned directory?00:33
blahboybazdid that and found the dir still there00:34
blahboybazboth the apt purge and snap remove commands were run right after seeing the upgrade come in (to be sure ff really was removed) and then whereis firefox was run and the dir / file are there00:35
Eickmeyerblahboybaz: Depends on how it was installed to begin with. In Ubuntu (and most flavors), the metapackages listed firefox and its related packages separately, meaning removing firefox by itself wouldn't necessarily do it without purging e.g. the ubuntu-desktop meta as well.00:35
blahboybazI mean.. I can del it, sure, but the sitch just seems odd enough to talk about here00:35
sarnoldI'm not surprised about whereis, that relies upon a database that's constructed after new manpages are installed00:36
EriC^^i dont think there's a way for apt to know about added configs, probably it only removes the configs that are listed in the initial deb installation00:36
sarnoldthat's not a good debugging tool00:36
EickmeyerEriC^^ is right.00:37
blahboybazI just went ahead and del the dir / file in /etc - it is what is it I guess00:38
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PhalanxerIt looks like security updates for packages in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS's 'Universe' channel are being without. Am I right? https://i.ibb.co/kB1LRmh/Untitled.png01:46
sarnoldso that we can have a vastly larger security team01:48
PhalanxerSorry, what does that mean?01:48
sarnoldhistorically, universe updates were provided only by the community01:48
PhalanxerThat's what was advertised.01:48
sarnoldthis meant that half-dozen packages or so were taken care of, a few more would get the occasional update, and tens of thousands of packages got no security updates01:48
PhalanxerSo, how come Canonical is withholding the updates from me?01:49
sarnoldwe kept doing security updates for different companies in PPAs and eventually decided to make all those updates available to everybody through an ubuntu pro subscription, instead, and that was *very* popular, so we got to hire another fifteen people to do security updates01:49
sarnoldif you were fine with the old thing, you don't have to sign up01:50
sarnoldotto still updates mariadb periodically, and we sponsor that through to universe same as always01:50
PhalanxerAh okay. That policy just means I now have to find another distro.01:50
sarnoldwhy? you didn't care about them before01:50
PhalanxerYes, but Canonical's attitude isn't good.01:51
PhalanxerIt can patch me but chooses not to.01:51
PhalanxerCanonical is coming across as Microsoft.01:52
oerheksfind a distro that gives universe updates then ..01:52
sarnoldah yes, microsoft, a company famous for giving away operating systems, office suites, video games, scientific software, etc ;)01:53
PhalanxerThere isn't one, but I need to find a distro who's leadership puts the users first.01:53
sarnoldanyway, ubuntu pro has let us provide vastly more security updates per month01:53
sarnoldif you were happy to not get updates before, then nothing has changed01:53
PhalanxerThat's great but useless for me.01:53
sarnoldif you've got fewer than five machines, you can get them for free01:53
PhalanxerNah, before Canonical is giving me updates. Now its not.01:53
sarnoldif you've got more than five machines, you can get security support for them at a price that feels fair01:53
sarnoldall the packages in main continue to get free security support01:54
PhalanxerYes, but it only takes 1 outside main to put a machine at risk.01:54
sarnoldyou could also configure your machine to not install packages from main01:54
sarnolds/from main/from universe/01:55
PhalanxerThose packages I am being refused updates to are used by Evolution, my e-mail client.01:55
PhalanxerYes, but then Ubuntu becomes useless for my needs.01:55
mark__Phalanxer will never be happy. Don't bother01:55
ubottuUbuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq01:55
PhalanxerNot happening01:55
sarnoldah. then yes, perhaps you should find another distribution that meets your security needs.01:55
VarroHi like how can I run something as root everytime the computer boots02:00
VarroWhat's the easiest way to do that?02:00
rboxsysystemd service02:00
VarroIt seems complicated though02:01
VarroLike for a single exe I need to write a whole syntax02:01
rboxits a simple text file02:01
rboxwith a few lines02:01
VarroI don't understand02:02
VarroI don't know what "wanted by" means really02:02
rboxthat says itll be started on boot02:02
