
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Hey03:42
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Anyone here?03:42
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Can somebody help me my bluetooth headphone is getting connected but no audio03:43
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> Previously it was working fine with audio and no mic , when I tried to fix mic now even audio isn't working03:43
MetamorphosisDear all, how much swap is suggested for someone with 6gb ram (mind you I have a 1tb hdd)04:32
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tomreynMetamorphosis: if you need to suspend to disk (hibernate) then same as RAM. otherwise, 1 or 2 GB is enough.04:55
Metamorphosistomreyn in another channel someone told me to allocate 14gb04:56
tomreyni don't see why that would make sense04:56
tomreynwere any explanations provided?04:56
Metamorphosishere is what they said : if you want to use hibernation, then you want to have atleast as much ram plus some extra. 10-16GB would be good depending on what ever things you use that might also use swap04:57
tomreynit's true that you'd need extra swap space to hibernate if some ram is already swapped out.04:59
tomreynis your plan to hibernate, though?04:59
Metamorphosishow much do you suggest for root partition /04:59
MetamorphosisI have allocated 500 mb to efi partition04:59
tomreynalso swap space usually goes to a file nowadays, not to a partition05:00
tomreynfor kubuntu, if you have plenty of space for desktop use, i'd say 25 or 30 GB for /05:01
tomreynplus space for swapping, if you'll use a file05:02
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq says this for 6 GB physical RAM: 2GB swap without hibernation, 8 GB with hibernation, maximum that could ever make sense 12 GB.05:05
tomreynMetamorphosis: i would appreciate you not asking the same question in 3 or more channels05:07
MetamorphosisI do appreciate your answers but I said since the beginning that I have asked this in other channels.05:08
MetamorphosisI also asked the same question from ChatGPT05:08
MetamorphosisOpinions are very different and I'm confused as a newbie05:08
IrcsomeBot<ADHIVP> ? (re @ADHIVP: Can somebody help me my bluetooth headphone is getting connected but no audio)05:32
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BluesKajHi all12:58
skramerHi BluesKaj13:03
skramerYou have any idea, why the login screen background always switches back to standard whereas I changed it to same as Desktop background?13:05
skramerI do have this behaviour only on a machine where 22.04 has been newly installed. The laptop upgraded from18.04 to 20.04 to 22.04 works normally as expected13:06
skramerBesides, on that machine under "Recently used apps" Firefox is always listed two times. Don't know where that does come from & never experienced such behaviour before13:08
BluesKajhi skramer, I'm still trying to figure that one out myself ...my laptop and pc behave differentlywith the same settings on the login background13:09
skramerBluesKaJ: Yes, that's strange & I never noticed something like that since 1994 ;)14:11
skramerBluesKaj: It's definitely nothing enoying very much. But how come? ...and why there is different behaviour between upgraded systems and newly installed ones?14:13
skramerBluesKaj: That's what is the most interesting question in my opinion14:15
skramerBluesKaj: Besides, there is also why are there are two Firefoxes under "Recently used" and I also still see entries of apps which have been completely removed and should not be shown there anyway.14:17
skramer*question why14:18
skramerDo you have any idea whom to contact regarding this issue?14:26
BluesKajskramer, you could try #kubuntu-devel chat although it's not very active atm, or the #kde chat14:30
diogenes_Vx15if something like this happens after an upgrade, i ususally create a new user just to see if logging as a brand new user, fixes the issue.14:31
skramerBluesKaj: diogenes_Vx15 - Did he even read what we were talking about :))14:56
BluesKajskramer, that's what I call a roundabout workaround, "changing the user fixes everything"15:10
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IrcsomeBot<salapin> w9gi15:20
IrcsomeBot<salapin> W9GA15:20
IrcsomeBot<salapin> Hello everyone.15:23
IrcsomeBot<salapin> Some time ago I was testing the ubuntu distribution, but there was one thing for which I had to go back to gnome. I have a NAS and for me it is essential to be able to see the thumbnail images of the videos that I have on the NAS when I access them by smb, do you know if this has been solved? Thank you all in advance for any help you can give me15:23
tomreynsalapin: this channel in particular is about kubuntu, the kde flavor. if you'd like to discuss ubuntu, which is based on gnome(-shell/mutter),  please connect an IRC client (or the webchat at https://web.libera.chat ) to ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/ubuntu15:26
kirvesAxeIt seems like salapin just neended to know if there is a file browser available for kubuntu which has the option to have thumbnails for videos stored on a smb NAS ...15:46
skramerBluesKaJ: I call it "I have no clue, but I do write something random". For less experienced people that is just desaster in my opinion15:49

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