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BinarySaviorsarnold, i restored defaults then rebooted and fixed, but still experiencing screen tearing01:52
BinarySaviorbut the blurriness was fixed at least01:52
haoI keeps run into this problem: every several hour, I found myself unable to change input engine with hotkey, need to do a `ibus restart`.01:55
haoI also asked in #ibus, but it might not be a problem of ibus. any idea why? wanted to see some log of ibus, but cannot find where the log goes (its manpage doesn't mention)01:57
haogot some logs extracted from journalctl: https://bpa.st/FIVQ02:29
oerhekshao, on what browser?02:31
oerheksseen that on chromium only02:31
haobrowser? sorry I'm asking about ibus02:31
oerheksyes, where did you notice this behaviour, global?02:32
haoyes, every several hours, when I switching input engine, will notice that I'm unable to, no matter inside which app02:33
haoseems it got killed because eating too much CPU?02:34
oerheksOOM ?02:36
oerheksgrep OOM02:36
haoI added another case around 5 o'clock: https://bpa.st/ZXOQ, seems before it got killed, there are always several window manager warnings and complains about my keychron keyboard too slow.02:38
oerheksdid you resume after suspend some time??02:39
haooerheks, lines around 'OOM': https://bpa.st/RISA02:42
haooerheks, what do you mean by 'resume after suspend'?02:42
oerheksdid your system goto sleep?02:43
haoalso, I got my swap off, don't know whether this matters02:43
oerheksi guess not.02:43
haono, as far I know, it's all normal, just that I cannot switch IME suddenly02:44
oerheksweird, file a bugreport02:44
oerhekswith no swap, and enough memory * 16gb..02:44
oerheksdo you have standard ubuntu , or ubuntu+hwe?02:45
haothere are 8GB RAM... but to be honest, it seems my system won't eat up all those, typically only consume 4GB+02:46
haostandard ubuntu02:46
oerhekschromebook, i presumw02:46
haomaybe it's my hardware is too fragile, it got smashed on floor twice...02:47
oerhekssudo systemctl disable modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service && sudo systemctl mask modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service02:47
oerheksmaybe it helps02:47
* hao need to search a little on 'modprobe@chromeos_pstore.service'02:50
haooerheks, done that. will see if the problem persist. thanks03:01
circleHello is there documentation for getting external monitors to work on Ubuntu 22.04.2 a (dell) laptop with intel and Nvidia graphics?03:04
oerhekscircle, is there a hardware key, fn + something to get external working"?03:06
circleF8 has the symbol on it. Pressing F8 appears to do nothing. fn+F8 logs me out  8-(03:09
oerheksinternal, external, both03:11
circledo I need to install or configure something for dell laptop keys to be properly recognized?03:14
circleCurrently all that key does is log me out03:14
oerheksweird, never seen that before03:15
oerhekswhat nvidia driver and what hw?03:15
circleThe other keyboard functions (volume, mic, keyboard /screen brightness all work.03:15
circleNvidia settings app is not very populated. Only two lines in the left panel: Application Profiles; Nvidia settings configuration.03:18
circlehow do I tell the Nvidia driver version?03:19
oerheksdid you set any overclocking in the bios03:20
circleHardware is Dell Precision 776003:21
circlelash -C display says  NVIDIA GA104GLM [RTX A5000 Mobile] and Intel (no specific info given)03:23
circlelspci says Intel Corp. Device 9a70 (rev 01)03:24
oerheksdell has some repos http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/dists/03:26
oerheksnot sure how to add those03:26
circleThere are a lot of jammy versions03:27
oerheksold howto, not sure the key is valid https://nrogap.medium.com/dell-repository-for-install-additional-drivers-on-ubuntu-4cf06164018003:28
circleIs it strange that the documentation is not on dell's website but on medium?03:30
rboxthats not 'the documnetation"... thats some rnaodm guy writing some words o na website03:31
circleI find executables prime-supported prime-offload ... but no man pages nor --help option.  are there documentations for them?03:37
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chrisleviteplease i need help. When i start up my ubuntu sometimes it keeps booting forever,sometimes web browser keeps refreshing, sometimes ~ is typed on the terminal continuously05:34
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philogoneHi all it's my first use of irc07:26
WhoAmi__who to see list users on this channel?07:39
matsamanWhoAmi__: /names07:39