Varromay be i can copy paste yes?02:03
PhalanxerI just had a sad thought. As the 'Universe' is community looked after, then Canonical is withholding community updates.02:03
oerheksuse a pastebin please02:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:03
sarnoldPhalanxer: no. literally only otto provides mariadb updates on a regular basis. universe was basically unmaintained before we started ubuntu pro.02:03
oerheksPhalanxer, some projects have no developers anymore, who is to blame?02:04
sarnoldPhalanxer: perhaps now that there *is* an ubuntu pro that reduces the incentives that people have to prepare updates for us to sponsor, but aside from otto, it just wasn't very common.02:05
PhalanxerThe definition of the 'Universe' channel is that its community-maintained. Canonical is withholding packages in that channel, that means Canonical is withholding community security patches. That's really sad.02:05
sarnoldPhalanxer: canonical cannot withold something that does not exist.02:06
sarnoldPhalanxer: how many security patches did you provide to sponsor?02:06
Phalanxersarnold it exists by definition02:06
Phalanxersarnold I am not a developers.02:07
sarnoldPhalanxer: please provide links to launchpad bugs for sponsorship that were not sponsored02:07
Phalanxersarnold I am a user in the community, not a developer.02:07
oerheksif so, ubuntu must make you happy.02:10
PhalanxerIt did.02:10
oerheksyou know how to get pro, for LTS only btw02:11
Phalanxerim not paying FOSS02:13
PhalanxerWhat is the difference between 'focal' and 'focal-updates'?02:14
PhalanxerIs 'focal' the initial release version and 'focal-updates' all the updates?02:15
oerheksyes, focal is the package list at the time of release.02:16
Phalanxeroerheks thank you.02:16
PhalanxerOne of the packages that can be updated is 'libsdl2-2.0-0', but it is only found in 'focal' and not 'focal-updates'. Why is that?02:17
topcat001it's more a matter of giving more when paid, rather than taking stuff away02:19
Phalanxertopcat001 its a matter of not giving anything unless paid®02:20
Phalanxertopcat001 that is Microsoft's business.02:20
PhalanxerCanonical now wants to be Microsoft.02:21
PhalanxerThat's fair enough.02:21
oerhekswaiting for libsdl302:22
topcat001I believe you misunderstand the situation (it's very common). Please read sarnold's comments above. Anyway, offtopic for this channel.02:23
sarnoldoerheks: cripes not even arch has that yet :( https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/sdl3/02:24
PhalanxerSo if 'focal' is the initial release with the distribution and 'focal-updates' is the updates to the initial release then how come the update for the package 'libsdl2-2.0-0' it not found in 'focal-updates'?02:24
sarnoldPhalanxer: because that package update is distributed through ubuntu pro02:24
Phalanxersarnold, but I don't have that channel in my respository.02:24
sarnoldPhalanxer: feel free to subscribe to ubuntu pro02:24
PhalanxerI'm not subscribing to it, ever.02:25
sarnoldsuit yourself02:25
PhalanxerGood luck02:25
sarnoldthanks, you too :)02:25
topcat001I think most of the confusion comes from the fact that now all the updates (which never existed in the first place before, but nobody was complaining) and now visible, but behind a pro subscription.02:25
sarnold*nod* no one ever likes hearing "you didn't care about not getting updates before"02:26
topcat001sarnold: it's a lost cause despite your very patient effort, they have already made up their mind02:27
oerheksremember xchat?02:27
sarnoldoerheks: not well :)02:27
PhalanxerWhich licence is Canonical's Ubuntu Pro patches released under?02:28
topcat001At work we had an internal IRC and everyone was on xchat (on Windows!). I got rid of it in favour of weechat (and got rid of windows in favour of Linux) ASAP. That's the last I saw it.02:29
sarnoldPhalanxer: it varies from patch to patch02:29
Phalanxersarnoid are they all FOSS?02:30
JanCmostly licensed the same as the code it patches, I presume?02:30
JanCespecially for GPL & such02:30
sarnoldPhalanxer: probably; I doubt that there's been any packages in restricted or multiverse patched only via ubuntu pro. those are oddballs.02:31
PhalanxerSo these Ubuntu Pro patches being shown in apt, aren't actually in the 'Universe' channel, right?02:31
sarnoldthey are in the universe component but not the -updates pocket02:32
Phalanxersarnoid could you please clarify that for me?02:32
PhalanxerHang on02:32
PhalanxerI get it, let me get my head around it. :)02:32
