[13:01] good afternoon everyone [13:02] RikMills: merkuro package should be ready to be uploaded, copyright file and qml dependencies included [13:02] let me know if I missed anything in the package [13:02] Hi all [13:03] the fake src:kalendar doesn't have the QML depends :| [13:10] santa_: that is weird. not sure what happened there [13:10] will upload shortly [13:11] RikMills: no problem, thanks a lot for correcting this [13:11] btw be careful when merging from debian [13:12] oh, also a note about this package: it recommends kalendarac, which doesn't exist in kubuntu [13:12] for now I just kept it that way as it's harmless, but whenever we have more time we can discuss what to do [13:16] santa_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=merkuro [13:18] ok on kalendarac [13:20] santa_: I will bother admins about the new queue tomorrow when 23.08 comes out [13:22] and thanks [23:02] hi everyone [23:04] RikMills: note for tomorrow: futuresql, kontrast, angelfish ready for a possible upload with FFEs and all. built and tested in the staging PPA [23:04] good night everyone