
=== Kuraokam1 is now known as Kuraokami
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> Why on earth is the default swap file on a new install only 2GB? This results on a computer with 8GB RAM in stalls and quitting of background apps without notification. It's not a smooth experience and can be fixed easily by increasing the swap file size. It's a bug if you ask me.07:21
weedmicbauchhause - i have been informed that the "reason" is that most will not actually use 8gb of ram and "sleep" would store the active ram.  however, i have an odd view of sleep as I see only the complaints.  I am still in the school of the swap should match the ram.  so yes, if you want to use sleep and have 64gb of ram, better make swap 64gb.  besides, the smallest drives are like 2-4tb - so who cares.07:31
IrcsomeBot<YesEyeCan> I thought it was good to have 1.5x the amount of RAM08:40
mparilloI agree. I make my swap = RAM, 1.5x RAM if I want to sleep. You can always add a swap file in addition to your swap partition.09:23
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> mparillo: so why does a fresh install of kubunto only make a swap file (no partition) of 2GB no matter how big the RAM is?11:53
karstenkplease can somebody help me with my kvm host interface, which does not let passthrough to virbr0, but have allready forwarded port 53.12:12
karstenkmy host has a single network interface and the virbr0 nat interface running a debian system with dockerd at, nameresolution works fine at virbr0 interface, but the forwarding from enp4s0 to virbr0 does not :-(12:15
karstenkwhat ive mist, is docker is running a pihole container. But this side works fine. But I get not the request of my physical lan into it12:16
BluesKajHi all13:11
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IrcsomeBot<James> Luff18:54
IrcsomeBot<James> Kyff18:54
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=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom

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