wxl | thanks for the fix @tsimonq2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/1795278/comments/20 | 01:00 |
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1795278 in software-properties (Ubuntu Lunar) "software-properties-{qt,kde} attempts to use KUrl but it doesn't exist" [Undecided, Triaged] | 01:00 | |
tsimonq2 | No worries :) | 01:00 |
wxl | that has been ongoing FOREVER so that is a big win | 01:02 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: good now fix more bugs mr. green ~lubuntu-dev XD | 01:04 |
wxl | gimme something to work on (not glibc) XD | 01:05 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Can you look at the wip-qt6 branch of both qtermwidget and qterminal and figure out why that process is being forked to the background? | 01:07 |
tsimonq2 | :) | 01:07 |
wxl | wait you run it and it just forks to the background? | 01:08 |
tsimonq2 | No, so you open qterminal, and it pops up with a back background and a cursor, but entering text does nothing. | 01:09 |
tsimonq2 | Via the terminal output, you can see the PID for the bash session. That's confirmed by looking at the files under /proc/$PID | 01:09 |
tsimonq2 | Something isn't properly connected, or being forked to the background. I looked at it with GDB a week or two back and pasted as far as I got. | 01:10 |
wxl | have you discussed this with the lxqt team? | 01:10 |
tsimonq2 | 01:03 < tsimonq2> src/termwidget.cpp:85 has startShellProgram(); - adding yet another breakpoint | 01:10 |
tsimonq2 | 01:17 < tsimonq2> 214 if (_eraseChar != 0) | 01:10 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: No, because it's all in WIP Qt 6 branches. :P | 01:10 |
tsimonq2 | I don't quite think they care right now. | 01:11 |
wxl | sure but still | 01:11 |
tsimonq2 | at least Alf isn't the one responding anymore ;) | 01:11 |
* tsimonq2 runs | 01:11 | |
wxl | fair enough | 01:12 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: You're welcome to take a look at that, otherwise OEM instructions for Cala are already documented upstream and just need implementing, or a module for a minimal install. | 01:12 |
tsimonq2 | lxqt-qtplugin is probably next for a Qt 6 port to get theming working | 01:12 |
tsimonq2 | Qt 6 apps look fugly right now | 01:12 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> admittedly they just released qt5 support with an announcement that qt6 is in WIP | 01:12 |
tsimonq2 | *shrug* | 01:13 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> i'd just make a discussion on the subject. i'm sure they'd be partial to someone moving things forward | 01:13 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> that's what *i* would do if i ran with this | 01:13 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> that said maybe i'll give a go at cala | 01:13 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> so OEM should be easy but you're talking about writing a module for minimal? | 01:16 |
tsimonq2 | yeah just a simple GUI module | 01:17 |
wxl | ok | 01:17 |
tsimonq2 | I think there *might* be a step at the end that just removes all the unnecessary packages and such, could just be added to that list if it's not shellprocess or similar | 01:17 |
tsimonq2 | might have an apt purge call on the backend or similar if nothing is built in already | 01:18 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> seems like doing a full install only to remove packages is inconsistent with my definition of minimal | 01:18 |
tsimonq2 | That's what the main installer does XD | 01:18 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> i know. KISS might be a better approach here | 01:19 |
tsimonq2 | I think they were working on stacked squashfses at some point, not sure how far that went | 01:19 |
tsimonq2 | KISS in what respect here? | 01:19 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> minimal should install only what needs to be installed | 01:19 |
tsimonq2 | https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/livecd-rootfs/add_multi_layered_squashfses_support/+merge/358490 | 01:20 |
lubot | [matrix] <kc2bez> Xubuntu has 2 different isos now for this if I am not mistaken | 01:22 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> wow fancy. that would be the fix | 01:22 |
lubot | [matrix] <kc2bez> I wrote a module to do the removal a while back but it felt hacky | 01:23 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> Dan Simmons: xubuntu has a regular and a minimal iso? | 01:23 |
lubot | [matrix] <kc2bez> I think so, yes | 01:23 |
lubot | [matrix] <wxl> huh ok well more things to explore | 01:23 |
tsimonq2 | https://git.launchpad.net/livecd-rootfs/tree/live-build/auto/config XD | 01:24 |
lubot | [telegram] <teward001> tsimonq2: we *are* at feature freeze aren't we? If so then qt6 is probably a no-go unless you *know* theres an ffe for it | 03:43 |
lubot | [telegram] <teward001> at least in regards to flavors. | 03:43 |
=== Kuraokam1 is now known as Kuraokami | ||
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> Source NEW doesn't need an FFe remember? :P (re @teward001: tsimonq2: we *are* at feature freeze aren't we? If so then qt6 is probably a no-go unless you *know* theres an ffe for it) | 20:54 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> It's a general needle that needs pushing forward. Future goal that, if knocked out, will let us not worry as much about that and focus on other things the next few years | 20:54 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> It's not necessary something where I'm saying "hey let's shove it all through this cycle" although Qt 6 theming would be pretty sick ngl | 20:55 |
lubot | [telegram] <tsimonq2> *necessarily | 20:55 |
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