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pydev1hello everybody08:08
pydev1i have created a system user without an home, but now i need to configure a ssh key to login into gitlab and download the repository, so the things are: 1) create an home for that user and add .ssh/config with the "Host" or simply use the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file and put everything there08:09
pydev1are there any other approach ?08:09
pydev1and i also wonder if is there any sense of having a system account WITH home ...BUT with a shell /sbin/nologin08:09
pydev1as i said i do that just to log into external servers08:10
NickHThere are many acccounts just like that. First one that comes to mind is sshd. Have a look in /etc/passwd.08:13
NickHSuch accounts often have their home under /var/lib08:14
pydev1NickH, wait08:17
pydev1so you think is better to add an HOME for that system user?08:18
pydev1and then creates .ssh/config?08:18
pydev1why can i not use ssh_config directly ?08:18
pydev1 /etc/ssh/ssh_config i mean08:18
NickHIs this for hosting a gitlab instance?08:22
NickHIf so, I suggest you follow the gitlab documention.08:26
pydev1NickH, pardon i am back08:43
pydev1no no i am not hosting gitlab08:43
pydev1i am saying that i have many users in my server08:43
pydev1from each server i need to "git pull"  data from gitlab.com08:43
pydev1i can also do git clone08:44
pydev1they permit ssh key as auth method08:44
pydev1so basically i would like to "install" a key for each user08:44
pydev1to let that user pull data from gitlab.com08:44
pydev1so i am asking08:44
pydev1can a system account has an home but with nologin shell?08:45
pydev1is there any sense?08:45
pydev1i do not need to log-in08:45
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throwthecheeseAny idea why I can't activate Maliit?09:12
NickHEach user should create their own key.09:44
zetheroo1Is it possible to access an NFS share via Files?09:47
Guest63Hi what's the difference between Nvidia-utils-NNN and Nvidia-utils-NNN-server?09:52
ravagezetheroo1: nfs://09:53
Guest63apt info : binaries for the NVIDIA [server] driver.  What's the difference? I don't know what the NV server is09:53
ravageGuest63: it is only a guess. but the server packages maybe dont include any GUI applications?09:54
Guest63does the NNN need to match the installed driver?09:58
Guest63Does anyone else get strange output from 'apt info Nvidia-driver-525'.  ?09:58
Guest92I am using Ubuntu 23.04 .  Whenever pc screens go dark and i get logged out, my sounds transfer from headphones to speakers. And when I log back in they go back to headphones. Any idea why?10:08
Guest63https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia. tells how to launch the application to find proprietary drivers, however "Software & Updates -> Additional Drivers" does not seem to exist as such in 22.04.3 . Does it have another name?10:08
ograGuest63, look for "Additional Drivers"10:22
ograi.e. hit the windows key to bring up the search ... then type in that search term10:23
ograerr ... hit "windows + a"10:23
ogra(or search just for "drivers" one of these sould bring up the app)10:24
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throwthecheeseHow do I make maliit-keyboard work on KDE Plasma?10:36
throwthecheeseI enabled it using system settings but it won't appear10:37
throwthecheeseDetails: Ubunu 22.04, compiled from master branch10:37
throwthecheese+ Plasma running on Wayland10:40
weedmicpydev1: did you accomplish what you wanted?10:40
pydev1weedmic, yes10:44
throwthecheeseAny idea why maliit-keyboard doesn't appear for me?10:48
throwthecheeseI installed maliit-keyboard from source, exported the input method env vars and enabled it using KDE system setting but it can't be invoked for some reason (environment: Ubuntu 22.04, KDE on Wayland)10:51
pydev1is it possible to force permissions during the creation of a file?10:55
pydev1for example i see when i create a file10:55
pydev1it sets rw rw r10:55
pydev1what about if i want to force rw rw - only ?10:55
pydev1is that possible?10:55
pydev1without running chmod everytime ?10:55
weedmicyou do not mean sticky bits w chmod command - correct?10:55
pydev1i need to pull data form a repository...10:55
pydev1i need to give read and write permissions just for user and group10:56
pydev1for other NO10:56
pydev1but now i see it creates the file with rw-rw-r--10:56
pydev1is possible to set no permissions to others inside a specific directory ?10:57
pydev1it is not a big problem...just asking if i need to run chmod again and again10:57
