
xypronI want to run an autopkgtest for the armhf on an arm64 machine. "autopkgtest -U --apt-pocket=proposed -a armhf -s <package>.dsc -- qemu autopkgtest-mantic-armhf.img" times our trying to find the long. It seems to invoke qemu-system-aarch64 with 64 bit EDK II (AAVMF_CODE.fd). man 1 autopkgtest-virt-qemu describes passing additional arguments but current adt_testbed.py only accepts a single argument being the image. Does anybody know the right command for08:30
xypronrunning the armhf test?08:30
cpaelzerxypron: the real tests on armhf do not run in a VM08:34
xyproncpaelzer: Should I use a schroot?08:34
cpaelzerthey run in armhf containers on arm64 host08:34
cpaelzerso do you want to "behave like the real armhf test" or "want an armhf emulation VM" ?08:35
xyproncpaelzer: I want them to stop where they fail for debugging. The closer to real the better.08:36
xyproncpaelzer: do you know which container to use and how to invoke the autopkgtest inside?08:36
cpaelzerI made this up here and didn't check my logs, but something like this maybe: autopkgtest -U --apt-pocket=proposed -a armhf -s <package>.dsc --  lxd ubuntu-daily:m08:36
xyproncpaelzer:  m or mantic?08:37
cpaelzerah wait, arch on the container image08:37
cpaelzerearliest match, either works08:38
cpaelzerbut you need /armhf I guess08:38
cpaelzerautopkgtest -U --apt-pocket=proposed -a armhf -s <package>.dsc --  lxd ubuntu-daily:mantic/armhf08:38
cpaelzerIf that isn't working I can look how I did it last time (sadly quite a while ago)08:38
cpaelzermemory is coming back ... you might also need autopkgtest-build-lxd08:41
cpaelzerIMHO it is always worth to look at the test in question, here a random armhf from autopkgtest ... -- lxd -r lxd-armhf- lxd-armhf-
cpaelzerobviously we do not have that image remote, hence try with a normal one or fall back creating a special one using the autopkgtest-build-lxd08:42
julianknormal ones should work ok these days for most cases08:56
cpaelzerwhich might be the reason I only faintly remembered autopkgtest-build-lxd for this case08:57
cpaelzerthanks for confirming juliank08:57
xyproncpaelzer: "W: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/mantic-proposed/InRelease  Could not connect to ports.ubuntu.com:80 (" - somehow the network does not work inside LXD08:57
cpaelzerxypron: I just tested this for you, and since I did I could also write it up for the next one asking09:08
cpaelzerxypron: this worked for me just now https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/pull/9009:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Pull 90 in canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook "Outline manunal armhf autopkgtest" [Open]09:09
cpaelzerxypron: if networking is still an issue depending on where you run maybe a proxy is needed?09:10
xyproncpaelzer: 'ufw disable' resolved the issue10:20
rbasakbryceh: o/ so on a Jammy system, you can run "PYTHONPATH=$PWD/sphinx-design sphinx-build doc/rst _build16:27
rbasakAnd that should build the sphinx docs from the top level of the git-ubuntu tree.16:27
rbasakThis depends on there being a local clone of https://github.com/executablebooks/sphinx-design16:28
rbasakOr you can do it the virtualenv pip way16:28
rbasakBut I currently do that, with "apt install python-sphinx python-sphinx-rtd-theme" first16:28
sergiodj@pilot in17:47
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