Phalanxerive was up to 4:30 am over this problem02:33
sarnoldd'oh :)02:33
sarnoldthis page has a bunch of descriptions around components and pockets https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ02:33
topcat001Phalanxer: how many personal Ubuntu machines do you have?02:33
sarnoldit might not be 100% right with respect to ubuntu pro, that's new enough and we haven't scrubbed all the docs yet to make sure it's all good02:33
Phalanxertopcat001 my personal computer only.02:33
sarnoldlol just one machine?02:33
sarnoldget a free token man02:34
sarnoldI figured you had a fleet of fifty or something02:34
topcat001I think you can get 5 free right sarnold?02:34
Phalanxersarnoid it requires signing up and identifying myself,02:34
PhalanxerYes, I know its free.02:34
JanCyou can probably register as Phalanxer if you prefer02:34
PhalanxerThat is still an identifier. I'm just not into the game02:35
oerheksnobody forcing you, all i read between the lines is that Canonical should share the work back?02:35
JanCor something random02:35
topcat001the problem is that if you choose say 22.04 LTS, and that comes with a certain Universe package version, then after a bit you would NEVER get patches. Nobody would bother backporting.02:35
topcat001say after about a year nobody bothers02:36
PhalanxerI've been around since 10.04 LTS. I know how it works.02:36
PhalanxerNever patched ALSA drivers.02:36
oerhekssarnold, debian is already working on it http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libs/libsdl3/02:36
PhalanxerSo, if Ubuntu Pro's patches are GPL, then I could take them all and submit them myself as a member of the community, and Canonical won't have a problem, right?02:36
PhalanxerPutting them in Universe 'focal-updates'...02:36
oerheks.. not as PPA on launchpad02:37
PhalanxerYou guys asked me for submissions...02:37
sarnoldPhalanxer: good question, no idea02:37
Phalanxersarnoid we already know the answer to that.02:37
JanCthat's going to be a hell of a lot of work  :P02:37
Phalanxerhaha :)02:37
sarnoldoerheks: woo!02:38
Phalanxeroerheks why not as PPA on launchpad?02:38
PhalanxerOh never mind, I am confused.02:39
PhalanxerYou mean a new, individual repository channel.02:39
PhalanxerI think if I were to take Ubuntu Pro's GPL patches and submit them for Universe, Canonical would refuse it because it is a conflict of interest with its commercial goals. And this is what makes me sad.02:41
sarnoldwouldn't it be more productive to supply patches that we haven't gotten to yet?02:41
Phalanxersarnoid it depends on your philosophy and goals.02:42
PhalanxerAnd values02:42
PhalanxerI'm in big trouble02:43
JanCthere are probably still non-Canonical people who can sponsor packages...02:43
JanCin universe02:44
sarnoldthose folks won't sponsor a security update into -updates02:44
PhalanxerJanC its not that, its the attitude of Canonical that now undermines my trust in Ubuntu. This today, what tomorrow?02:44
PhalanxerThis is a user help thing believe it or not. lol02:45
oerheksWe are already past that point.02:45
Phalanxeroerheks what do you mean mate?02:45
PhalanxerHah, yeah02:46
oerheksjust a rant, no Pro token for free, there is no user help left.02:46
PhalanxerI am about to start a business and the server was to run Ubuntu. I've written up full documentation setup for everything and have configuration files ready for deployment. This now changes everything.02:47
PhalanxerNot a rant, a concern that you cannot see.02:47
sarnoldthen configure your system to not install universe packages02:47
sarnolddone and done02:47
Phalanxersarnoid yes I have to check out the packages I will be using. If just one of them is Universe I'm in trouble.02:48
PhalanxerI might be okay02:48
sarnoldsed -i '/s/universe//' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*  will probably do it02:48
PhalanxerIts LAMPy02:48
oerheksyes, evolution is in universe..02:49
PhalanxerYes, but Evolution is not part of the server.02:50
PhalanxerSynaptic package manager is in Universe. What am I suppose to use, Ubuntu Software or that disaster snaps project? :(02:58
oerhekssynaptic is one of the projects that are under development/sec. patching, by itself03:01
sarnoldor heck, you didn't care that it wasn't getting security updates two years ago03:01
sarnoldso don't care now?03:02
sarnoldhah I didn't know mvo was the lead maintainer these days03:03
PhalanxerIts not that I wasn't getting security updates, its the spirit of Canonical that I don't like.03:03
oerhekscazala dropped it03:03
