=== Erisa3 is now known as Erisa === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [02:10] is Ubuntu 22 more resource consuming then Ubuntu 20? [02:12] well it depends on what you are running [02:12] and what resources you are talking about [02:12] in generall [02:12] I have same computer [02:12] and app using cpu and ram [02:12] sometimes a lot [02:12] maybe a browser does consume more... [02:13] then again same browser on 20 too [02:15] what app is using a lot [02:15] or maybe the latest intel - AMD leaks cause this === shokohsc51088 is now known as shokohsc5108 [04:39] Dear all, how much swap is suggested for someone with 6gb ram (mind you I have a 1tb hdd) [04:48] Metamorphosis: Rule of thumb is twice the ram and a bit more --- say 14 Gigs for swap for hybernation purposes. [05:11] Metamorphosis, isTriskel Linux still a ting? === oerheks is now known as P01135809 === P01135809 is now known as oerheks [06:29] how to install usb driver for lubuntu [06:55] hello world === ubuntu is now known as Guest2163 === benfrancis4 is now known as benfrancis === shlom is now known as V1A === five61840 is now known as five6184 === Fisher244599 is now known as Fisher24459 [08:45] I had seen blogpost where one could use "ip maddr" to view multicast groups but i cannot find this feature in the ip command how do I view the multicast groups [08:49] aiena_: ip of iproute2 6.10 provides this feature [08:52] on oveeeery old ubuntu versions (which are likely out of support), you'd use "ipmaddr" (single word) instead. [08:52] (which would be part of net-tools there, not part of iproute2) [08:57] ubuntu 20.04's iproute2 5.5.0 provides this feature, too: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man8/ip-maddress.8.html === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex [09:13] I just upgraded to PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.14 on "Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS" and php include_path is no longer reading my include_path set by php_admin_value set inside of Apache/2.4.52 IfModule php_module set inside of a . php INfO Local_Value for include_path is still showing the default include path set in php.ini. Any suggestions on how to set a virtual host specific include path? [09:13] Thank you. [09:25] https://php.watch/versions/8.0/mod_php-rename [09:26] what version did you use before? [09:26] does it work if you remove the if? [09:27] ravagei was previously using Apache 2.0 Handler and it all worked [09:27] ravage was previously using Apache 2.0 Handler and it all worked [09:28] ravage the "release-upgrade" was a little rockey and required may workarounds [09:28] ravage server seems to be working fine. It just can not fine my php_include paths and page loads fail [09:29] ravage Maybe I should just switch back to Apache 2.0 Handler [09:30] (This is way I HATE doing release upgrades. it ALWAYS bonks my server. :-( === docmax_ is now known as docmax [11:07] what version of PHP does ubuntu install on release-upgrade to "Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS" [11:07] ? [11:20] How do I fix mouse lag on a Mir test server? [11:21] I managed to get Lomiri up and running but I can't get past the configuration screen due to cursor lag on the test server [11:25] Is there any way to fix cursor movement? (Specs: Ubuntu 22.04 on a VM, Mir installed from official repos) [11:43] BCB, [11:43] !info php jammy [11:43] php (2:8.1+92ubuntu1, jammy): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default). In component main, is optional. Built by php-defaults. Size 3 kB / 14 kB [11:44] https://launchpad.net/php/+packages === pah is now known as pa [12:02] how to make iso file for my current OS version? What it can include what can not? [12:03] I'm having Qt, sublime, some c++ libraries some folders need to be on some static place, I need to make bootable ISO with my Ubuntu 22 [12:04] just boot using the desktop installer / live iso and chroot into your persistent installation [12:25] tomreyn, can you please share some decent step by step guide [12:39] Yakov74: Are you joking? [12:39] with woman, sometimes, rarely [12:39] why? :) [12:41] Yakov74: chrooting is quite simple. Do you have problems with that? [12:41] looking at QT, you should start with