pydev1or i can siply add a rule to force rw-rw----10:57
chrfleHello. I got a Dell laptop which I've tried updating the system firmware to 3.16.0 and later 3.17.0 but neither has booted. I see that there's a 3.15.0 available. How do I ask fwupdmgr to install that specific version and not the latest one? (I'm currently on 3.11.0)10:58
pydev1for example in my home directory no other users should read/write/access10:59
pydev1is that possible weedmic ?10:59
ravagepydev1: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/what-is-umask10:59
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weedmicty ravage - pydev1 read that it gives examples too.11:01
pydev1ok so basically i can set umask11:02
pydev1for specific user/group too11:02
pydev1weedmic, I have a doubt.... is umask ... "global" ? i mean...lets suppose i want to give rw-rw--- for a specific folder11:03
pydev1is not possible?11:04
pydev1for example inside the user A home's i would like to set rw-rw--- for the user B home's i would like to set rw-rw-rw-11:05
pydev1is that possible or is that just a globla setting ?11:06
weedmicas far as I know umask is global and not per directory - read the manpage to be sure and also check setfacl, and as suggested chmod (usually not used by most first digit) x550 - you may see that when a file is put into the directory it is changed to what you want.11:12
pydev1weedmic, thank you12:21
BluesKajHi all13:03
hid3Hello everyone. Is it possible to somehow run a script/command only once after next reboot? I'm setting up a linux server build, some actions needs to be done after reboot. E.g. certain files removed, etc13:06
dTalSure, just make the script delete itself13:07
dTalor less dramatically, remove itself from the boot sequence13:07
hid3any suggestions on adding it to boot sequence? Anything easier than making a systemd service file?13:08
ograhid3, read up about systemd oneshot daemons13:08
dTalThe traditional way would be rc.local13:09
ograback in the days, yeah13:10
dTalStill perfectly valid13:10
ravagerc.local is a one-shot daemon. so yes13:17
ekaleidoand leeches can, in some cases, be use to clean blood ;)13:23
strkwhere does the "XXXX updates can be applied" message on login comes from ?13:34
strkcannot find the string in /etc/13:34
strkfound: /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available13:36
jackneillhey. for japanese ime what is the preferred way? i saw a multiude of apps, ibus, anthy, mozc, fcitx...13:42
elias_ajackneill: What is japanese ime?13:59
ograime -> input method14:00
elias_aOk. So the question is "What is the preferred ime for japanese?" Do I get this right?14:06
ograyes, i think so14:08
ograjackneill, does ths help ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JapaneseInput14:10
ogra(seems that recommends Mozc ... )14:10
jackneillthank you.14:11
ianliuMy ubuntu server is experiencing some slowness when making simple file system operations, such as mkdir, mv, cp, etc. Sometimes mkdir takes 5 seconds to create a directory. What could I do to debug whats happening to my system? I've already looked into "iotop", which is reporting very low disk usage (in the order of kb/s read/write). Is there anything else I could do?14:12
gebbionei am trying to run a snap app called pacman-revenge but it is not starting even if it says so ... this is what i see but the app does not start https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fMRWGsQNNC/ any suggestions?14:14
ravagegebbione: same here. contact the developer14:20
gebbioneravage, thank you for running it14:20
oerheks re-install the fontconfig package?14:20
ravageit is part of the snap14:21
ravageno local packages should affect the snap runtime14:21
oerheksthis post says reinstall fixes this https://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php?topic=148514.0 and this one about steam gives fontconfig 32 bit fixes things https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/htzwlo/steam_font_problem/14:22
jhutchinsianliu: Have you looked at dmesg?14:29
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Jackneillhey.  i installed a fresh ubuntu 23.04 and cinnamon desktop on it. from settings i cannot open the Themes module.14:56
Jackneillhttps://pastebin.com/nAQ4b6wk this is the error i get.14:56
Jackneilli ask here because they sent me here from official linux mint help from spotchat.14:57
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ioriaJackneill, interesting15:04
ioriaJackneill, WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 cinnamon-settings15:05
Jackneillsame error15:05