PhalanxerI just checked my apps from Universe. My server will be okay without them, so I can relax.03:03
PhalanxerEvolution, Pluma, GIMP, Synaptic and Traceroute is the only thing populating them, and generic install video drivers that can be installed without taking things with them. I'm not sure if they came with Ubuntu or have made their way in somewhere through something. I hope Ubuntu doesn't install packages from Universe by default.03:05
PhalanxerMultiverse and Restricted I don't care about, they are disabled on install.03:06
PhalanxerMultiverse is disabled.03:06
oerheksuniverse too .. see the hidden copy;  /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list03:08
PhalanxerUniverse too, what?03:08
PhalanxerDisabled on install?03:08
PhalanxerI must have enabled it.03:08
oerhekstoo many times i had to give that doc, to fix broken sources.list, until sources.list.d came around03:08
PhalanxerYeah I did.03:08
PhalanxerHas canonical introduced its own Ubuntu Pro repository in the latest version of Ubuntu? Highjacking Universe gives a misleading impression.03:10
oerheksplease write sabdfl@canonical03:10
oerheksnot here03:10
sarnoldubuntu pro is provided via https://esm.ubuntu.com/03:11
PhalanxerWho's that?03:11
PhalanxerI am asking a user question.03:11
oerheksself appointed benevolente dictator .. for life03:11
oerheksmark shuttleworth himself.03:11
PhalanxerIf I use the latest version of Ubuntu, am I going to find that Canonical has their own sources channel for Ubuntu Pro or are they using Universe to slip them in?03:12
sarnoldthat question doesn't make sense03:12
sarnoldI suggest coming back wqhen it's not 5:13 am :)03:12
oerheksgo there for your legal fight, please03:12
sarnoldI'm off for the night, have fun03:12
PhalanxerI''m not after a fight, I'm after information so when I use a newer version I know what to expect.03:13
EickmeyerCould've fooled me.03:13
PhalanxerCanonical are using a community-maintained channel to deliver their Ubuntu Pro stuff.03:14
PhalanxerI'm wanting to know if they are doing this still in newer Ubuntu's?03:14
PhalanxerHow many hours do you sleep?03:14
PhalanxerWell yeah, I hope Canonical have sorted this wholesale disaster out in whatever is the latest version number of Ubuntu03:16
xmetali just got here and have an idea but dont want to sound off topic ... a suggestion if someone doesn't like/trust Ubuntu anymore (an easy fix for said user)03:16
sarnoldPhalanxer: again, your question there doesn't actually make sense. I suggest returning to the documentation when you're not sleep deprived.03:18
Phalanxersarnold how doesn't it make sense? I have packages installed from the 'Universe' channel which is suppose to be community-maintained, but the updates for the software in that channel is not coming from the community.03:20
sarnoldPhalanxer: yes :(03:20
Phalanxersarnold so its a wholesale disaster, because its misleading users, like myself.03:20
sarnoldPhalanxer: it would have been better if they had said "completely unsupported" back in 2006 or whenever they set it up, but they had dreams.03:21
PhalanxerSo I was just wondering if Canonical has stopped doing this in Ubuntu 22.10 or what ever the latest version is.03:21
oerheksthere is no pro for 22.10, LTS only03:21
EickmeyerPhalanxer: Community is a synonym for volunteer, in this case, so unless those volunteers keep up with security updates, it simply won't happen. It's not like security updates were ever or are intentionally being kept back, just nobody was doing the work.03:22
sarnoldexcept otto03:22
sarnoldotto is awesome :)03:22
sarnold(yes, other people contributed fixes once in a while, but it was nowhere near even 1% of the packages that needed help)03:22
Phalanxersarnoid that is fine, but Canonical need to stop calling it a community-supported channel. This is what I mean when I use the term wholesale disaster. And this is why I asked if Canonical do it in the latest Ubuntu, or if they have made it clear.03:22
ubottuUbuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq03:23
oerheksit is all there...03:23
sarnoldanyway we're going around in circles. you need sleep and I need food. goodnight.03:23
oerheksyeah, good nichtynight sarnold03:23
sarnoldgn8 oerheks :)03:23
PhalanxerI'm understanding what is happening fine.03:23
PhalanxerThat's why I came back.03:23
PhalanxerBut it was a near miss03:24
PhalanxerI mentioned earlier I am not a developer. I'm just a user. So just wondering if Canonical still doing the same with newer versions of Ubuntu so I can know what to expect.03:25
