[01:14] kirvesAxe: The answer there is likely Dolphin. [01:15] However, by default, not all thumbnail rendering engines are installed. Also, IIRC there is a setting to allow rendering of thumbs over a network drive. [01:16] The latter was desired by some because it would cause a lot of unwanted traffic for them. === mike_ is now known as user72186 [03:14] 91BGm [03:15] Are there real ppl here? [04:13] no, only IG posers === fredrik is now known as jxt447 [08:35] ? [11:13] I did not express myself well, is there any way to see the thumbnails of the videos stored in external drives by smb? [11:13] In kubuntu I say, with dolphin? (re @IrcsomeBot: salapin: this channel in particular is about kubuntu, the kde flavor. if you'd like to discuss ubuntu, which is based on gnome(-shell/mutter), please connect an IRC client (or the webchat at https://web.libera.chat ) to ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/ubuntu) [12:07] Hi all [14:13] salapin: ok, so you're perfectly right here, just i do not know the answer to your question (feel free to repeat your question, possibly after compacting it). ;-) [14:25] I think mmikowski already answered salapins's question 13 hours and 11 minutes ago. [14:26] So, Dolphin should have a setting somewhere to allow or deny rendering of thumbs over a network drive. Also, by default, not all thumbnail rendering engines are installed. [15:35] hi