NiclosHello all, how to integrate two LDAPs on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?15:05
Jackneilli have forund similar issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cinnamon/+bug/2009311 but no solution there15:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2009311 in cinnamon (Ubuntu) "cinnamon-settings.py crashed with UnboundLocalError in create_scaled_surface(): cannot access local variable 'pixbuf' where it is not associated with a value" [Medium, New]15:06
ioriaJackneill, dpkg -l | grep goa | nc termbin.com 999915:06
Jackneillioria, https://termbin.com/1p5u15:07
ioriaJackneill, env | grep SESSION_DESKTOP15:09
Jackneillioria,  XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=cinnamon15:11
ioriaJackneill, ps -A | grep -i xorg15:12
Jackneillioria,    2138 tty2     00:09:50 Xorg15:16
Jackneill 105182 tty3     00:00:36 Xorg15:16
Jackneilli have 2 user logins now, but the error was there with 1 also15:16
NiclosIs there any way to integrate two LDAPs on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?15:20
ioriaJackneill, cat -n /usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/cinnamon-settings.py  | nc termbin.com 999915:21
RilixitI NEED HELP15:26
Rilixitanyone ?15:27
Rilixithello ?15:27
oerhekshi Rilixit, ask wait and see15:27
Rilixitso i cloned my hdd to an ssd using macrium reflect 815:27
Rilixitbut the Pc's bios does not recognise it15:27
ioriaJackneill, ubuntucinnamon-environment maybe missing15:28
oerheksRilixit, does not see it at all, or just cannot boot from it?15:30
Rilixitit doesnt see15:30
Rilixitsometimes it doesnt boot15:30
oerhekssounds like a hw issue..15:30
Rilixitssd is sata III but the PC is sata II15:30
Rilixitis that it ?15:30
Rilixiti thought SATA was backwards compatiable15:31
oerheksmost pc's do, yes15:31
oerheksbut sometimes it works, so it not the bios/pc15:31
oerhekscheck cable and power, i have no clue15:31
Rilixitfor the record the PC is a dell Inspiron 1525 and the ssd is a zebronicss-d5215:32
Jackneillioria, oh indeed its not installed15:32
iorialet's try it an reboot15:32
Jackneillthe site i got the pkg list for cinnamon de install didnt list it. just a group package if i recall cinnamon or something15:32
Jackneillmaybe should be included in the meta pkg?15:33
Jackneilli cant reboot now as im copying files for another 35 min (new install), after that i will try, thank you15:33
ioria cinnamon-desktop-environment15:33
RilixitJackneill I'm pretty sure apt has cinnamon15:34
Rilixitthat's how I installed it15:34
ioriaor cinnamon-desktop-environment15:34
Rilixitsudo apt install cinnamon-desktop-environment15:34
oerheks!info ubuntucinnamon-desktop15:35
ubottuubuntucinnamon-desktop (23.04.4, lunar): Complete desktop of Ubuntu Cinnamon. In component universe, is optional. Built by ubuntucinnamon-meta. Size 5 kB / 13 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, mips64el, ppc64el, s390x.)15:35
Rilixitthe problem isn't going15:36
maxtimI'm running Pop_OS!. I can connect to my Debian machine using ssh. I cannot connect to one of my Ubuntu machines via ssh. However, same LAN, different machine, I can connect to the Ubuntu machine. How can I troubleshoot this issue?15:43
NiclosHi all, Is there any way to integrate two different LDAPs on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?15:44
pickHi are the directions given for 20.04 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack    current for 22.04 or is there a more current reference for using HWE or OEM Kernels?16:25
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:28
lotuspsychjeis what we usualy provide to users16:28
lotuspsychjepick: are you looking for a specific layout?16:28
pickpardon, what is layout?16:29
lotuspsychjepick: i mean are you looking for something specific to solve on your system like an oem kernel for a specific brand for example?16:30
pickI'm trying, on an Ubuntu certified Dell laptop with hybrid NVidia/Intel graphics, to get external monitors to work.16:30
lotuspsychje!hardware | pick16:31
ubottupick: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:31
oerheksi see 22.04 is not on that page;  sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04  # and for oem it is still the same16:31
maxtimI can ping the host, I can traceroute the host. tcptraceroute fails. telnet fails. Yet I know port 22 is open since I can ssh to other machines and I can ssh to the host from other machines. So what gives? Also worth noting, same results either wired ethernet or wifi...16:33