oerheksyes, next LTS will have them too03:25
EickmeyerWell, Phalanxer, you've kindof already broken the rules of this channel by breaking the Ubuntu Code of Conduct by assuming ill-intentions, so I'd say drop the subject and move on.03:25
PhalanxerEickmeyer lol you must be fun at parties.03:26
EickmeyerMy friends love me. :_03:26
Phalanxeroerheks so the next version has Canonical pushing Ubuntu Pro to 'Universe' packages?03:26
oerheksthis is indeed totally going too long, offtopic. more suitable for #ubuntu-discuss.03:27
Eickmeyer!ot | Phalanxer03:27
ubottuPhalanxer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:27
PhalanxerSo, it is or it isn't?03:27
Eickmeyer!ot | Phalanxer03:27
PhalanxerWhat's wrong with you people?03:27
PhalanxerI want to know how I will be using Ubuntu in the future?03:27
Eickmeyer!ops | Phalanxer off-topic, violated Code of Conduct, assuming ill-intentions03:27
ubottuPhalanxer off-topic, violated Code of Conduct, assuming ill-intentions: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:27
PhalanxerLOL okay..03:28
PhalanxerSo no one wants to help me...03:28
EickmeyerSorry, you've been helped. Move on.03:28
PhalanxerEickmeyer your new to this conversation.03:28
EickmeyerI've read the entire backscroll. Move on.03:28
PhalanxerEickmeyer you move on.03:29
EickmeyerI'm on the ops team.03:29
PhalanxerWhat do you want, a medal?03:29
xmetalor discuss it in the room asked for03:29
PhalanxerHelp me then.03:29
xmetalseems like a friendly reminder03:29
EickmeyerYou've been told to take the conversation elsewhere, Phalanxer03:29
PhalanxerIs this channel about asking help for using Ubuntu or not?03:29
EickmeyerPlease do so. Leave the channel for people who need help with their systems specifically. Your solution is to sign up for pro, everything else your'e asking requires sphyrical glass vision.03:30
PhalanxerIs this channel about asking help for using Ubuntu or not?03:30
oerheksnot legal answers ..03:30
EickmeyerWe don't have those. We're volunteers here.03:30
PhalanxerI have a question about using Ubuntu I would appreciate help with.03:30
EickmeyerYou've taken too much time here.03:30
EickmeyerYou're being argumentative and picking fights.03:31
NickHPhalanxer: "#ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 23.04, 23.10"03:31
PhalanxerEichmeyer everything was fine until you came. You are toxic.03:31
EickmeyerLook in the mirror please.03:31
PhalanxerNickH my query related to Ubuntu 23.10.03:31
EickmeyerNickH: Not quite accurate. #ubuntu-next for 23.1003:32
NickHEickmeyer: its in the channel descriptin.03:32
oerheksPhalanxer, read the url with the valuable info.. no pro for 23.1003:32
PhalanxerDo Ubuntu Pro packages in Ubuntu 23.04 apply to packages in Universe?03:32
EickmeyerThat's not right.03:32
EickmeyerI'll talk to the other ops to have 23.10 removed, it should be in #ubuntu-next. 23.10 isn't even out until October, so no support is given.03:33
oerheks20.04, 22.04 ... wait, why am i explaining LTS03:34
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Jammy (Jammy Jellyfish 22.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.03:34
* xmetal sees how this is going and i will just say out of it 03:35
PhalanxerWhere is this friendly FOSS community people kept telling me about when they were pushing me to try out Linux? :)03:43
NickHPhalanxer: you're in a support channel. Plenty of "community" channels.03:44
PhalanxerI want to know if security updates issued through Ubuntu Pro in Ubuntu 23.04 apply to packages in 'Universe', but no one will help me?03:45
oerheksthat has been answered.03:46
NickHIt has already been explained that Ubuntu Pro is for LTS releases, 23.04 is not an LTS release, and the this channel is not for support of 23.04.03:46
Phalanxeroerheks where?03:46
NickHsoffy, last point was wrong, but first two still stand03:47
oerheksPhalanxer, read back, and dont address to me again, thanks03:47
PhalanxerNickH the channel titles say that it is for supporting 23.10.03:47
PhalanxerNickH okay, thanks for letting me know that Ubuntu Pro applies to support releases only.03:48
NickH23.04 and 23.10 are different... and it was explained that listing 23.10 in the description seems to be a mistake.03:48
PhalanxerI want to know if security updates issued through Ubuntu Pro in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS apply to packages in 'Universe'?03:48
NickHRead this page https://ubuntu.com/pro03:51
