
diamat_Greetings. Please can you unban me from #ubuntu?05:29
diamat_Oh, impossible. el is here.05:29
diamat_aka the person scanning the logs 24 hours a day.05:29
Eickmeyerdiamat_: And considering I've been monitoring, uh, no. Kthx.05:29
diamat_As I said.05:30
EickmeyerAnd since lurking is not allowed in this channel, is there anything else you need?05:30
diamat_I need your penis in my mouth05:30
Eickmeyerel ^ K-line plz?05:31
diamat_snitch Eickmeyer05:31
diamat_Eickmeyer, you're a snitch05:31
Eickmeyerdiamat_: They'd see it eventually.05:31
diamat_ok nazi05:31
valoriewhat a lovely visitor20:10
Eickmeyervalorie: Yeah, it was pretty bad. Earned themselves a ban then escalated themselves to a K-Line. Good times.22:58

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