pickI've tried to read up on the difference between OEM and HWE without comprehension; is OEM more bleeding edge?16:33
lotuspsychjepick: in some cases, a specific brand will get recognized by ubuntu setup and pull a specific OEM kernel, some users reported that in the past happening16:33
oerheks!info linux-oem-22.04 jammy16:33
ubottulinux-oem-22.04 (, jammy): Complete OEM Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-oem-5.17. Size 2 kB / 10 kB. (Only available for amd64.)16:33
lotuspsychjepick: but for dell, some cases you might need packages from dells repos too, and there are packages for dell on the ubuntu repos16:33
pick!info linux-generic-hwe-22.0416:34
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-22.04 (, lunar): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 15 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)16:34
pick!info linux-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy16:34
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-6.2. Size 2 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)16:34
picklotuspsychje: how to know whether I need those other repository and which to use?16:36
pickWhere is the Dell repository documented?16:36
lotuspsychjepick: usualy apt is pretty intuitive and picks the best packages for your hardware16:37
redlegionanyone know how to get F12 to send F12 with byobu/tmux?16:37
lotuspsychjepick: but in some cases your end desktop install doesnt seem to have all your hardware devices working, it might need finetuning16:37
lotuspsychjepick: i think the best case to start with, is this installing ubuntu connected to internet and let apt pull updates during setup16:46
Niclos98Hello all, Is there any way to integrate two different LDAPs on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?17:13
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tomreynNiclos98: what do you mean by "integrate"? do you want to run two ldap server instances on one ubuntu server installation? do you want to have pam do ldap lookups against multiple directory servers?18:10
tomreyn(and why is this a realistic use case?)18:11
Niclos98tomreyn: I have two domains that have LDAP/AD, so I want those domain users to access the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server? One of the domains already LDAP is integrated, so just add the other one.18:25
tomreynNiclos98: if you're using sssd, you should be able to define different lookup servers for different domains: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd-ldap18:28
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Niclos98tomreyn: So, just add the second domain to /etc/sssd/sssd.conf --configuration file?19:12
tomreynNiclos98: i'd think so (but have not set this up myself)19:20
topcat001BinarySavior: can you explain how your graphics is set up? Is it a laptop with optimus, or a desktop with a single nvidia gpu?19:25
H3dn1ngWhere are snap install/uninstall logs?20:17
oerhekszgrep snapd $(/bin/ls -r /var/log/syslog*) | grep -v audit20:19
oerheksalso; snap changes # will let you know what changed.20:20
oerhekssudo snap logs SNAP_NAME -f # per application20:22
H3dn1ngoerheks: sudo snap logs firefox -f20:29
H3dn1ngfel: snap "firefox" has no services20:29
H3dn1ngoerheks: snap changes is very short term, for some reason20:30
oerheksi see, i tried with redis, that worked...20:31
oerhekszgrep snapd $(/bin/ls -r /var/log/syslog*) | grep -v firefox20:32
H3dn1ngoerheks: Thanks for ur help. I'm looking for install/upgrade/unisntall info :)20:36
joseph1I have to hand it to ubuntu - I just has a "linux" friend install mx-linux - what a disaster - I finally convinced him to install ubuntu - everything worked. amazing. you people really have your stuff together.20:44
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)20:48
joseph1hey oerheks , thanks buddy.20:48
joseph1I came from bsd 3.6 and mandrake when I installed ubuntu 6.06 - never looked back.20:49
joseph1Have a good day folks.20:50
ash_mI have a repo apparently in apt which is missing a key and causing apt-update to fail; I actually don't remember why this repo is even there, is there a way for me to find out?21:25
ravageash_m: try https://github.com/ericj112/ppa-tool/blob/master/ppa-tool.sh21:26
ravageor for a direct download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ericj112/ppa-tool/master/ppa-tool.sh21:27
ravage© EriC^^ :)21:28
* ash_m trying it21:29
ash_mwell, it does tell me that the ppa in question is active; but I'm trying to get an idea of what software is associated with that ppa21:31
ash_minteresting, that's not in the help21:31