PhalanxerWhen I mentioned the friendly FOSS community people kept telling me about when they were pushing me to try out Linux, they were telling me not to worry if I need help because the friendly FOSS community will help me out with it.03:51
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 23.04. #ubuntu-next for 23.10 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
PhalanxerThanks NickH03:51
PhalanxerSo it does apply to Universe. Thanks.03:52
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PhalanxerWatch out for the snitch Eickmeyer people, he will call ops on your and stink out the vicinity with his toxic persona. Better you stay away from him and keep him away from users.03:56
PhalanxerSee ya's03:56
=== tristan123 is now known as tristan_
circleAnyone using openfoam on ubuntu or debian? Are the openfoam.com and openfoam.org versions basically compatible? Is it possible to have both installed and functional without problems?05:48
circleI see there is an openfoam version 2019-12 in the Ubuntu repositories, and then newer versions available from the (upstream) openfoam repositories.05:54
Eickmeyercircle: 1) Debian isn't supported here. 2) Nothing outside of the Ubuntu repositories is supported here, so while upstream may support their builds, we don't.05:54
Eickmeyercircle: Looks like the openfoam packages are synced without changes from Debian, so newer packages would have to come from there first.05:55
EickmeyerContact is the Deban Science Team.05:57
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circleIf anyone has experience using the Ubuntu repository version of openfoam 1912, please PM me06:12
loswedsededis there a command to update all apps installed with snap?06:22
loswedsededand, would such a command make sense?06:22
Bashing-omloswedseded: ' sudo snap refresh ' <- will update all the snap apps.06:27
TehdastehdasHow to view reviews in Snap Store? How to edit my review?06:38
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hans_why is /usr/bin/free opening /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblzma.so.5  ? what could it possibly need liblzma for?09:56
hans_my best guess is that it's a false dependency opened by accident?09:58
Unit193My guess is zram or zswap related thing.10:10
weedmichans_:  - d you have a symbolic link pinting there?10:21
weedmictry just free and see if it works then?10:21
fdanHi there, i have a systemd file which tries to run a shell script and that shell script tries to download the binary, but unfortunately the binary is not in the current directory10:24
fdanhow can i solve this10:24
fdani have the binary in /usr/local/bin10:25
hans_weedmic: don't know what you mean by "symbolic link pinting", is it a typo for "printing" ? anyway was running strace.  free works fine :)10:32
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weedmicpointing, soz10:33
weedmicok, if free works, but the whole path doesn't, perhaps try "which free" - perhaps you are using the worng one?10:33
NickHfdan you can set env variables like PATH in systemd unit files.10:37
fdanNickH i tried doing sym link10:39
fdanbut still i get the same error10:39
fdancan you give me an example of how you set the PATH in the systemd unit file10:40
NickHGoes in the [Service] section10:41
fdanbut problem is the file that the shell script calls has ./op-node10:42
NickHMight be easier if you tell us exactly what you are trying to do. I suspect that this may be an A B problem.10:42
fdanit does exec ./op-node10:42
fdanim trying to start a service10:43
fdanwhen i do a journalctl , i get /home/base/node-main/op-node-entrypoint: line 16: /home/base/op-node: No such file or directory10:43
NickHWhere did this unit file come from?10:43
fdani have this from my ansible playbook10:43
NickHSo you created it from scratch?10:44
NickHI suggest you paste bin it.10:44
fdanthe unit file calls the shell script A, and the shell script A calls which does exec ./B10:44
fdanNickH https://bpa.st/10:45
fdanredacted many things but those are the core section where i m facing the problem10:46
NickHThat's not the right link.10:46
NickHDid you try using setting "WorkingDirectory=/usr/local/bin"?10:47
NickHOr whereever ./B is.10:47
fdanB is at /usr/local/bin10:47
NickHI'd suggest fixin the script though.10:48
fdanscript is downloaded from a repo, we dont have control on it10:48
NickHEdit home/base/node-main/op-node-entrypoint to fix B using10:49
NickHsed or awk or something.10:49
=== LordKalma0 is now known as LordKalma
NickHBut honestly, I really don't think a unit file should be downloading another script and launching it.10:50