Kubuntu, no? [12:50] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/02/cubic-is-a-custom-ubuntu-iso-creator and some screenshots https://github.com/PJ-Singh-001/Cubic [12:58] Hi all [13:44] !info php jammy [13:44] php (2:8.1+92ubuntu1, jammy): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default). In component main, is optional. Built by php-defaults. Size 3 kB / 14 kB [13:51] Yakov74: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1311905/how-to-fix-one-existing-ubuntu-installation-from-another#answers https://superuser.com/questions/111152/whats-the-proper-way-to-prepare-chroot-to-recover-a-broken-linux-installation#answers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure [15:01] hi [15:01] hi root [15:02] teste [15:02] teste 2222 [15:02] nejad: /join #tests [15:03] Guest970: you, too [15:03] hi nejad [15:04] nejad: humm? [15:16] shit [15:16] heello' [15:16] i got a gmrs lise [15:20] NIIGGER [15:20] NIGGER [15:20] tomreyn: would you? :) [15:20] !op | tomreyn [15:20] tomreyn: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [15:21] thx [15:22] you're welcome [16:25] so i use cubic I can do what? can I make ubuntu installer and my current desktop state? [16:27] Yakov: no package named "cubic" exists in ubuntu. [16:28] I need to make snapshot of my current OS including all dependencies and libraries and some specified folders [16:29] should I use cubic to make iso or this is diffent? [16:31] is there a way to make a ubuntu live cd (no hard drive for this part) that has the amdgpu driver pre-installed so upon boot i can run hashcat with gpu acceleration [16:32] amdgpu is in the kernel, so any ubuntu live iso supports it [16:32] maybe you're referring to the proprietary -pro overlay? [16:32] en11gma: you can also just install ubuntu to a usb stick. Or do you need "live" instead of "usb stick" for some reason? [16:34] or, better yet, a portable ssd [16:34] live [16:34] nope thats not my question [16:34] my question is can i be in a gpu accelerated enviroment from a ubuntu live enviroment [16:35] modify the ubuntu live iso? [16:35] or mane a new custom ubuntu live iso? [16:36] if you have suitable hardware, the ubuntu live system should run with gpu acceleration (but not gpu compute) out of the box [16:36] that's for amdgpu [16:36] so amdgpu will accelerate hashcat or does that use gpu compute? [16:36] let me google 1 sec [16:37] good plan! [16:42] does ubuntu use the amdgpu driver upon boot? [16:42] "ubuntu live" [16:48] en11gma: i expect it to. do you see otherwise? [16:53] im going to make a new daily iso and reboot. thanks === alchemist__ is now known as alchemist [18:13] im booted up into ubuntu live. my 6900xt isnt working with gpu acceleration with hashcat. i installed the rocm modeuls and hashcat but its not working. [18:14] am i on the correct driver? someone said amdgpu should work like this but im not sure if im even using amdgpu === ashafq_ is now known as ashafq [19:10] im booted up into ubuntu live. my 6900xt isnt working with gpu acceleration with hashcat. i installed the rocm modeuls and hashcat but its not working. [19:16] I would expect that any OS running off of a USB device would not have the full performance of a hard installation to a SATA drive. [19:17] en11gma: What do you plan to use the system for? Why live instead of installed? [19:17] please. im so far passed that. [19:18] same performance. [19:41] What an odd discussion... [19:45] that card needs amdgpu-pro .. and reboot? [19:45] good luck with live mode, en11gma [19:46] still trying. i joined #hashcat and see if they can help too === prdoxi is now known as paradoxi [20:42] anyone around that could help me figure out why my console and thunderbird end up behind the launcher after waking up my laptop? [20:59] ash_m: This isn't really a 1:1 thing, post your problem and see who responds. [20:59] ash_m: It would probably help if you confirmed which release you're on, and that it's the default Gnome desktop. === five61845 is now known as five6184 [21:31] jhutchins: (or anyone) sorry, yeah, that's what I've been doing; someone prompted me that "lotus" would be able to help, so I thought maybe I'd ask the way I did, but yeah, I have journal output, I'm on 22.04, stock DE, and it basically looks like this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1433479/maximized-windows-become-maximized-behind-launcher -- journal: [21:31] https://gist.github.com/ash-m/c18206d0d4249cf457bd760533a2eb53 === elias_ is now known as user2039 [21:38] ash_m, this is an ugly bug, linux wide, systemd .. