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=== shokohsc51083 is now known as shokohsc5108
Grabunhold__hey guys! I'm using an autoinstaller for ubuntu 20.04, and just today it stopped working. I'm using curl in the user-data field "late-commands", and it quits with "curl: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /snap/subiquity/5004/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpsl.so.5)"12:08
Grabunhold__any ideas? :)12:08
weedmicupi can remove "snap subiquity" and install the real "ubiquity" from muon.  12:13
weedmicyou not upi fingres in wrong plejc12:13
Grabunhold__i'm not sure what that means12:14
Grabunhold__what's upi?12:15
weedmicyou are using snap subiquity - I am suggesting you uninstall it and replace with with ubiquity (but install it via muon so it installs correctly).  NOTE:  muon is the software manager with ubuntu12:16
weedmicmight also be synaptic - unsure how some get one or the other.12:17
tomreynweedmic: i think muon is a graphical package manager for kde12:17
tomreynsubiquity is the (snap based) ubuntu server installer12:17
tomreynwhich comes with the ubuntu server installer iso12:18
weedmicty - but his snap version is not working - I suggested he use ubiquity instead of the snap version12:18
rbasakGrabunhold__: there's a guide here12:18
rbasakGrabunhold__: what you describe sounds like a bug, but it isn't clear without exact steps to reproduce please12:19
Grabunhold__what i'm doing: i'm fetching the ubuntu server ISO, place it on a http server along with the "user-data" file for the autoinstaller, extract kernel and initramfs from the serve that via pxe / tftp with kernel arguments pointing to the iso file 12:19
Grabunhold__here are the kernel parameters: kernel casper/vmlinuz initrd=initrd root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=1500000 ip=dhcp fsck.mode=skip url= autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s= cloud-config-url=
Grabunhold__in the autoinstall/ubuntu/20.04 directory are the meta-data and user-data files for the autoinstaller12:22
Grabunhold__my user-data starts with:12:23
Grabunhold__  version: 112:23
Grabunhold__  refresh-installer:12:23
Grabunhold__    update: yes12:23
Grabunhold__i have tried changing that to "no", but then the installer won't even get to the "late-commands" stage12:23
rbasakdbungert: does this look like a bug to you? ^12:24
Grabunhold__if i use wget instead of curl in my late-commands, everything is working12:28
Grabunhold__i ssh'd into the live environment after the autoinstaller failed, and curl isn't even usable from the cli there. same error.12:29
Grabunhold__i can post the whole autoinstaller log to nopaste if it helps to debug12:29
weedmictry "which curl" on the live environment12:29
Grabunhold__oops, i can't any more - reinstall is in progress with the wget-variant...12:32
weedmicfyi, you can open many terminals at once12:34
weedmicwell, unless you mean OS reinstall :o12:34
rbasakGrabunhold__: if you boot the vanilla ISO, does curl work from there?12:37
rbasakIf not, I think it's worth a bug report - https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+filebug12:37
Grabunhold__weedmic: i meant OS reinstall ;)12:44
Grabunhold__the setup is an intel nuc minicomputer connected to an RPi, the RPi serving as the dhcp / pxe / tftp & web server12:45
Grabunhold__the nuc then netboots into the autoinstaller12:45
Grabunhold__rbasak: i'll try in a virtual machine12:45
weedmicouch, but... it only takes about 10 mins +/- so why not have a clean start12:47
weedmicfirst thing after the install, do "which curl" to see if it is there at all12:47
Grabunhold__weedmic: the machine was being reinstalled anyway, that was the reason for starting the autoinstaller in the first place ;)12:50
weedmicI like to tweak new machines to perfection, sometimes harden them too, then I clone the drives before use - so if I screw it up later, i have a quick way to restore to prefection.12:52
Grabunhold__my approach is autoinstaller + ansible12:54
Grabunhold__okay, i just booted a virtual machine with the ubuntu server iso, let the installer update itself via snap, changed to a shell and "curl" still works in there12:58
Grabunhold__so it must be something specific to the autoinstall environment12:58
tomreyni just did the same and confirm12:59
Grabunhold__it was reproducible when i used the autoinstaller. steps taken:13:01
Grabunhold__ - boot into autoinstaller via netboot13:01
Grabunhold__ - let autoinstaller update itself13:01
Grabunhold__ - run through OS installation (no errors here)13:01