fdani agree10:52
NickHYou could add a line like "sed -i 's%exec ./B%exec /usr/local/B%'" in A just after the line that downloads B.10:53
NickHBut I'm getting a bit lost with A, B, and op-node-entry-point.10:55
fdanoh ok let me try10:55
fdanNickH the sym link should work right?10:57
NickHFirst guess is yes.10:57
NickHDid you confirm that the symlink was made correctly?11:00
fdanyes i did. but let me give it a spin11:00
iomari891greetings, after running "sudo nvme format /dev/nvme0n1 --ses=1" I can no longer see the nvme0 drive. It' like it disappeared completely.11:20
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tekisuini hao12:55
tekisuican you run google /play-apps with ubuntu touch ??12:55
tekisuiIs it lighter then android system ?12:55
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tekisuimoshi moshi13:41
tekisuican you run google/play apps on ubuntu touch ?13:42
juniori never tried, sorry13:43
tekisuihmm ok..13:44
tekisuifirefox doesn´t run well on the smurfphone13:44
tekisuii think it comes with ubuntu13:44
juniorIt's the first time I'm on a hexchat... what do people usually do here?13:45
tekisuiah irc use to be a living place13:45
tekisuithis is for ubuntu/linux helpdesk13:45
tekisuiyou may try ##chat13:45
tekisuior #philosophy13:46
mtnjunior: read the topic13:46
juniorany chat of helpdesk programming?13:46
tekisuithere is #html, probably java and cc+ also13:48
juniorhmm thanks13:48
ogratekisui, for ubuntu phone questions you are better off asking in an ubuntu phone channel ... i dont thnk they are on IRC though but there is a telegram channel https://t.me/WelcomePlus13:51
BluesKajHi all13:57
tekisuihey blue13:58
tekisuithere is this i believe: https://forums.ubports.com/14:07
tekisuitelegram won´t start14:07
coconuttekisui, /msg alis list ubports14:10
kubast2Hey I'm setting up tlp. Got the amd-pstate-epp driver working. However the CPU_ENERGY_PERF_POLICY_ON_BAT= is ignored and defaults the default setting(performance), how can I change that?14:31
xamindaranyone know how to fix this error?14:51
xamindarE: Repository 'http://mi-admtools01.dal.securustech.net/repo/saltstack/ubuntu/focal/latest focal InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from 'SaltStack' to 'SaltProject'14:51
pydevhello i am going to create a key with ssh-keygen15:06
pydevi would like to impement a srong cipher like Ed2551915:06
pydevcan i use it for ssh ?15:06
pydevor just use the default RSA15:07
pydevwhich is better?15:07
jhutchinsxamindar: Probably best to ask the maintainers of that repo how to deal with it.15:37
JanCxamindar: yeah, that seems like a problem with whatever service/software you bought from that company15:43
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throwthecheeseCan somebody provide me with a backport of Qt 5.15.5 for Jammy?16:07
throwthecheeseI'm trying to install Lomiri on my system but jammy doesn't have it yet in the repos and the packages for lunar fail to install due to my Qt being old16:09
throwthecheeseI tried building it from source only to get a black screen16:10
JanCprobably better to backport lomiri instead16:10
throwthecheeseThat's what I was trying to do but it just gave me a black screen16:11
JanCI doubt the black screen is because of a minor Qt version difference16:14
throwthecheeseI want to install a prebuilt version but the only available debs are for lunar16:16
JanCmaybe ask them why that is?16:19
JanCthe build config seems to say it should work with Qt 5.6 or higher, so that should be fine16:23
JanCthrowthecheese: did you try asking the Lomiri people for help with the black screen?16:24
howudodatis there a newer (than 14.04) guide to configuring HDMI passthru for 23.04?17:32
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drigyWhere are weechat logs stored?18:20
fdanhi there, im generating a random number using openssl rand -hex 32 through ansible.18:30
fdanI want to have these values added dynamically inside a template file in ansible which would then copy to remote machines.how can i do that18:30
fdani tried using register and then added {{ registeredvar.stdout }} in the template file18:30
fdanis that the right way to do ?18:30
JanCdrigy: you didn't find them in the location the manual and/or configuration say they should be?18:33
BinarySaviori'm getting horizontal screen tearing when watching videos, I have a 3090 gpu and a nice motherboard, how can I troubleshoot this?19:43
GrandPa-GHas anyone sent SMS text via ModemManager with mobile connection via Python?19:59
oerheks!info kannel20:01
