
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 qt6 is src:NEW but that doesnt mean the other apps that exist are qt6.  Unless you're forking them all as NEW *that* is an FFe still01:31
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so all that work to move apps to qt6 is a ton of FFes for inclusion01:32
lubot[telegram] <teward001> or are you just trying to gey src:qt6 in01:32
lubot[telegram] <teward001> get*  ffs i cant type today01:32
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> src:qt6 unless you know how to duplicate a binary package with a single source and a patch on the second binary without a) breaking policy b) pissing off mapreri ;) (re @teward001: or are you just trying to gey src:qt6 in)18:23

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