ravageecho "-i, --installedlist installed packages from ppa"21:32
ash_mwhen I did `ppa-tool.sh -i` it said: Error: ppa list file ... doesn't exsit21:32
ash_mand `apt update` fails because of the key21:33
ash_mit's for http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ars3n1y/xUbuntu_21.04/21:33
ash_mis ars3n1y a trusted user?21:33
ravagethst looks old21:33
ash_mit might be; if I had to guess, I would bet this was in an attempt to install tdlib-purple to use telegram on bitlbee21:34
ravageit provides libpurple-telegram-tdlib21:34
ash_mravage: wow21:34
ravageremove the package. delete the list file21:34
ravagebe happy21:34
ash_mwow @ (1) I was right and (2) you found that so quickly; how did you know?21:35
ravagelooked at https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ars3n1y/xUbuntu_21.04/Packages21:35
ash_mi see; I don't think there is a good terminal program for telegram anymore21:37
ash_mravage: E: Unable to locate package libpurple-telegram-tdlib21:37
ash_mso then I should just remove the repo, yea?21:38
ravagethen skip step one and delete the list file :)21:38
ash_mravage: by "list file" you mean the one in the message: Error: ppa list file /var/lib/apt/lists/download.opensuse.org_repositories_home:_ars3n1y_xUbuntu_21.04_dists____*_Packages doesn't exist21:38
oerhekshttps://github.com/majn/telegram-purple as https://github.com/ars3niy/tdlib-purple is old21:38
ash_moerheks: yeah21:39
ravageash_m: it should be in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/21:39
ash_mokay, probably the one that says that funky user name :P21:39
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ash_myay; it's working21:40
ash_mravage: I'm on step 3 now21:40
ash_m(be happy)21:40
ravagegreat :D21:40
ravagefor telegram and all other messangers i moved to matrix. but thats a personal preference :)21:41
ash_mravage: I have only used matrix as a webgui. Is it also a terminal client?21:42
ravagei think there is more than one21:42
joseph1whoever did that - thanks - I get it.21:42
ravageash_m: https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/21:42
ash_misn't matrix now element?21:42
ash_moh it isn't21:43
ash_melement is a certain client21:43
ash_mravage: is the one that you use a terminal client?21:44
ravageno i just use Element. i dont need a terminal client really on the desktop21:44
ash_mall the terminal ones listed there are α or β21:51
ash_mlooks like znc is gonna be restarted, ttys21:52
ash_mis there an easy way to restart an encrypted device remotely?21:57
joseph1over clocked to +3675 - excellent - well done.22:19
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joseph1I need more goodies.22:30
joseph1Is a ham radio repairman - bring it.22:32
Eickmeyer!info hamradio-all22:33
ubottuhamradio-all (0.8, lunar): Default selection of tasks for Debian Hamradio. In component universe, is optional. Built by debian-hamradio. Size 4 kB / 10 kB22:33
joseph1looks - thanks.22:34
Eickmeyer!info klog22:34
ubottuklog (2.3-1, lunar): Multiplatform ham radio logging program. In component universe, is optional. Built by klog. Size 1,469 kB / 5,457 kB22:34
EickmeyerTons of stuff for ham radio in the repos. Just 'sudio apt search ham radio'.22:34
Eickmeyer*sudo apt search ham radio22:35
sarnold(no need for sudo there :)22:35
* archpc tosses a Lunar Lobster into the room, runs away22:35
EickmeyerTrue, habit be habiting.22:35
joseph1I dont do packet but strictly rf out-put -  I build high power amps.22:35
EickmeyerYeah, I don't know enough, but there's tons of stuff.22:36
joseph1Mostly 2sc-2879.22:36
Eickmeyer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯22:36
joseph1@ 17-21 volts.22:36
joseph1class AB22:36
EickmeyerThere's even a podcast called Linux in the Ham Shack that you might enjoy.22:36
joseph1I also help out the 11 meter "responsible" users, who know antenna theory.22:38
joseph1Thanks for your help Ekuzu.22:39
joseph1chow folks.22:40
ash_mI know I've asked this before but does anyone have any idea how I might find out why some apps end up behind the launcher in maximized mode after waking? I have some journal output, but I don't really know what I'm looking for22:46
sarnoldash_m: wild guess, try disabling all your gnome extensions, see if you can reproduce it, bring them back one at a time, see if you can reproduce it, etc22:48
joseph1I have a set of cams - chinese - with solar charging - with separate router manual connect - how would zone-minder work . just a suggestion.22:51
joseph1or - what would - yes - cams are - wireless.22:52
joseph1without etho22:53
