
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
sarnoldhey hwpplayer1 :)19:33
hwpplayer1hi sarnold19:34
hwpplayer1maybe it is good to chat here19:34
hwpplayer1other friends can join the discussion19:34
sarnoldyeah, that way others can learn too, to ask questions, or answer questions :)19:34
sarnoldhwpplayer1: depending upon what you want to do there's a lot of different ways to contribute19:34
hwpplayer1how to contribute to the team and community of Ubuntu/Debian19:34
hwpplayer1Finding bugs in source code ?19:35
hwpplayer1Reading the source code 19:35
hwpplayer1reverse engineering for Free Software/Open Source?19:35
hwpplayer1malware analysis19:35
hwpplayer1How does Debian makes a base for Ubuntu or How does Canonical gets a base from Debian ?19:37
sarnoldthere's probably not much need for malware analsys19:37
sarnoldI'm sure there's security vendors like kaspersky or panda or mcafee or similar where that's a very pressing need :) but it wouldn't really help out debian or ubuntu19:38
hwpplayer1As I remember you work in Canonical sarnold 19:38
sarnoldubuntu runs services to import packages from debian unstable19:38
sarnoldthose packages are imported into the development release of ubuntu19:38
sarnoldwe stopped importing packages from debian last week https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-release-schedule/34989 "debian import freeze"19:39
hwpplayer1are you talking about Ubuntu daily images ( as far as I remember there should be something like that )19:39
sarnoldthere are daily images, but they're built for all our releases19:40
sarnoldthe debian imports are only to the development release19:40
sarnoldso it's a bit interesting that uploads to debian unstable can be released in ubuntu before they are released in debian19:41
sarnoldit's usually not a problem, and the users that use our interim releases give feedback on what works and what doesn't work, way more than people use debian unstable19:41
hwpplayer1Maybe I should pick a project for my interest19:45
hwpplayer1And jump into its development19:45
hwpplayer1Like Emacs :)19:45
sarnoldit usually is best it you find a project that you're already using and enjoy, yes :)19:47
hwpplayer1sarnold: have a great day20:37
hwpplayer1talk to you later take care bye20:37

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