
user|35IRC in webiste02:53
oerheksdo you have a kubuntu support issue?02:53
user|35No, I was checing kubuntu website for the first time and I clicking everything02:54
oerhekshave fun!02:54
user|35I'm going futher02:54
user|35Thank you02:54
IrcsomeBot<chashmish_Ani> G16M (re @join_captcha_bot: )05:48
IrcsomeBot<chashmish_Ani> QVIC05:49
IrcsomeBot<chashmish_Ani> Im on latest kubuntu05:50
IrcsomeBot<chashmish_Ani> my wifi driver is BCM4314205:50
IrcsomeBot<chashmish_Ani> I installed it from additional drivers but still not working05:50
=== SamGreenwood11 is now known as SamGreenwood1
=== lexandrop_ is now known as lexandrop
karstenkHow to enable (Enable 'devices' in kernel Kconfig file or mount/enable cgroup controller in your system) ? I set allready intel_iommu=on systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=006:49
IrcsomeBot<alksven> PJB807:55
IrcsomeBot<alksven> Hello. I am a beginner Linux user (currently installed Kubuntu 23.04). There is such a problem when I exit the "sleep mode". "To unlock the screen, switch to a virtual terminal (for example Ctrl+Alt+F2), log in and run the command:07:56
IrcsomeBot<alksven> loginctl unlock-sessions07:56
IrcsomeBot<alksven> To return to graphics mode, press Ctrl+Alt+F1."07:56
IrcsomeBot<alksven> Recommendations on the screen do not work, recommendations on the Internet do not work. Help me please.07:56
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I am getting this error while running flatpack app how i ca solve it : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/9558556d/file_68173.jpg07:59
IrcsomeBot<mr_honestyy> I can't ablt to open / launch App07:59
BluesKajHi all13:02
IrcsomeBot<Throwaway> Can someone explain what the difference is between installing Plasma on Linux Mint vs using Kubuntu?17:40
IrcsomeBot<Throwaway> Can someone explain what the difference is between installing Plasma on something like Linux Mint vs using Kubuntu?17:41
kirvesAxe@Throwaway In both options you have the KDE Plasma GUI, but the first is running Linux Mint under that GUI, while the second one is running Kubuntu :)17:47
IrcsomeBot<Throwaway> oh okay. So there's no major difference in the user experience right?17:48
kirvesAxeWell that depends on how you use the system, on some cases differences might be big, on some small.17:49
kirvesAxeI have no experience on using Linux Mint besides a few tests, so I can't really say much about the differences though.17:50
kirvesAxeLasti time I installed a new OS, I made a live USB stick with multiple different linux distros and tried all of them for a while unti I chose kubuntu since it felt most cosy :)17:51
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Mint doesn't officially support a KDE desktop installation any more17:51
IrcsomeBot<Throwaway> But for everyday productivity tasks like internet browsing or the quick photo edit, both options should be similar right?17:51
=== gnomesort_ is now known as gnomesort
cbreakubuntu actually supports KDE Plasma, to some degree, so you get updates for it, and some guarantee that software is compatible21:49
valoriebetween the Kubuntu and the other teams who use Plasma, it is supported21:56
* valorie has been using plasma in Ubuntu since forever21:56

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