joseph1on their own.22:53
joseph1wait - with etho - on their own.22:54
joseph1I get it - hard call - ill just load another hd and try - thanks22:57
sarnold.. did you ever get around to an actual question in there? :)22:58
joseph1and stop the updates when it works - el-oh-el.22:58
joseph1kinda sarnold22:58
joseph1lemme ask again22:58
joseph1I have a set of wireless cams - they need to work to my machine - without actual - internet.22:59
joseph1they have a personal router.23:00
sarnoldI think you might have been on the right track with "I'll just .. try"  :) there's hundreds of cameras and some are hardcoded to send their video to cloud servers on the internet, some can be configured where they should send their video, some will probably require network-level configuration, etc ..23:03
joseph1thanks for your help sarnold . have a super day - im out for the nite with silly questions - thanks sarnold .23:04
sarnoldgn8 joseph1 :)23:04
ash_msarnold: I'm about to ask something stupid: how do you disable gnome extensions?23:05
sarnoldash_m: hah, good question :) I've never actually used it..23:05
ash_mI think they're installed/managed through chromium iirc23:07
sarnoldoh sheeeesh is there no friendly control panel thing for it? the website does sure look like the browser is the way to do it. heh.23:08
sarnoldmaybe ls ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions     -- lets see if this is remotely useful23:08
ash_mI haven't gone through the steps on this machine to set that up; there's some native thing you have to enable lest you get a big warning about it; that said, it didn't really say anything was installed; I'll check that dir23:11
ash_msarnold: that directory doesn't exist, it's parent has children: ["Standard input code","application_state","gnome-overrides-migrated","notifications"]23:14
ash_mnot that first one23:14
sarnoldash_m: well, the good news is that this isn't likely to be your problem ;) the bad news is, it was my only idea :(23:15
sarnoldhe'd have an idea, but it's too early for him23:15
sarnoldin the meantime, I suggest filing a bug report; ubuntu-bug gnome-shell -- and describe how to see what you're seeing, include a screenshot if you can :)23:15
ash_mthere are several lines in the journal output that have terminal=? ... could that mean anything23:16
ash_mthere's already this, but it doesn't have a lot of traction; my guess is many people don't have this problem... I don't know why I'm one of the few that do23:16
ash_m^ this*23:17
pickoerheks: thank you that ubuntu Dell link seems helpful, will try23:17
ash_mthis is the second device to experience this problem so I can only guess it's (1) some software I installed... I do use `xclip -sel c` a lot /shrug. or (2) the fact that both machines came with windows preinstalled (former was an MSI, new one is Dell)23:21
ash_mdunno why that would mean anything but I've seen stranger things in my life23:21
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sarnoldash_m :( still, it's probabyl worth a bug report; the one comment suggests suspend/resume as a proximate event, that's probably worth mentioning if you see that or if you don;t23:44
Jinsuhey, what is mtu size by default in ubuntu ?23:46
preson1ci can pretty much trust that linux/ubuntu wont make ANY modifications to drive after i plug in via usb, i have to make an EXACT image using dd23:53
sarnoldthat is not a safe assumption23:53
sarnoldubuntu by default mounts things when they are plugged in23:53
preson1cmount and modify?23:54
sarnoldyou should not be using ubuntu to collect drive images for forensics, without taking steps to prevent automatic drive mounting first23:54
ash_msarnold: which client do you use for matrix?23:55
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sarnoldash_m: I use irssi for irc. no matrix.23:55
ash_msarnold: I thought you use matrix for tg and all non-irc comms?23:55
sarnoldash_m: nope; there's another sarnold in gentoo-land, I understand, maybe that's him you're thikning of?23:56
ash_mwtf. I swear it was today I was talking to someone here about it23:56
* ash_m is looking in log files23:56
sarnold2023-08-23 21:41:38 < ravage> for telegram and all other messangers i moved to matrix. but thats a personal preference :)23:57
ash_mthat's it23:58
ash_mand I just realized that I don't know where my logs are23:58
ash_mI have znc running and attach irssi to that23:59
ash_mon a remote machine23:59
ash_mI ssh'ed into the user running znc and irclogs/libera-znc only has 2 files23:59

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