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/1917939 [21:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1917939 in Mutter "Windows maximise underneath dock after monitor sleep" [Unknown, New] [21:40] from https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/1370 / https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/1627 [21:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1370 in micheleg/dash-to-dock "maximized windows resize to full screen and get cut off by dock" [Open] [21:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1627 in GNOME/mutter "Wayland: maximized windows extend under panels after screen blanking" [Opened] [21:41] Is switching to X a solution? [21:43] Hello all, I'm having some weird issue with routing the table in my Wi-Fi dev. I'm trying to connect to a different network and every time I need to add route for it work. Is there a way to save as a static tried via GUI didn't work. [21:44] xxx@xxx-ubuntu:~$ ip r s [21:44] default via dev wlo1 proto dhcp metric 600 [21:44] default via dev br0 proto static metric 20100 linkdown [21:44] dev br0 scope link metric 1000 linkdown [21:44] dev br0 proto kernel scope link src metric 425 linkdown [21:44] dev wlo1 proto kernel scope link src metric 600 [21:48] https://dpaste.com/3DR3RHWUL [21:48] sory for the huge paste [21:51] Zumo: I haven't worked with routing tables for a while, but I don't think you're supposed to have two "default" entries. [21:52] Zumo: What entry are you adding manually? [21:52] Zumo: Also how are you adding it? [21:53] one if for the vagrant it creates automatically, the other is the normal default to access the internet if I delete default bridge it will still not work. [21:53] sudo ip route add via dev wlo1 [21:56] Zumo: Could be a vagrant thing. [21:57] I can try and uninstall it [22:07] vagrant is uninstalled but the bridge still shows after deleting it [22:08] and restarting the network :/ [22:09] "restarting the network"? what's that? [22:16] tomreyn, thanks [22:33] sarnold nmcli networking off/on [22:33] ah. does NM do anything with bridges? [22:36] not if you didn't create the bridge with NM [22:36] https://dpaste.com/C3DVRH3K2 === Vercas4 is now known as Vercas [22:37] oh now that's interesting [22:38] Zumo: how did you create the bridge? [22:39] I installed vagrant for testing purposes [22:39] since I didn't needed it anymore I removed it [22:39] Zumo: what commands did you type in to create the bridge? [22:39] it was created automatically when I installed vagrant [22:39] maybe vagrant dropped config files, try find /etc/NetworkManager/ [22:40] unlikely [22:40] vagrant doesn't care about GUI applications [22:40] oh [22:40] Zumo: sudo grep -R br0 /etc/netplan [22:41] "/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml: br0:" [22:41] there you go [22:42] so should delete everything related to br0 or at least comment in that file? [22:42] Zumo: if you're just using Network Manager as part of your desktop GUI, then you probably aren't using anything in netplan. You can probably delete (or mv) that file [22:45] still here [22:46] Zumo: sudo ip link del br0 [22:48] https://dpaste.com/CUFC3LQ3J [22:48] Zumo: reboot [22:49] brb [22:51] well that worked [22:52] also fixed the routing table issue [22:52] thanks all [22:54] !cookie | leftyfb [22:54] leftyfb: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [22:55] !cookie | leftyfb [22:55] leftyfb: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [22:57] !cookie Your_Dog [22:57] !bot [22:57] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone [22:57] sadge [22:57] lets leave the bot alone please [23:37] Is it possible to set multiple bookmarks in the File Manager? [23:38] On Debian I had about half a dozen set up, but Ubuntu's File Manager only shows the first one I added. [23:39] Also, how can I turn on the image preview on the right-hand size? [23:39] s/size/side/ [23:54] Randy_: yes, you just drag and drop another directory to the sie [23:54] side*