ubottukannel (1.4.5-9ubuntu2, lunar): WAP and SMS gateway. In component universe, is optional. Built by kannel. Size 1,212 kB / 4,581 kB20:01
oerheksi believe that is python20:02
GrandPa-GIt has to be via ModemManager20:06
oerheksmaybe someone else has a better answer, else post it on askubuntu?20:07
=== realivanjx9 is now known as realivanjx
octav1aThere was a power outage, and the little archive NUC machine wasn't on a UPS. It's corrupted the ssd slightly. I got through a bunch of stuff on fsck but on trying to reboot I get libblkid.so not found so I'm guessing some files were lost21:52
octav1aI have the same ubuntu 22.04 LTS USB I used to install and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to do a repair install from that21:52
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octav1ais it possible?21:52
sarnoldoctav1a: probably22:01
sarnoldoctav1a: you can use debsums to figure out which files are missing or corrupted22:01
sarnoldoctav1a: and then apt install --reinstall those packages22:01
octav1ais there a step by step guide for chroot ?22:02
octav1aI've no done it much22:02
octav1aor is there a way to just get the package manager directly from the USB?22:03
oerheksthose packages should come from a mirror, usb is probably outdated.22:04
octav1aso how can I get to the point of running APT?22:04
octav1athe system doesn't boot currently22:04
sarnoldoh, yikes, that's a bigger challenge ;/22:05
oerhekshttps://www.turnkeylinux.org/docs/chroot-to-repair-system pretty straight forward22:05
sarnoldyou can boot to the install media, I think there's a 'rescue' sort of thing; you can probably just run chroot /target bash  -- and then you'll probably have to issue some commands to get online, maybe dhcpcd or dhclient or similar, maybe wpa_supplicant too if it's wifi22:06
BinarySaviorhello, I was experiencing screen tearing, so I tried playing with the settings in Compositor. I noticed some fuzzy blurry behavior afterwards and so I reset to defaults, but the fuzzy blurry did not go away.  See this short screen capture: https://imgur.com/a/afsLUiO22:32
BinarySaviorthe video quality is poor, but you can see the changing blurriness in real time22:33
sarnoldI can't tell what's crummy video blurry vs what's annoying graphics stack blurry22:33
pasjrwoctxI need help cant update or install anything, see https://pastebin.com/tr1TjQ6h22:50
Eickmeyerpasjrwoctx: Are you trying to remove that kernel?22:51
sarnoldpasjrwoctx: can you pastebin the output of ls -l /boot /boot/*22:52
pasjrwoctxI was just trying to upgrade, it gave that error, I tried to remove that kernel I got that error, id be happy to get rid of it and move on if it makes my system work22:53
ravageAre you root?22:53
pasjrwoctxYes I am root22:54
sarnoldwow those permissions are all over the place :(22:57
sarnoldand, I'm sorry to say, I screwed up the command :( could you also show us ls -ld /boot22:58
pasjrwoctxdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Dec 31  1969 /boot22:59
sarnold1969. that's not promising...22:59
sarnoldhttps://termbin.com/7qk6j -- this is what I've got for ls -ld /boot /boot/*  (what I *meant* to ask for .. that would have saved this last question :)23:00
sarnoldis there anything in dmesg output that looks like a dying filesystem? I think I would expect different error messages if it were dying, but this is confusing..23:00
sarnold(I expected to see drwxrwxrwx permissions on /boot )23:01
P1rohi, im making an .img from a booteable usb, is there any way to kepp img size as partitons? not whole 64g?23:03
oerheksP1ro, interersting, why not download the iso again?23:04
P1rooerheks: im making the .img from a custom linux i made23:05
oerheksi guess that .img contains all partitions?23:06
oerheksdd something to .img23:06
P1royes, but partitions are less that 4g23:07
P1roi did the img with dd23:07
oerheksan EFI partition could be 250 mb..  that is oke23:07
P1roif i dd sdc1-2 how i can make into one later?23:09
sarnoldsomething kinda gross, you could make a gigantic file full of zeros on the USB, then delete it; then try your dd command with conv=sparse added to it23:09
P1roi was thinking of finding a 2g usb to work and the make the dd if sdc and it will 2g, but there should be a better way.23:13
oerheksconv=sparce ..23:15
oerheksread the friendly manual 😀23:16
sarnoldP1ro: iirc there's some clever ubuntu filesystems for arm64 that will resize themselves to fit the disk they're on during the first boot23:17
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