Grabunhold__ - get to "late-commands" portion of the autoinstall, curl fails with the aforementioned glibc symbol error13:01
Grabunhold__ - ssh into the "installer" account, curl fails on that shell too with the same error13:01
tomreynhmm, i'm trying to repro that via ssh login, but always end up in the installer (can spawn a shell from there again, but this is not the same environment as the late commands one, as discussed above)13:15
ograsmells like a packaging error of the installer snap ... this is a classic snap and the packager needs to make 100 sure that the environments of the host vs the snap never leak into each other, the libc error is a clear indicator for exactly this happening 13:18
dbungertcurl in the install iso is not related in any way to the snap of subiquity14:11
Grabunhold__what ogra says feels like it matches the situation. i can't easily reproduce any more, the workaround with wget got the system up and running and i'm busy doing the rest of the provisioning work14:25
dbungertGrabunhold__: I just ran a reproduce attempt on this and wasn't able to see a problem.  If the environment is an issue, you may have better luck with "env -i curl ..." - don't feel obligated but if you do get enough info for a bug report please file.  Thanks.14:27
Grabunhold__dbungert: okay, let's see if i can reproduce it later on. now that the production machine in question was installed successfully, i'd have to set up a testing environment with a spare machine to try and reproduce14:32
dbungertGrabunhold__: no rush, thank you14:35
Grabunhold__dbungert: i still have a "screenshot" (taken by my coworker who is at the office with the machines, I'm remote): https://imgur.com/a/nNGycxw14:42
Grabunhold__the error noted in the /var/crash log was "curl: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by /snap/subiquity/5004/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpsl.so.5)", and when pressing enter to activate a shell curl was broken in the same way, too14:42
dbungertGrabunhold__: ok, I have a reproducer, you don't need to setup a testing environment14:44
Grabunhold__dbungert: oh cool!14:44
Grabunhold__so it's not only me, that always feels good :D14:45
dbungertyes, env -i fixes it, so I know the next steps.  Thanks again Grabunhold__ for reporting.14:52
Grabunhold__dbungert: if it isn't too much of a hassle, could you explain what happened?14:52
dbungertcommands that live outside the snap should be running with an environment that does not use stuff inside the snap.  In this case it was a mix of libraries from inside the snap + curl outside, which went poorly.14:53
dbungertso {early,late}-commands should be run with a clean environment, which might be interesting if we're trying to run something provided in the snap14:54
Grabunhold__dbungert: so the curl command comes from the live env, but the ld search path includes stuff from the subiquity snap, leading to the glibc mismatch?15:06
dbungertGrabunhold__: I believe so yes, not confirmed though15:06
Grabunhold__dbungert: okay, understood. but you are able to reproduce it now if i understood correctly?15:07
dbungertGrabunhold__: yes, without question.  I will file a bug later today and I hope to get this fixed in time for 23.10.  Depends what happens if the user is intending to run something inside the snap, otherwise the fix is straightforward.15:08
Grabunhold__dbungert: cool. shoot me a link to the bugreport if you file, i'll be interested to follow along!15:10
dbungertGrabunhold__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2032961 - here's an empty bug report, I'll fill in the details after meetings15:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2032961 in subiquity "late-commands in focal iso may fail with symbol errors" [Undecided, New]15:12
Grabunhold__dbungert: fantastic, many thanks for your time and expertise15:12
=== shokohsc51083 is now known as shokohsc5108
l3vihi, i have a few Ubuntu servers and would love to pay for Pro. Can I use a personal Pro on a server? 21:30
sarnoldl3vi: "personal" usually means one of the free tiers, with five machines21:34
l3vithanks, sarnold! Can the free tier be used on personal servers?21:37
sarnoldl3vi: yup :)21:38
l3viand if I have 6 servers, can I pay $25/year and use that on the sixth server?21:40
sarnoldl3vi: that's a good question ;) I don't know. based on what I see in my personal ubuntu pro dashboard it feels like that's exactly how it works.21:44
=== shokohsc51082 is now known as shokohsc5108

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