
hbogertIs this a good place to ask for feature requests or 'pre-approvals' of PRs?11:50
hbogertMy request is for support for  networkd's `KeepConfiguration` directive. Someone already briefly mentioned this  here: https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/107#issuecomment-56565412211:55
hbogertMy need for KeepDirective is for its ability to  make networkd not release the IP, yet it still sets the valid_lft timer on kernel level.11:55
hbogertUsing the current netplan `critical` directive uses networkd's `CriticalConnection` directive this also has the intended effect of *not* releasing the IP, but also has the (for us at least) unwanted side-effect of setting a valid_lft value of 'forever'.11:55
hbogertBtw we need that valid_lft to monitor our leasetimes in a cluster. Afawct, there's not other way currently to get the remaining lease time12:05
Guest38Hi. Is there any place with examples of use of netplan set? There is only one example at https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/stable/netplan-tutorial/#using-netplan-set13:47

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